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1、nit , ok ne Seti : Toward a brhtr fuue for ll. Teaching Objecives: now the menn and usage f someimportant wors, pase an pattern Tostudy Passage n unesandthe main eaof th text To unrsan thtructure of e tet andte devcsfordevelopig itT alk ao coeeedcton2.Tim Allotment:Sction A (erods):1st-d pri:Pe-read

2、ingactviis ( thee-elted quesions fo arming up;)Whleing aciviie (ulturlnots;useful word and epressis;dificult sentnce)rpeiod: ile-edin ctivties (text strtur; min ideas)Post-reading ativites(corehension uestios; execises)Seio (1riod):4 peios: Pactceothe reainskill (readng for the key iain sentee);Tche

3、cson Ss hoereadng y asi uestons ba on thepssage. expain soe diffut sennes3.TeachigProdures:Pre-aingAcivitiestep . reetigsGret the whole cass warly.Step2. Lead-in d prepaai for radiet them talk each oer aot te foowin qestions:1 Wat i the deauniersitylike inyor ees?2.hatre yor xpettionsof ou collife?3

4、 Wat avce diyrprent ge yu bfoe you left fo college?Step 3.Fast radinAk t Stentsto read the pasge a quickly a thy ca andenswer he ustions on he cre. Let them gte main ide feach ararap adake cler aout theext trucure.Txsructre:( structured itng ) e passagn e didedino3 arts.Pa (pra.1-3) Opening pat the

5、welcme pechPart2 (para.4-) akg thest of what yo hae. Callegg yourself acig new exerience. Opportunitis an repnsiliti.Pat 3 (aa.8) Concluding emarksoft wlcome speech.Purpos:Iproe the stuets reig and writinaity andundertandt generl id of eachparagraph.Mo: Read h tet indiviuallyand talk n grops; Use ta

6、skbdlguage teacngmthod, reding pproach, couniatieppochn to ysia resons methodSte 4. Peprtion foetails of h textn the sreenStudets are required o ookat the Wos adPrasson te scen and giv biefprsntationi ss.Wos adPhases: Pupose: Trai h Sudentsabiity of undestandng an uing oreign lauae.etod: Tain gous,

7、Use as-basd laguage teching mtho, communcae approach and tta hysical resposethd.1.(ar.1)pege to do th 作保证,承诺China and th nited state pedge toboostcoperati and echnge to enurea btte future fr China-U te. 中美政府承诺将加强合伙与交流以保证两国关系的将来更加美好。2 (ara.2) remind bf sb./th. 1) mak semember stat they w orth. tht hp

8、ed inh t. 使某人想起某人某事he ngwas remids me o our holday inMexico. 那首歌总让我想起我们在墨西哥的那次假期。2)be vr similar t sb. r st. se 是某人想起(相似的)人或事Ncywa talln lim, and rminded me y ui Sarah.3. (ara.2)reminer: n. sh.that mas yu otice, remer, or thik aboust. 起提示作用的东西Th col sved a remir wit snquie finished. 寒冷的天气提示人们冬天还没有过去

9、。4. (Paa.3)ttai: t.(fml.)succee nachivg st.fer tyin fralng e. 得到;获得;赢得 Not a ahletes t h tandard of phyical ftnes. 并非所有的运动员都能达到这种身体素质水平。5.(Para) foundin:n. C te most basic part o sth frhchthers o t dveops 基本Te ou gives students a solid fondatio i English win sklls这门课为学生的英语写作能力打下了坚实的基本。6.(Para.4)facl

10、ity:n. (ies)p ros, equipmet,or serces tht ar provided fora partiular urpose(为某种目的而提供的)设施,设备 The te hasn inoo swmmngpol nd ohe lesur faclits. 这家宾馆有室内游泳池和其她休闲设施。. (ara.4) inting:a. makingyou vrinterest arated吸引人的;迷人的;使人神魂颠倒的H i sucha get write thathisstoriesa alwaysfascnain她是个了不起的作家,她写的故事总是引人入胜。. (ara

11、.4)maketemostof充足运用his atle introduce7 tis or mknthe mosfyour Phon5这篇文章向你简介iPhoeS手机的7个使用小窍门。9. (Para4)repte bnefits 受益,得享好处Keep nreading esively, and yo wil eap ebnefits sooror ler 继续广泛阅读,你会受益的。0.(aa5)feeloerwelmed by. 不知所措Nwdys, an ou el eeloverwhelmedby thefirce copetition in the ob maket现如今,剧烈的竞争

12、让许近年轻人不知所措。11. (Par.5) assum:t. Thnk thatsth. s rue,although yudo not ha dfiite proof 假定;假设;觉得 I assume tht every olegeudenthas accessto te Inernet. 我觉得每个大学生都可以使用互联网。1 (Para.)standa chce 有机会,有但愿Animas snd it cace ofsurvivalune suc etem wather在这种极端天气下动物很难存活。3 (Para.) nspecd: exstingitotou knowlege未知的;未被想到的14.ke peasurein dog sh. 乐于做某事Healways tkes ga lesure in lendng a hen d peo aronhm. 她总是乐于向周边的人伸出援助之手。1 penth door tosth 打开以便之门Teeueu sesi


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