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1、学校前卫中学年级八年级学科英语课题Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?.Section A 1a-2c课时1教师王艳丽教材分析Section A 部分的教学重点是帮助学生正确运用形容词和副词的原级和比较等级-特别是最高级来描述事物。本部分首先通过图文将学生带入选择电影院的话题。活动1a中形容词和副词的呈现,拓展了描述电影院的特点、品质的词汇,问题How do you choose which movie theater to go to ? 引导学生对电影院场所、硬件设施等条件进行分析,比较,语法重点项目形容词和副词的最高级在语境中自然呈现。学情分析八年级学

2、生经过一年系统的学习,具备了一定的基础,并对英语学习有一定的兴趣,同时他们具有一定的形象思维和抽象思维,特别是发散思维,要及时引导学生对于学习主题的讨论。 根据争强好胜的性格特征,分成小组进行对比,结合同学的评价,同时培养学生集体荣誉感。教学目标知识目标与技能:1. 掌握本课词汇 theater, comfortable, seat, screen, close, ticket, worst, cheaply, song, DJ, choose, carefully, reporter, so far, fresh, 等及adj的比较级和最高级的构成。2. 能够正确使用下列句型:whats t

3、he best movie theatre? it has the biggest screens. which is the best clothes store? 等。3学会使用最高级来谈论自己的喜好并用最高级来进行事物的比较。过程与方法:采用任务型教学法,通过pairwork ,groupwork的口语交际活动,来使学生学会熟练运用用形容词和副词的最高级来描述事物。情感态度与价值观:1、通过对事物的比较培养学生的辨别(重点)能力,引导学生关注人、事、物的优点长处;2、通过让学生调查讨论本镇内最受欢迎的服装店,饭店,超市,理发店等,加强学生对家乡的了解,从而更加热爱家乡,树立长大后更好的建

4、设家乡的理想。教学重点掌握本课词汇和句型;能够自如谈论喜好,并熟练使用比较级最高级把事物进行比较。教学难点掌握本课单词及句型,掌握多音节词的最高级的构成及运用。核心问题运用最高级来谈论喜好及使用最高级把事物之间进行对比。教学方法任务型教学模式教学环节Teaching activitiesStudent activitiesDesign ideaStep One Warming upGreetings.Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to see you again!Greet with the teacher. 通过师生间自由轻松的问候,创设出轻松愉悦的语

5、言氛围。Step TwoPre-task 1. Revision :Please look at the screen. Who is this, and who is that? Can you compare me with Miss Jin? Next, can you compare you with your friends?2. Lead-in.Lets watch a short movie. Do you like watching movies? Where do you watch movies? (movie theater) OK, this class ,we wil

6、l learn Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater? Section A 1a-2c. In this class, we will learn to discuss preferences and make comparisons. (呈现核心问题)3.Ask the students: The Fast and the Furious 8 will be on this weekend, and I want to see it. But there are three movie theaters in Suizhong, I dont know ho

7、w to choose one. How do you choose a movie theater to go to? Then present the new words one by one.Talk in pairs.Watch carefully and make clear what to learn in this lessonListen and say the words together.通过呈现两张老师的照片,引导学生使用比较级进行谈论,从而过渡过谈论自己和最好的朋友。由一段视频导入,激发学生的学习兴趣,唤起学生主动学习的欲望。过度到新课巧妙自然。核心问题的呈现使学生明确

8、本节课的学习目标。根据教师自身实际提出本课核心问题,同时呈现新的词汇,更真实,自然。Step ThreeWhile-task1. Task One: Finish 1a. How do you choose a movie theater to go to? Write the things in the box under “important” or “not important”.2. Present the Superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs by some pictures.closecloserclosestcheapcheape

9、rcheapestbigbiggerbiggestFinish 1a by themselves.Learn and understand the superlative forms of adj and adv.采用绥中县内的电影院图片进行对比呈现,更真实,并且帮助学生理解了最高级的含义,记住构成规则。3. Task Two: 1b. listen and match the statements with the movie theaters.4. Task Three: 1c. Talk about the cinemas you know.Make a conversation in

10、pairs or groups.5.Task Four: Finish 2a. Listen to a report interviewing a bot. Circle the boys answers.Finish 2b.Listen again. Write the correct store or radio station next to each statement.6.Task Six Make a survey:假设你是绥中电视台的记者,请以对话采访的形式调查出本镇内最受欢迎的服装店,饭店,超市或理发店(barber shop)并给出理由;A: Hello! Im a repo

11、rter. Can I ask you some questions? B: Sure. A: Whats the best clothing store in town? B: I think Millers is the best. A: Why do you think so? B: Well, Millers has A: Whats the best restaurant in town? B:Listen and match.Talk in pairs.Listen to the tape.Work in groups and make a survey.培养学生的听力技巧,边听边

12、思考,主动抓出核心句型,印象深刻采用自由对话的形式帮助学生巩固目标语,培养学生运用语言交际的能力通过任务的设计,使学生产生在真实语境中运用目标语交际表达的欲望,培养学生运用语言做事的能力。Step FourPost-task 1. Have a report about survey results. Ask some students to act out their conversations.2.Summary: Sum up what we have learned in this class. And sum up the use of the superlative of adj

13、and adv.3.Do some exercises.1. Lily gets up _ (early) than Lucy. 2. Which goes _ (slowly), Tom or Jim? 3.This book is _ (interesting) than that one.4. She works _ (careful) in her school. 5. Who goes to bed _ (late) Jim, Tom or Jack? 6. I think turkey is _(delicious) of all. Sum up what we have lear

14、ned in this class.Finish the exercises.Remember by heart.由学生总结体现以学生为主体,既掌握本课重难点,又培养他们总结归纳的能力。巩固本课所学,夯实基础。Step Five Homework 请在本班内最一个调查:调查出本班内最受欢迎的老师与同学,并给出理由。Finish it after class.此环节为开放性作业,既培养了学生的语言交际能力,又巩固了本课目标语最高级的用法。Blackboard Design板书设计PhrasesUnit 4 Whats the best movie theater?Section A 1a-2c popularbig screenHow to choose a cinema new moviescheap co


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