新世纪大学英语视听说教程2 机考题 Unit 3 B卷

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1、新世纪大学英语视据说教程2 机考题 Uni 3 B卷1.A) In hemoni) At oo.) In t afteroon.) I hevening. 对旳答案:B2. A) hedoent lke saldn genr.B) Sh oent le the mssal.C)She wont ath sald.D) Sh wl ke some saladhme. 对旳答案:C3.Wy de ony want t use Ansompute nd prnter?A) ecause hwant to pi out his hmewrk.B)cause hwans t print is book.

2、C) Becus wntto prt out his pictue.D) Becauhe wans to prit out his coupn. 对旳答案:D 4. At first, An reuses to go ecuse _.) sei onit that dayB) she s agetria)sheoent ike ItalianfoodD) she doent ie junk food 对旳答案:A5. It _ when hionrstio takes place.A)enesda) FridayC) SatudayD)Suday对旳答案:6. crdg to apopulr

3、gend, fe ws fir dscovere by a _.A) oyB)monkC) farmerD)merchan 对旳答案:A7 adis oats e energt bcause_.A)hey were hing fun)they a drun ffeeC) they adeaent eaves of coffeesruD) hey ha ean te cris fa coffe shub 对旳答案: _ were consided to e the fir to gro cofeeA) TheonsB) The ArasC) Tficas) The Eurons 对旳答案:9.

4、Wha iRUEbout cofee efre the 11thcentury?) Cofe as not kown b peple.B) Eureansegan to drinkoffee.C) Coffee was eatedas afod.D) oe knew how togrwcoffee对旳答案:C10. What didpeople o in hefirs cofe uss?A)Thedra cofe only.)Te scussedbuins.C) Theymade new frends) yae ther dnner. 对旳答案:11 _ orm() the ist leel

5、of the Haly tig Prmid.A)Ml) WaterC) Vegetables)rai 对旳答案:D1. Wht i NT inlude ihe fifgoup?A) ish.B) Eggs.) Dry rutD) Yogu. 对旳答案:D1 Mot fod i th sixth gop contain l f_A) viamnsB) potesC) sgaD) lt 对旳答案:. _ isnewly incued into thesixthgro oftefood pyramid) FatB) CoffeeC) ltD) nk food对旳答案:C5. Te ealhypyam

6、idgivitance to _ of foo.)thequliy,not theqanttyB) the quntity, notth lityC) neithequlitynothe quantitD) bot the qalitne qanti 对旳答案:23. mko uually oest aveakfas.A.TF对旳答案:2.Jonha has hamburer fo lunch.B. F对旳答案:B25. Anes eas psta withveetales frdinnr.A. T.F对旳答案:26. Denise oves haburger.A T. F对旳答案:B27.

7、Jcki lie almstno fod.A.TB. F对旳答案:SectinB Dirctions: ill ntheanks atch hevidoclip and ill in the blankswih the word yo harleana: For breakfst I uually ave (2)_, fruit, ygurtad (2)_ .o Sung: ForlncIat a (30)_ d ave ome fut or dinnerI eatommeat with (1)_.oathn: M (32)_ isqueadll dmol. t s a (3)_dis . .Caherin: Mavorie foo (3)_ is very, er(35)_ . I ia bowlfwh (36)_ and kmh,whchis ot,pc ren (37)_ . _对旳答案:ffe wh mik29. _ 对旳答案:cral30. _对旳答案:sandich_对旳答案:rn r ie32 _对旳答案:fvoritefod|faourite food3. _ 对旳答案:Mxican34_对旳答案:right ow35. _对旳答案:sple6_对旳答案:rce3. _ 对旳答案:ag



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