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1、英语七下外研版Modules:模块作业题【教师版】七年级周末作业Module 5一. 单项选择(20)()1. Zhang Ming, whatthe population of China?A. are B. is C. hasD. have()2.Taiwan isthe east of China.A. to B. in C. ofD. at()3.Chengdua population of more than 1000 thousand.A. are B. is C. hasD. have()4.They live in a villagethe coast.A. with B. i

2、n C. ofD. on()5.Li Ming isthan any other student in my class.A. the tallest B. taller C. tallD. tallest()6.-Whats the weather like here?-Oh, very nice. Itsin the summer andin the winter.A. not hot, not cold B. hotter, colder C. hotter, not cold D. not hot, very hot()7.-do you like Washington D. C?-1

3、 like it very much.A. HowB. What C. Where D. When()8.What are the boys? They arethe radio.A. do , listen to B. does , listening to C. will do, listening D. doing, listening to()9.China is famousits food in the world.A. for B. at C. with D. in()10. The question is easy and everyone canit.A. ask B. an

4、swer C. play D. make()11, Is Tom taller than Jack? No, He isthan Jack.A. taller B. heavier C. lighter D. shorter()12. Tom is 13 and Jim is 14. So Jim isthan Tom.A. old B. older C. young D. younger()13. London is a big city,7 million people.A. with B. from C. on D. for()14. The river is 1.5 kilometer

5、s.A. long B. tall C. high D. deep()15.is the capital of America.A. New York B. Washington D.C. C. London D. Los Angeles()16. Shanghai is a big citythe east of China and itstheYangtze River.A. in; in B. on; on C. in; at D. in; on()17. Its about 5along on the right.A. hundred metre B. hundreds metre C

6、. hundreds metres D. hundred metres()18. -do you like Washington D. C?I like it very much.A. How B. What C. Where D. When()19.This question isthan that one.A. easy B. easyer C. too easy D.easier()20.1s there going toa football match nest week?A.have B.has C.be D.is用所给词的适当形式填空(5%)1. No one( be ) in t

7、he classroom now.2. Washington is( small) than New York.3. The building here is much( high ) than that one.4. Washington D.C and New York are big(city) on the east coast of the USA.5. The town( have ) a population of 2 thousand people.二. 完型填空:(10%) 1Do you know anything about the moon? The moon is 3

8、1than the earth, but the sunis 32 bigger than the earth. The moon is 33 from the earth. Its 380 000 kilometres away. On the earth we see that the moon 34 like a cake. There is 35 air (空气)on the moon, 36 there is no living things (生命)there. The side (面)of the moon towards (朝,向)the sun is very hot, wh

9、ile the other side is very 37. People can jump 38 onthe moon than on the earth and walk more 39 there. It takes more than three days to get to the moon 40 spaceship (宇宙飞船).()31. A. smallerB. biggerC shorterD. longer()32. A. veryB. muchC. quiteD. longer()33. A. nearB. middleC. farD. back()34. A. look

10、sB. watchesC.seesD. finds()35. A. muchB. someC. noD. any()36. A. butB. againC. thenD. so()37. A. hotB. coldC. warmD. light()38. A. happyB. higherC. earlyD. different()39. A. easilyB. hardC.lateD. early()40. A. onB. byC. inD. at四.阅读理解(30%)AThere are some new students in oue school. They come from Ame

11、rica, England, Canada and Australia. They can speak a little (点点)Chinese. They often talk to us in English and we often teach them Chinese.They like sports very much. They often go to play football on Sundays. Sometimes they go boating and flying kites. They also play games with Chinese students. No

12、w they are playing games unde4rt the trees. Look, one of the American girls is dancng. All the other boys and girls are singing.They love China and Chinese food. Thryre very kind and they are good friends of the Chinese people.根据短文内容,判断下面句子的正(T)误(F)()1. The new students are from England, America, Au

13、stralia and Canada.()2.They can talk to us in English.()3. They like playing football and boating very much.()4.They paly games with the Japanese students.()5.They say they only like Chinese food.B.Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is the name of a big clock in London. London is the capital of En

14、gland. This clcok has four faces. So, no matter where you stand, you can read the time on the face of Big Ben. Each face is the size of a bus. The hands are about four metres long. It is about the size of two people standing on top each other. If you go to London, you may want to visit the Houses of

15、 Parliament(议会大厦).In that place you will find Big Ben sits at the top of the clock tower in the Houses of Parliament. You will probably hear it and see it. The big clock makes such a loud noise. Ding dong,ding dong. It goes, every quarter of an hour. The name of Big Ben comes from a big builder.(建筑家)()1. Big Ben is.A. a bus B. a clock C. the same of Ben D. a house()2. Big Ben is in.A. China B. the USA C. Japan D. the UK()3. You can read the time of Big Ben.A. at the top of the clock tower B. in the Houses of Parliamenton the hands



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