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1、介词专练100题1_ the age of ten, she had learned to play the piano.AAfterBInCAtDBy2The old man took a walk every day _ when it rained.AexceptBbesidesCbesideDas3Look at Lucy! How happy she looks _ her new dress.AafterBforCatDin4His mother bought him a new bicycle _ the morning of his eighteenth birthday.Ao

2、nBinCatDbefore5 The new dress looks very nice _ you.Thank you. Im glad you say so.AforBatCinDon6 How long have you been working in this factory?_ 1986.AInBFormCAfterDSince7Japan lies _ the east of Asia, _ the east of China.Ain; toBto; inCin; inDto; to8The old lady _ a pair of thick glass got on the

3、bus.AinBhavingCwithDon9The old woman died not _ old age but _ grief.Afrom; fromBof; ofCof; fromDfrom; of10He can speak two other foreign language well _ English.AexceptBbesidesCbesideDexcept for11Your composition is excellent, _ some spelling mistakes.AexceptBbesidesCexcept forDbeside12The young man

4、 was given a medal _ what he had achieved in his research work.AsinceBbecause ofCbecauseDas13Last summer we visited _ beautiful places _ Hangzhou, Huangshan and Nanjing.Aso; asBsuch; likeCnot as; asDsuch; as14I met Jim _ the first time when I was in Harrys.AatBinCforDof15Went for a walk in the fores

5、t _ the moonlight.AonBinCforDby16Which subject are you good _, English or maths?AonBinCofDat17Did you see a girl _ golden hair walk into the room?AwithBofChasDin18_ the opinion of most people it is not good to eat too much meat.AInBForCToDOn19It is the best answer _ the question.AofBaboutCforDto20Th

6、ey found nothing _ a stone in the parcel.AbesideBbutCbesidesDlike21The fish with sharp teeth can eat a person _ two minutes.AafterBatCforDin22_ the afternoon of June 18, well visit the school.AInBAtCOnDBy23Some food and clothing will be supplied _ the poor people in the mountain areas.AforBtoCatDwit

7、h24He spent a large part of his salary _ books.AinBonCforDat25Sorry, I dont agree _ your plan.AtoBonCaboutDwith26There will be a party _ New Years Eve.AonBatCforDfrom27Ive been here _ the year 1995.Aever beforeBever sinceCinDduring28The Yellow River is the longest river _ to the Changjiang River.Ane

8、xtBthanCtoDfor29Grapes can be made _ wine.Is this bottle of wine made _ grapes, too?Sure. And it is made _ China.Ainto, of, forBinto, from, inCof, from, inDfrom, into, by30_ my visit to Europe, I finally arrived _ Italy.AOn, inBOn, atCDuring, inDIn, at31The doctor will be free _ .A10 minutes laterBa

9、fter 10 minutesCin 10 minutesD10 minutes after32They will try their best to compete _ a race _ a prize.Afor, forBin, forCwith, inDin, in33It doesnt seem useful _ them to go on with the work.AofBforCtoDby34Its really nice _ you to come and see me.AofBforCtoDfrom35The door closed _ itself.AforBofCtoDi

10、n36It was careless _ him to drop his watch into the river.AtoBwithCforDof37Since I came to China Ive known that about seven people _ ten speak Putonghua.AofBtoCinDabout38_ last month, Jack had been late for three times.AByBSinceCInDFor39Lets walk over _ the sun _ the other side of the street.Ain, to

11、Bto, onCunder, toDby, at40They went to school by bike _ foot today.AbutBinstead of onCbut onDinstead of41I knew nothing about the accident _ what I read in the paper.AbutBinstead of onCbut onDinstead of42It is not always east to tell right _ wrong.AorBbetweenCandDfrom43We walked _ Tian An Men square

12、 to the Monument _ the Peoples Heroes.Aacross, toBacross, ofCthrough, forDpast, to44The boat is passing _ the bridge.AunderBthroughCacrossDtowards45They will leave a week _ today. I do hope they can finish the work.AfromBonCbyDfor46We need fifteen more people _ our team to do the job.AbutBexceptCas wellDbesides47I couldnt sleep well _ all the windows open.AwhenBwithCforDbecause of48I recognized the handwriting _.Aas our monitorBlike our monitorCas that of our monitorsDlike that of my monitor49Sports and games can be _ great help to



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