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1、【Donteatinclass说课稿】桥说课稿Don s teat in class 说课稿Section A 1a to 4 教学内容和步骤 教学意图和说明 Step1 Warming up After greeting,teacher says:"Im happy.Do you know why " Let the students guess. Tell them:"Because I heard a nice song.Do you want to listen to it " "What do you think of the son

2、g " "Do you like listening to music " "Can you listen to music in the classroom " 讲授新课之前与学生自由交谈,可以消除学生的紧张感和对英语学习的畏惧感.让学生猜测还能激发学生兴趣,很快把学生的思维引导到学习中.音乐是大部分学生所感兴趣的,谈论音乐贴近生活,并且让学生有话可说,顺理成章的引入话题. Step2 Presentation Take out an apple. T:Can I eat an apple in class now " Ss:No,

3、you cant T:Can you eat apples in class now Ss:No,we cant. Repeat it with a cigarette. Can 和 cant 的句式在七年级上册书已经有所讲授,但是用法有所差别,不再是用 can 和 cant 表示能力,而是表示许可.所以可以轻句型而重用法.运用实物讲授知识,既直观形象,又方便有效. Step3 Practice Show the students some pictures ,then let the students talk about them with"Can youwe" S2.

4、No,we cant.We cant arrive late for class. 巩固刚学过的新知识,除了一些机械操练外,更重要的是设计有意义的句型操练加以巩固和记忆,这一部分联系可以发散学生思维,想出各种课堂上能或不能做到事情,为同桌练习可以扩大练习面,让每一个学生都有开口的机会. Step4 Game Every student makes a list of six rules.Use "can"in the rules.Put the rules in a bag.And take a different set of rules out.Now find the

5、 students who wrote these rules. 把刚才的听说转化为书写,但是以游戏方式给出,可以降低学生的畏惧感,提高学生兴趣.调动学生各方面的情绪,激活他们已有点知识水平.既复习句子,有活跃了课堂气氛,让学生在轻松中完成知识的积累. Step5 Listening Finish Section A 2a 2b 听力练习检测所学到知识的掌握和情况.提醒学生做听力练习注意听对话的语气语调,学会抓关键词,听重点. Step6 Presentation Show the students some picture of the students who are breaking s

6、chool rules and ask:"Can we "Present "Dont" 再一次巩固所学知识的掌握情况.同时引出本单元重点知识:祈使句.用 cant 替代 dont 的用法,降低难度,便与理解. Step7 March Finish Section A 1a 书上的图片形象直观,让学生明白祈使句的用法与作用.同时也可以对学生进行思想教育,要求学生遵守校纪校规. Step8 Listen Finish Section A,1b First,let the students guess what rule PeterSelinaNick is

7、breaking. 听力练习最应该注意的是听力策略,这部分内容可以让学生猜一下,在降低难度的同时,让学生有更高的热情参与到本环节中. Step9petition Have apetition between boys and girls;let them say as many school rules as they can T:There are many school rules in our school.Can you name any of them S1:Dont eat in class. S2:WE cant fight 这部分是对本课所讲授知识的总结,以达到查漏补缺的效果.由于七年级学生好胜心比较强,通过比赛形式可以来检查课堂教学成果,可以引起学生的兴趣和共鸣,发散学生思维,充分发挥学生的想象力和能动性,激发学生的表现欲. Step10 Homework To sum up our school rules. To find out some signs around us and try to draw them out. 布置作业可以巩固在本节课中的学习内容,也要学生学会为下节课做一定的课前准备.


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