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1、冀教版七年级第二学期用英语期中检测题一、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)1. Today is my birthday and my mother is _ a cake _ me.A. making, to B. making, for C. doing, to D. doing, for2. - Cindy, dinner is ready, where is John?- He _his homework in his room.A. does B. did C. is doing D. will do3. Yao Ming does a good job in basketball m

2、atch.He is my favorite _ .A. worker B. teacher C. dancer D. player4. - Is _ here?- No, Bob and Tom arent here.A. anybody B. everyone C. someboay D. someone5. - _ do children love best on Christmas Day?- Father Christmas.A. What B. Where C. Who D. Which6. Mary is in the shop with her mother. Shes hel

3、ping her _.A. go shopping B. to go the shopping C. doing shopping7. There _ a talk show on CCTV-3 at eight this evening.A. is going to be B. is going to haveC. will have D. is going to be have8. I often look forward to _ my grandmother.A. visit B. visits C. visiting D. visited9. - Are you going to g

4、o on a picnic _?- Yes, we are.A.next day B.in next week C.tomorrow Sunday D.next month10. - Will there be school in the future?- No, there _.A. isnt B. wont be C. wont D. wont is 11. - _ the population of Shanghai?- Its about thirteen million.A. Whats B. How many is C. How much D. What12. No one in

5、our class _ to speak English badly.A. want B. wants C. to want D. wanting13. The woman can speak _ Chinese.A. a little B. a few C. lot of D. many14. They _ from China.A. are all B. all are C. be all D. all15. Table tennis is _ than running.A. relaxing B. more relaxing C. much relaxing D. relaxer16.

6、The children are playing cards _ in the park. They feel _ .A. happily, happy B. happy, happilyC. happily, happily D. happy, happy17. Its difficult _ the old people _ walk up the Great Wall.A. for, for B. to, to C. for, to D. to, for18. There are seven _ people in Hone Kong.A. million B. million of C

7、. millions of D. millions19. - I dont think your bag is better than _ .A. their B. my C. her D. mine20. The bridge is _.A. long 3 kilometers B. kilometers longC. 3 kilometers long D. 3 kilometer-long二、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)根据文章内容选择最佳答案。(A)Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is the name of a huge clock in

8、 London. This clock has four faces, so no matter(无论)where you stand, you can read the time on the face of Big Ben. Each face is the size of a double-decker(双层的)bus. The hands are about four meters long.If you go to London, you may want to visit the House of Parliament(国会大厦). You will find Big Ben si

9、tting at the top of the clock tower(塔)in the House of Parliament. You will hear it as well as see it. The big clock makes such a loud sound. “Ding dong, ding dong” as it goes every quarter of an hour.The clock was named after a big man. He was Sir Benjamin Hill. He did much building work in London m

10、any years ago.21. Big Ben is _ .A. a double-decker bus B. a huge clockC. the name of a man D. a name of the House of Parliament22. The clock strikes every _ of an hour.A. ten minutes B. fifteen minutes C. thirty minutes D. forty-five minutes23. _ have the same meaning as “large”.A. Big and double B.

11、 Huge and loudC. Big and huge D. Giant and small24. You can read the time of Big Ben _.A.at the top of the clock towerB.only in the House of ParliamentC. on the hands of the huge clockD. on the four faces of the clock25. The title(标题)of the passage may be _.A. Big Ben B. A Clock C. Sir Benjamin Hill

12、 D. The Capital of the UK(B)People are busy working every day, so they do not have enough time to do exercises. As a result(结果), many people become too far. To keep our bodies healthy, we have to do exercises every day.There are many kinds of exercises. Bending(弯腰)and stretching(伸展)helps us move eas

13、ily. Before we play ball games or swim, it is better for us to do bending and stretching exercises first. This kind of exercise is sometimes called “warm-up exercise”. Running is also a good exercise. If we cannot run fast, we can jog. Jogging means running slowly. Before we run or jog, we must do w

14、arm-up exercises. And we should not run or jog in busy streets. The air there is often dirty. Some people like weightlifting(举重)because it can make their bodies strong. We also need to do some warm-up exercises before weightlifting.26. _ makes many people too fat.A. Eating or drinking every day B. Having no time to do exercisesC. Doing more exercises D. Reading at home27. Before we _, we must do warm-up exercises.A. run B. jog C. work D. Both A and B28. _ is called “warm-up exercise”.A. Playing ball games B. SwimmingC. B



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