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1、最新英语七年级英语下册完形填空专题一、七年级英语下册完形填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1完形填空。 Have you ever been to London? 1 do you know about London? Now let me tell you. Greater London has more than 8,700,000 2 . From the year 1801 to the early 20th century, London was the biggest 3 in the world. But now many cities are even 4 than London.

2、London is famous for many things. Tourists come from all over the world to visit its famous buildings and 5 the famous clock, Big Ben. 6 many big cities, London has 7 such as traffic jams and pollution, and they 8 the city from developing. Every day people come and go by underground, 9 there are sti

3、ll too many cars and buses in the streets. So the air isnt clean. However, it is cleaner than it was 100 years ago. For me, the 10 things in London are the parks. There are many parks in the city centre. But my childrens favourite place is Hamleys, the biggest toy shop in the world.1. A. How farB. H

4、ow manyC. How much2. A. parksB. buildingsC. people3. A. villageB. townC. city4. A. smallerB. poorerC. bigger5. A. look forB. listen toC. hear from6. A. LikeB. WithC. Without7. A. problemsB. questionsC. ways8. A. helpB. teachC. stop9. A. soB. andC. but10. A. lastB. firstC. best【答案】 (1)C;(2)C;(3)C;(4)

5、C;(5)B;(6)A;(7)A;(8)C;(9)C;(10)C; 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了伦敦市的人口曾经是世界最多,所以城市的交通和污染很严重,阻碍了城市的发展。 (1)句意:你对伦敦了解多少。A多远,B多少,形式名词复数,C多少,形式动词或不可数名词,根据下文对伦敦的介绍可知,是理解多少,形式动词短语know about,故选C。 (2)句意:大伦敦的人口超过8,700,000。8,700,000此处指人口,people ,故选C。 (3)句意:伦敦曾经是世界上最大的城市。根据 now many cities are even 可知伦敦是个城市,city,故选C。 (4)句意:但现在许

6、多城市甚至比伦敦还要大。A小,B穷,C大,根据 London was the biggest 可知此处形容大,故选C。 (5)句意:游客来自世界各地,参观著名的建筑,并听着著名的大本钟的钟声。A看,B听,C收到某人的信,根据 the famous clock, Big Ben 可知是听钟声,故选B。 (6)句意:像许多大城市一样,伦敦遇到了交通和污染等问题。A像,B有,C没有,此处指和其他城市一样,故用like,像,故选A。 (7)句意:像许多大城市一样,伦敦遇到了交通和污染等问题。A问题,需要解决的,B问题,需要回答的,C方式,根据 traffic jams and pollution 可知

7、这些都是要解决的问题,故选A。 (8)句意:他们阻止了这座城市的发展。stop from doing,固定搭配,阻止做某事,故选C。 (9)句意:但街道上仍然有太多的汽车和公共汽车。根据 Every day people come and go by underground, 可知此处是地面上和地面下的对比,故表示转折,but,但是,故选C。 (10)句意:对我来说,伦敦最好的事情就是公园。 根据 my childrens favourite place 可知此处强调最好的,best,故选C。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一

8、作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。2完形填空 When you hear the word scientist, what do you think of it? Many people think scientists are people in clean white coats, working in labs( 实验室). Some scientists do work in labs. But there are 1 scientists working in woods and jungles(丛林). These scientists are ca

9、lled animal behaviour (行为) scientists, and they study animals as they live in nature. Why dont these scientists catch animals and study them in zoos? The 2 is in the word behaviour. Animal behaviour scientists want to learn 3 animals behave in their wild homes. When animals live in cages or in zoos,

10、 they do not act 4 as they do in the wild. They may fight (打架) 5 each other, or they may not eat, or they may not raise (抚养) their babies as they usually do. To see real animal behaviour, scientists must go to the places 6 the animals live. So animal behavior scientists go into the jungles, the wood

11、s or the deserts. There, 7 most important tools are their eyes and ears. They watch and listen to the animals very 8 . They write down everything that happened in notebooks. Though they live near the animals, the scientists are careful not to frighten them. If the scientists are 9 , the animals will

12、 pay no attention to them. Then the scientists can see how the animals really live. The animal behaviour scientists hope what theyve learned about animal behaviour can provide clues(提供线索) 10 people learn to live with animals together more happily.1. A. anotherB. otherC. others2. A. answerB. question

13、C. problem3. A. whenB. whereC. how4. A. the differentB. differentC. the same5. A. ofB. amongC. with6. A. whereB. whatC. which7. A. themselvesB. theirC. they8. A. trulyB. carefullyC. wonderfully9. A. unluckyB. badC. lucky10. A. to helpB. helpC. helping【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)C;(5)C;(6)A;(7)B;(8)B;(9)C

14、;(10)A; 【解析】【分析】文章介绍了人们所不熟知的另一种科学家-研究动物行为的科学家。文章介绍了他们为什么生活在森林里、丛林里的原因及他们的工作特点。 (1)句意:但是还有其他科学家在森林和丛林中工作。another表示“再,又” other“另外的,其它的,别的” others“表示除去一部分以后的另一些,而不是剩下的全体” the other“表示一定范围内出去一部分后其余的全体”,故选B。 (2)句意:答案是“行为”。由上文“为什么这些科学家不把动物捉回来在动物园里研究”可知答案是。故选A。 (3)句意:科学家想了解动物在野生的环境中是如何表现的。A什么时候,询问时间;B在哪里,询问地点;C怎样,询问状况。根据题干的含义可知此句询问的是状况,故选C。 (4)句意:当动物们生活在笼子里或动物园里,他们与在无拘无束情况下的表现是不一样的。A不同;B不同;C相同。根据语境可知此句是否定句结构,应该填same,故选C。 (5)句意:他们或许会打架。固定短语与打架翻译成英语,fight with,故选C。 (6)句意:想了解动物真正的行为,科学家必须去动物生活的地方。分析语境可知此句是定语从句,因先行词是places表示地方,应该用where来引导,故选A。 (7)句意:在那里,他们最重要的工具是眼睛和耳朵。由下文的“听


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