教学设计 (21)

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1、高一英语活动课教学设计 设计教师:毕杰英教学年级:高一(1)班课题名称:英语活动课教材版本:新课标人教版必修授课时间: 45分钟一、学生分析高一(1)班的学生,是一群积极、乐观、好学的高中生,大部分学生都非常喜爱英语,尽管他们在学习,理解英语知识方面没很大问题, 但是有部分学生却不敢开口说英语,因此本课创设了一种轻松的氛围,鼓励学生用英语表达自己的确观点和作出决定.二、教材分析1本课是本单元的第八课时,是在讲授完整个单元的知识后,所进行的一堂活动课。通过本课,让学生对电脑的发展史,基础知识及其在生活中的应用有进一步的了解与把握,并充分调动学生学习电脑知识的兴趣和参与讨论电脑利弊的热情,从而培养

2、了学生独立思考和大胆表达自己观点的能力. 三、Teaching aims:1. Let students learn more about the history and the basic knowledge of computers and arouse students interest in learning computers2. Enable students to learn to express their opinions.3. Develop students sense of cooperative learning.This class aims to make stu

3、dents know more about some basic knowledge of computers, especially the advantages and disadvantages of them. Last, students learn to cooperate with others and express their own opinions in English.四、Teaching methods:1. Task-based teaching and learning2. Cooperative learning 3. Discussion.Cooperativ

4、e learning and discussion are to develop students ability to cooperate with others.Teaching aids: multimedia, small blackboard and some pictures. Before the class, the students were asked to search for more information about computers and prepare a play about the disadvantages of the Internet.五、Teac

5、hing procedures:Focuses or expected resultsStep1Lead-in(2-3)Greeting Prepare Students for the class by setting one easy task.Task: watch a video and tell what it is about. Step 2. Competition(10)Part1-GuessingSolve some riddles.1. I am very old now. I was born in China. Many people used me for calcu

6、lating in the past, but now I am a bit lonely because they dont like me now. Do you know who I am?2. I am built to solve some mathematical problems. But I am too big. Do you know who I am?3. I am very small. I can be used for calculating. In China, a lot of students use me when solving mathematical

7、problems. Do you know who I am?4. I can be used for calculating. Besides, I can also be used for watching DVD, sending e-mail and communicating through the Internet. However, I am not a PC, because Im small enough for you to take me with you.Do you know who I am?According to the riddles, “the develo

8、pment of computer” AbacasHuge computerCalculatorPCLaptop PalmtopPart2-Question and answerAmong the nine numbers, students can choose any one to get the question.Questions:1.When was the first computer ENIAC born? A. In 1949 B. In 1946 C. In 1952 D. In 1954 2. Who is “the real father of computer”? A.

9、 Edward Roberts B. vn weumann C. Alan Turing D. Bill Gates3. Which of the following brands is NOT that of computers? A. Lenovo B. Dell C. Sony D. GREE4. What can we do on computers? A. Upload B. Download C. Click D. All the above5. What does IT mean?6. How to speak 笔记本电脑 in English?7. What does W.W.

10、W mean?目标: 让学生自然地进入教学内容并利用视频激发兴趣。预测效果:能引导学生思维,进入话题目标:让学生理解所给信息并根据所给的信息,分析总结出电脑的发展史.预测效果:学生能自己归纳电脑的发展史。目标:通过一些问题,加深了学生对电脑基础知识的印象。预测效果:问题难度不大, 大多数学生都能很快地回答这些问题。8. Who was the first person to invent the first computer?9. What was the earliest calculating machine?Step3. Brainstorming(4)What can computer

11、s be used to do in our life?1. Computers can be put into rockets, robots. Computers can also be used in medical operations, business or education.2. Computers can be used to listen to music, watch movies, play computer games, search for information, communicate/chat with others by E-mails, MSN or QQ

12、, do some shopping, type, draw pictures, make upStep4. Acting(5)Enjoy a play -Refuse the illegal net bars! Be a healthy teenager!Step5. Discussion and Debate(15-17)1. Students discuss with their partners about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet in several minutes. 2. One student is inv

13、ited to be the host and divide the students into 2 partsthe affirmative side and the negative side.3. The students begin the debate. In round one, each side will have 2 minutes to state their opinions, in round two, they will have a free debate. 4. The winners are decided by the number of their gift

14、s. And the losers will be punished to sing a song.5. Finally the teacher will make a conclusion, that is, “There is no doubt that a computer has two sides. If we make good use of it, it will make our lives more colorful and convenient. But dont lose yourself in playing computers. Just remember: Keep

15、 fit, study well and work hard.”Step6. Homework(1)Surf the Internet to find more information about how computer influence peoples lives and present(介绍) it to your classmates in the next class.目标:通过图片,呈现出电脑在生活中的应用。预测效果:学生能自己归纳电脑在生活中的广泛应用。目标:让学生仔细观察生活,并结合自己的体会,表演出电脑对青少年的影响。预测效果:学生能大胆地表现出电脑对青少年所带来的危害。目标:让学生讨论并总结出电脑所带来的利与弊,促使大家都用英语表达自己的观点。预测效果:大部分学生能利用一切可能的机会锻炼自己的口语表达能力。Reflections:



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