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1、8 A (上)Unit 2设计者:李伟清 总第 14课时课 题Unit 2 教学内容Reading A (2)教学目标1. the sentence structures2. the phrases 教学重点the phrases .教学难点 using the phrases 教 具课本 小黑板 录音机教学过程Step 1 to revise the new words and phrases learned last time, read the text on P18Step 2 the key words and phrases1. the same. as.和同样的 2. no lo

2、nger不再3. behind bars坐牢4. deny doing sth.否认做5. admit doing承认做6. break into强行闯入7. go to jail进监狱8. instead of 代替, 而不是9.work as 担任的工作10.as well as 除之外;还11.show sth. to sb.=show sb. sth. 出示给看12.between. and 在之间(二者)Step 3 language points1.They both denied stealing the vase, but I noticed Jill wearing a bl

3、ack pearl necklace. 他们两人都否认偷了那个花瓶,但我注意到吉尔戴着一条黑色的珍珠项链。(P18) So I questioned Li and, in the end, he admitted stealing his own vase. (P18) 所以我询问李,最后他承认偷了自己的花瓶。1). deny doing sth 表示“否认做了某事”, 反义短语admit doing sth表示“承认做了某事”。deny与admit后面可接名词、代词、现在分词或从句作宾语。例如:a. He denied seeing this camera before. 他否认以前见过这台

4、照相机。b. The prisoner has admitted his guilt. 犯人认罪了。2). notice sb doing 表示“留意到某人正在做”。notice是感官动词,后面可接复合宾语sb do和sb doing,但意义不同,前者强调宾语的动作已完成,后者强调宾语的动作正在进行。其他感官动词还有see, hear, watch等。试比较:I noticed her crying in her bedroom. 我留意到她正在房里哭。(她正在哭)I noticed her cry in her bedroom. 我留意到她在房里哭。(不一定是正在哭)2. I see, so

5、 Jill was no longer a suspect. 我知道,所以吉尔不再是个嫌疑犯。(P18) no longer表示“不再”,也可以用not any Longer. no longer常位于行为动词前,be动词之后;注意同义短语not any longer中any longer常位于否定句之后例如:1) My grandfather is so old that he can no longer travel around. 我爷爷老得不能再到处旅游了。2) He doesnt play computer games every night any longer. 他不再每天晚上玩

6、电脑游戏了3. I hope to protect the innocent as well as findthe guilty.(P18)我希望既能够找到罪犯,又能够保护无辜者。1) the innocent无辜的人; the guilty有罪的人 the+形容词,表示某一类人。类似的还有:the rich富人;the poor穷人;the fat肥胖者;the tall高个子。2) as well as “既又”,用于连接两个并列的成分,通常强调as well as之前的成分。例如: As teachers we should teach students the skills of ge

7、tting knowledge as well as knowledge. 作为教师既要教给学生知识,又要教给学生获取知识的技能。【拓展】:as well as与not only.but also.意思基本相同,但用法稍有不同。as well as连接两个主语时,谓语动词与as well as前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。而not only.but also.连接两个主语时,谓语动词与but also后面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。4. ., in the end, he admitted stealing his own vase. (P18) , 最终,他承认偷了自己的花瓶。 admit

8、 doing sth. 意思是“承认做了某事”反义词短语:deny doing sth. “否认做了某事”。 注意:admit和 deny后可接名词、代词或动名词。Step 4 exercises1.昨晚一些小偷强行闯入他家,然后偷走了很多价值不菲的东西。Some thieves _ _ his house and stole many valuable things last night.2. 水是如此的珍贵,我们应该节约水资源而不是污染和浪费水资源。Water is so valuable that we should save it _ _ polluting and wasting i

9、t.3. 她不再住这里了。她上星期搬走了。She _ live here _ _. She moved last week. 4. 他长大了,不再是个孩子了。He has grown up and _ _ _ a child5. 我希望全世界所有的母亲幸福健康。 I wish all the mothers around the world happy _ _ _ healthy.6. 许多孩子和成年人都喜欢看“猫和老鼠”这个卡通片。 Many children _ _ _ adults like watching the cartoon of Tom and Jerry.Step 5 summary Read the words and phrases 作业 complete the exercises on P17 of BOOK B教学反馈


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