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1、新概念五年级上册英语看图写单词专项攻坚习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 我是观察小能手。(小朋友们,请根据图片所给信息判断句子正误,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。)1Mary is tall. Nancy is short.(_)2Nancy has long hair. But Mary has short hair.(_)3Its the Spring Festival.(_)4Children can watch lion dances on that day.(_)5People say “Gongxi!” “Gongxi!” to each other.(_)2. 看图补全对话。1.L

2、ook at the fridge.There is some_,_,_and_in the fridge.There is a_ in the fridge.There are three_in the fridge.There are five_in the fridge.There are three_in the fridge.There are_eggs in the fridge.2.The children are in the kitchen.Is Mike cooking the soup ?Is Yang Ling washing the dishes?Are Su Hai

3、 and Su Yang making vegetable salad?3. 根据句义及图片提示,补全单词,完成句子。1.They often have a_at weekends.2.My uncle is a_.3.They are playing_.4.Mr. Li is our English_.5.My mother bought me a_.4. 选词填空。have a cold have a fever have a headache have a toothache1. 2.3. 4.5. 读问句,根据图片回答问题。1A: What did they drink last ni

4、ght?B:2A: What did he have for lunch?B:3A: What did she have for breakfast?B:6. 看图,填空。It could_English.There is a big_now.She got_points.The_are still working.The children_hard. 7. 看图,写句子。1Can I have a cat?_2Can I have a bird?_3Can I_?_4_?No, you cant.8. 读一读,根据图片、句意和字母提示补全单词。1I have some br_d for yo

5、u.2Wow! The weather is sunn_and hot.3Amy would like some t_to drink.4My favourite food is ice cream. Its sw_t.5Let me clean the wind_, please!9. 看图填空。1This is a small old_.2There arent any people in the_.3There are some tigers in the_.4Is there a_in the park?5There are many tall_in Shanghai.10. 看图片,

6、写单词。1 23 4511. 根据所给图片完成对话。1The girl is i_f_of the three bears.2Nancys c_is on the s_floor.3My friend Yang Ling can p_the piano well.12. 根据图片,选择合适的单词完成句子。do can dance clean1What_the girl do?She can_very well.2What can the boy_?He can_the room.13. 看图,根据提示补全句子。1Is hes_? Yes, he is.2I often do homework

7、and_on Saturdays.3_are my favouritef_.14. 根据图片提示补全句子。1Whydoyoulikespring?Because_2Whydoyoulikesummer?Because_3Whydoyoulikeautumn?Because_4Whydoyoulikewinter?Because_15. 根据图片,补全句子。 1.Lookoutthe_! 2.Somuchwhite_! 3.Ilikewateringthe_. 4.Thereisa_onthefarm.16. 看看,写写,每线词,首字母已给。1.What do you want to b_?A pilot.2.Is he a nurse?No, he is a d_.3.What d_he do?Hes a farmer.4.Whats your dream j_?A teacher.5.Can he c_?Yes, the dish is yummy.17. 看图片,写动词,补全下列动词短语。1_sports2_my room3_shopping4_a dancing class5_breakfast18. 看图片,填入所缺单词或词组。1_is in June.2_is in March.3We will have a_next week.4When is_?页码 / 总页数


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