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1、Unit14 语法点1.问主语是名字时,答用it。例:Is your name KittyYes,it is.2.年级、班级大写。例:Im in Class Sixteen,Grade Seven. sb. do sth. .let sb. not do sth.+to+do特殊疑问词+不定式. with sb.+三单 .sb. and sb. +原形 +大地方 .at+小地方看指代是单是复8.形容词词序: 主观 客观 颜色 材质9.提问后置定语时用Which of+csth.复数+三单+I 介词+me12.提问别忘介词13. What is sb. like What does sb. lo

2、ok like How does sb. look14.不定代词+三单 of X Each of+csth.复数+三单 csth.复数+each+非三单 Every+csth.单数+三单 lot of+n. a lot+非n.+the+乐器 play+球类/棋类单独使用可做副词修饰动词re welcome不用谢 from=be from good at=do well in +doing/sth. sb. about sth. sb. to do sth. tell sb. not to do sth.24. 系v.+adj. 系表结构 after well=take good care of

3、 old are you=Whats your age glad/happy to do sth.独用可单可复,修饰名词时用复数 for a walk=take a walk=go out for a walk,twice,three times.31.问频率(.times a .)用how often about you=How about you What about=How about + n./pron./doing Why not do sth.=Why dont you do sth.多虚无,与“假”相对:a true friend real多实在,与“无”相对 the phone

4、 to sb.强调方向性,对.说话 .talk with sb.与.说话+语言 say注重内容.very much play(或其他).very well adj.身体好 ones free time=When sb. is free sth. want to do sth. to do sth. hope sb. do sth.(hope+从句) hope sb. to do sth. X sb. do sth. make sb. not do sth. adv. else=other things someone elses44.只有feel有进行时 do you like sth.=Wh

5、at do you think of sth. fun=have a good time +doing Its fun to do sth. 滑稽的(讽刺)48.以o结尾的单词,有生命的+es,无生命的+s about sth.=talk of sth. long(for+段时间)/soon(in+段时间)/far(距离) many+cn.复数 too much+un. much too+adj./adv.用于指代前文已经出现过的事物本身 one用于指代同类事物的一个和because不可同时使用 to do sth. begin/start doing sth. finish to do st

6、h.55.状语先地点,再时间 front of(在.前面) in the front of(在.里的前面) ready to do sth.强调状态 准备好了 get ready for sth.强调过程 正在准备 sb. around sp.带.参观. be就近原则明亮的/聪明的 a diary/keep diaries+sp. takes sb. time to do sth.64.路程也可表达为乘.花费.时间 adj. 开的(be open) closed adj. 关的(be closed).to.(连续性) sure be sure of doing sth. be sure + 从

7、句.from.借入.to.借出 平面 through 立体 ones way back/home on ones way to. .in/on put on.穿上73.a fewa little肯定(有一些)fewlittle否定(几乎没有)cn.复数un. off脱掉/起飞 for=Thank you for + sth./doing sth. of 许多 two of两个 one of一个 most of大多数范围77.名词可前可后,代词只中不后s time for sth. Its time to do sth. breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner have a

8、big dinner we do sth我们做.好吗 sth./sb. need to do sth. need sb. to do sth. neednt do sth. to sb.给.写信 write back to sb.给.回信 hear from sb.收到.来信 v.锻炼 un.锻炼 cn.复数 练习题 late for.迟到 n.开始=center adv. 首先开始.and.两者间 sb.+adj. wish sb. to do sth. make wishes make a wish for.是.的原因 the reason to do sth.做.的理由 the reason+从句 good/bad for sth. adj. to sb. sth. learn from sb. learn to do sth.know about.了解 v. dying(还没死,快死了)/dead(已经死了) adj. death n.



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