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1、新托福写作中转折词作用新托福写作考试中,转折词的应用十分重要。用好了,整个文章的逻辑和过度都会十分的和谐,用不好,文章就会混乱不堪。下面来看看小马过河小编为大家盘点的新托福写作转折词。1. 否定明显: no, not, none, neither, never, deny隐含: fail to, absence from, lack of, refuse to, little, few否定前缀: a-, ab-, anti-, counter-, de-, dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, mal-, mis-, non-, un-否定后缀: -less, free-, pr

2、oof-2. 并列: and/or, like, likewise, equally, the same as, same/similar to, in the same waybothand, neithernor as well as, not onlybut also/vice versa3. 因果明显:because, since, for, as, due to, owing to, in that, sothat, therefore, thus,hence.隐含:导致:in as much as, cause, lead to, stimulate, spur, spark, p

3、ush, motive,prompt, be responsible to由于: derive from, result from, come from, originate from, initiate fromon account of, in view of, according to, rely on, depend on4. 条件明显: if, unless, as long as, in case that/of隐含: suppose/supposing that, providing/provided that, on condition that,except when=unl

4、ess5. 比较明显: 比较级,最高级+than隐含: 最高意义:maximum, favorite, outstanding, top6. 转折明显:but, yet, however, though, although, even if, even though, while, whereas,nevertheless, despite, in spite of, instead, in contrast, contrast toon the contrary, different from, differ from, conversely隐含: for all;倒装+as;even+时间

5、(even when)但不重要超隐含: 时间,空间,事物对比a- asexual无性别 amoral不道德的,与道德无关的 asymmetric不对称的ab- abnormal 异常的abduct诱拐(词根duct管道、引导) abuse(ab-,-use)滥用anti- antislavery反奴隶制度 antithesis(n.) 对立,反对antihuman 反人类counter-CS (counter-strike), counterterrorist 反恐terrorist恐怖分子 counteract 对抗、抵消de- destruction 拆除decompose 分解dis-

6、dislike讨厌 disagree不同意 disappear消失 disprove 证明为错,反驳 disable 使无能力或残废il- illegal 不合法的 illogical不合逻辑的il- 加强illuminate照耀,照亮 illustrate阐明(词根-luster光泽 区分lust强烈的欲望)im- impossible imperfect immemorial 太古的,记不住的immoral 不道德的impersonal非个人的 (区分impersonate扮演模仿)im-内 import 进口imbibe 吸入immigrate移入 emigration迁出im-加强-i

7、mpulse刺激,冲击,冲动 impel 驱使来源:小马过河留学托福考试频道in- incorrect incapable informal非正式的 incomparable 无敌的,无双的in-内 inside内部的 inland内陆的 inject注入,注射in-加强 inspirit激励(sprite小精灵) invigorate使充满活力 inflame使发炎,使激怒,燃烧ir- irregular不规则的 irresponsible不负责任的 irrational不理智的 irrelative不相关的 irresolute不果断的 irreligious无宗教信仰的mal- male

8、volent邪恶的,恶毒的 malcontent不满 malfunction 故障maltreat虐待 maledictionmis- misunderstand误解 misuse误用,滥用 misfortune不幸 mistreat虐待non- nonentity nonexistent nonstop non-continuousun- unbelievable不可相信的 unequal不平等的 unfortunate不幸的 unorthodox非正统的(orthodox正统的(重要单词)-less useless homeless rootless 没有根的ceaseless无休止的-f

9、ree bubble-free没有气泡的 talent-free没有天赋的 crime-free无犯罪的-proof waterproof gas-proof soundproof lightproofGenerally speaking, China, absolutely, the third largest country which fosters 1.3 billion people consisting of 56 different nationalities, is a great and majestic country, but it is after all a developing country, when compared with the US, and is facing more crises than had some western countries done before, attracting the attention of the whole world.以上就是新托福写作考试中大部分转折词了,有一些是常用的,有一些大家还不常用。小马过河小编希望大家能够多记住一下,多样化的转折会让文章更出彩。此文章为小马过河()老师原创文章,请勿转载,如转载请注明出处!



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