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1、 八年级英语重点知识点考点难点一网打尽 Unit 3 Topic 1本话题导读:1. 记住本话题课标单词和短语;会背诵55页1a, 56页2和57页1a的对话2. 掌握used to的各种句型用法。并会与他人谈论爱好。4. 可以用本话题句型写作文:My hobby 一、 单词:爱好_诗歌_ 可能_ 宠物_ 收集_种植_ 硬币_厌恶_友谊_滑稽的_ 愚蠢的_ 丑陋的_背景_ 纸_剪刀_ 胶水_切,割_ 粘贴_ 懒惰的_ 段落_介绍_ 日常的_ 蛇_ 提供_猪_脏的_二、短语互译:对.感兴趣_ 在.业余时间_ 出去_ 做户外活动_ 背诗_弹吉他_遛狗_ 爬山_收集邮票_种花_ 听音乐_ 去旅游_邮

2、票集_ _放风筝._明星照_ 与.分享_ 饲养宠物_ 玩电脑游戏_ 踢足球_电话卡_ be fond of_ provide.with._ in summer_ take a bath_go for a walk_三、 句子翻译:1. 他在业余时间看电视?2. 为什么不出去做户外活动呢?3. 他对弹钢琴感兴趣。4. 他喜欢收集邮票。5. 我过去常常听音乐。6. 游泳是我最喜欢的爱好。7. 我与弟弟分享一个房间8. 你过去常常玩电脑游戏吗?9. 你过去常常在春天干什么?10. 我不知道他明天是否回来。11. 我们可以从邮票中学到许多历史和人物。12. 你过去常常有什么爱好?中考真题链接:【201

3、1铜仁】1. My h_ is collecting stamps. I have collected thousands of stamps 【2009淄博】2. He is i in English. He wants to be an English teacher. 【2008宜宾】3. Mao Jia enjoys (骑) a bicycle to school every day. 【2008广安】4. I dont know (是否) she will come back or not this afternoon. 【2008肇庆】5. Ma Ling is a_(懒) boy

4、. He never does housework.【2008广州】6. Look! How d_your hands are! Go and wash them right now.【2008泸州】7. Please give me a piece of (纸) to draw a picture on.【2010苏州】8Please (切)me a piece of cake【2010十堰】9.Id like to collect _(邮票)because they are interesting.【2010铜仁】10.He enjoys _(说)English .【2010荆门】11.

5、Robert enjoys _(收集) stamps . And now he has 300 of them. 【2011贵港】12. We hope you can _(提供) us with some information about shopping online.【2012 杭州】13. Tom, your clothes are d_. Youd better wash them.【2012枣庄】14.Is it an_(令人感兴趣的)job? 【2010三明】 15. I_(过去常常)collect stamps, but now I am not interested in

6、it. 【2011湖州】16. Id like to collect _(邮票)because they are interesting. 【2011宁夏】17. I couldnt decide _(是否)or not to go to the party. 【2011德阳】18. Collecting stamps is one of my _(爱好). 【2013贵港】19. He is a blind boy, but he can look after his _(日常生活)life.【2011西宁】20. 0ne of her _(hobby)is collecting stamp

7、s. 【2008兰州】21. Black used to live in a small village with his grandmother. (改为否定句) Black _ live in a small village with his grandmother. 【2011滨州】22. 泰勒对科学很感兴趣,他想成为一名科学家。 Taylor and he wants to be a scientist. 【2013北京】23.我爸爸过去常常开车上班,现在坐公交车了。 My father_ go to work by car, but now he takes the bus.【201

8、3潍坊】24.大明喜欢听英语歌曲。(enjoy) _【2013衡阳】25. Laura enjoys story books. Me, too. A. reading B. read C. to read【2013龙东】26. She _ live with her grandparents,but she doesnt now. A.used to B.is used to C.was used to【2013遂宁】27Everyone was when they heard the news. A.exciting,exciting B.excited,exciting C.excitin

9、gexcited【2009雅安】28. Sam likes cars. He enjoys _ all kinds of model cars.A. collects B. collecting C. to collect D. collected【2011德阳】29. When I was a child, my grandmother _ me interesting stories. A. used to tellB. is used to tellingC. uses to tell【2009威海】30. -Do you like playing computer games? -No

10、, but I _ .A. used to B. didnt C. do D. dont【2011福州】31. We all like Miss Wang. I agree with you. She always makes her English classes _.A. interested B. interestC. interesting【2011河北】32. Cici enjoys dancing. Its one of her .A. prize B. prizes C. hobby D. hobbies【2009朝阳】33. -Why dont you like pigs, Molly? -Because they are _ . A. cute B. ugly C. smart D. Friendly【2012宜宾】34. My grandma us stories when I was young.A. was used to tell B. is used to telling C. used to tell D. used to telling 五、作文:My hobby



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