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1、考研英语二(完形填空) - 试卷 4( 总分: 120.00 ,做题时间: 90分钟 )一、 Use of English( 总题数:3,分数:120.00)1.Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for eachnumbered blank and mark A, B, C or D. (分数: 40.00 )解析:Crying and waking up in the middle of night are routine during any newbor

2、ns first few months.But if those crying episodes continue on a regular【 C1】 past the first year, then they maysignal possible behavioral problems【C2】 . Thats what researchers in Europe found whenthey 【 C3】 nearly two dozen studies on something developmental experts call regulatoryproblems which incl

3、ude trouble sleeping, continuous crying and difficulty feeding. Theresearchers 【C4】 in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood that infants whoconsistently cry and wakeup at night past their third month are nearly twice as likely to 【 C5】 problemssuch as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

4、 (ADHD), depression, anxiety,aggressive behavior or【 C6】 disorders by the time they begin school. The most【 C7】 behavioraldifficulties these children had involved【C8】 of self-control, and aninability to calm themselves down or act【 C9】 in different social situations. How exactlyare 【 C10】 crying jag

5、s and picky eating during infancy【 C11】 later behavioral problems?Dieter Wolke, one of the study co-authors and a professor of developmental psychology at Universityof Warwick in England, says the data donsupport any【 C12】 link, but there are severalpossibilities. One, the crying and waking up at ni

6、ght are simply the first signs of behavioralproblems that the babies can not【 C13】 themselves very well. Every baby wakes up severaltimes a night and maystart crying,but most will eventually learn to calm themselves down and【C14】 backto sleep. They learn that enough is e-nough and inevitably【 C15】 t

7、hatMom and Dad won come running every time they cry. If babies are already【C16】 to contractinga behavioral disorder,【 C17】 , they may not be able to learn such self-control, and theircrying episodes may continue well past their first year.【 C18】 , says Wolke, some infantsmay be genetically susceptib

8、le to problems regulating their behavior; specifically, scientistshave recently identified a version of a【C19】 concerning dopamine function, which governsmood and emotions as well as motor function, that may make some infants more【C20】 tobehavioral problems. (分数: 40.00 )(1) . 【C1】 (分数:2.00 )A.agenda

9、B.scheduleC.basis VD.interval解析:解析:文章第一句提封新生儿在头几个月里出现夜里啼哭和惊醒都是很平常的事。本句转折,然后提出假设,假如婴儿过了第一年还在哭闹,暗示可能会出现行为障碍。既然是可能出现行为问题,此处应指持续性的哭闹,故选 C项 basis 。 on a regular basis 为固定搭配,意为“经常性的,有规律性的方式” 。(2) . 【C2】 (分数:2.00 )A.for the roadB.down the road VC.by the roadD.along the road解析:解析:本句说,如果夜里啼哭的经历经过第一年后还在继续,就意味

10、着可能有行为障碍。这些可能表示“在将来,今后。down the road 。down项B的事情应该指的是将来可能发生的事,故选.(3) . 【C3】 (分数:2.00 )A.diagnosedB.analyzed VC.contrastedD.verified解析:解析:空格前的 they 指的是句首的 researchers( 研究员 ) ,从句的宾语为studies( 研究 ) 。研究员要做的事情应该是分析各类研究,故选 B 项 analyzed “分析” 。(4) . 【C4】 (分数:2.00 )A.provokeB.issueC.publishD.report V解析:解析:根据空格

11、后的 in the journal( 在杂志上 ) ,以及 that 引导的宾语从句,可知要填入一个及物动词,并且此动词可以接宾语从句。故选 D项report “报告,汇报”。(5) . 【C5】 (分数:2.00 )A.resultB.cultivateC.develop VD.impose解析:解析:本句说,头三个月过后还是经常半夜醒来啼哭的婴儿,出现各种问题的可能性是其他婴儿的两倍。故选择C项develop (开始)患(病);出现”。(6) . 【C6】 (分数:2.00 )A.conduct VB.confidenceC.patienceD.gene解析:解析:此处并列结构列举了各种问

12、题:注意缺陷多动症、抑郁、焦虑、叛逆行为。可以推测,顺承下来的问题应该也是行为上白缺陷。故选 A项conduct 行为。(7) . 【C7】 (分数:2.00 )A.accustomedB.common VC.normalD.popular解析:解析:从本句中的定语these children had(孩子们有的)可知,下列行为障碍是这些孩子拥有的共性。故选 B项 common共有的,普遍的”。(8) . 【C8】 (分数:2.00 )A.shortageB.lack VC.deficiencyD.need解析:解析:此处是列举这些孩子最共有的一些行为障碍,空格后是self-control(

13、自控 )是正常的行为,故有障碍的行为就应该是没有自控。故选 B 项 lack “缺乏” 。(9) . 【C9】 (分数:2.00 )A.improperlyB.appropriatelyVC.purposefullyD.peacefully解析:解析:空格前的 or 提示,空格处的词组和 or 前面的“冷静下来”在意义上并列,故选 B 项 appropriately “恰当地”。表现恰当与冷静下来,都是好的做法,而这些是有行为障碍的孩子没能力做到的(inability to )。(10) .【C10】 (分数:2.00)A.extended VB.unexpectedC.interrupted

14、D.disappointed解析:解析:上文提到婴儿在一段时间后如果还是在夜间不断啼哭或惊醒的话,他们今后可能存在行为障碍。那么,这些可能有行为障碍问题的婴儿的哭闹时期比正常儿童更长,故选 A 项 ex-tended “延续的;长期的” 。(11) .【C11】 (分数:2.00)A.responded toB.habituated toC.used toD.related to V解析:解析:本句承前讨论哭闹的表现与行为障碍的关系。空格前的“婴儿时期的啼哭和挑食行为”和空格后的“以后的行为障碍”提示填入的动词要能使它们联系起来。故选D项related to“使相互关联”。(12) .【C12

15、】 (分数:2.00)A.mutualB.consequentC.subtleD.obvious V解析:解析:从后半句“但存在几种可能性”可推测,两者之间的联系不是很明显,而空格前已有否定词not ,故选 D项 obvious “明显的” 。(13) .【C13】 (分数:2.00)A.control VB.behaveC.understandD.express解析:解析:上文一直在讲行为障碍,可知有行为障碍的婴儿无法很好地控制自己。故选A 项 control “控制” 。(14) .【C14】 (分数:2.00)A.retrieveB.settle VC.returnD.seek解析:解析:空格前的and衰明了前后两个动作的顺承性。可以推测.婴儿冷静下来后,又继续睡觉。故选 B项settle“平静下来” 。(15) . 【C15】 (分数:2.00 )A.insist onB.persist inC.figure out VD.follow up解析:解析:空格前的and表明,填入的动词或词组意思与



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