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1、UNIT 5达标测试卷第i卷听力部分听力材料:一、1.1 dont like lions because they are scary.2. Elephants are friend ly and interesting.3. Lets see the tigers first.4. Kate thinks giraffes are very beautiful.5. His brother likes pan das.二、6.What animals do you lik e?7. How many tigers can you see in the photo?8. Is that lio

2、n very scary?9. Why do you like pan das?10. When does this koala sleep?三、11.W: What animals do you like , Tony?M : I like giraffes.They are smart.W: What other animals do you like?M : I like elephant s, too.Q: What other animals does Tony like?12. M : Do you want to see the lion in the zoo?W: No.I d

3、ont want to see it.M : Why?W: Its kind of scary.Q: Why does nt the girl want to see the lion?13. W: What animals do you like best?M : Lions.l think theyre very strong.What about you?W: I like mon keys .I think they are very cute.Q: Which an imal does the girl like best?14. W: What animals do you lik

4、e best , Tom?M : Tigers .I thi nk they are brave.Q: Whats Toms favorite an imal?15. W: Do you like the lion , John?M : Yes.But I like the monkey best.Q: Which an imal does Joh n like best?四、M : Im Jack. On weekends, my parents often take me to the zoo. I have many photos of ani mals in my roo m. In

5、the zoo I can see many ani mals like tigers, elepha nts, pan das, koalas and lions. Some animals are very friendly, but some are not. Tigers and lions are very dan gerous, so we must keep away from them. Elepha nts a nd pan das are smart, but pan das are ki nd of shy. Koalas are cute, but theyre too

6、 lazy. They sleep in the tree all day.听力答案一、1 5 EBADC二、610 BACAB三、1115 CBABC四、1620 BCBAC第n卷笔试部分五、21.D22.C点拨:老年人感到孤单说明他们需要宠物(pet)。23.B 24.A 25.A26.C27.D点拨:get to 至U达,get up 起床,get dressed 穿衣服,get lost 迷路。根据我们有地图”可知D项合适。28.C点拨:考查名词单复数。one of结构后面的名词需用名词复数形式,而美国文化是 American culture ,故选 C。29.A30.D六、31.A

7、点拨:over表示超过。32.D33.B34.A35.C点拨:other表示其他的”用于名词前作定语。36.A点拨:此处的anything表示任何东西”句子的意思是有些鲨鱼几乎什么都能吃。37.D点拨:由上文中的 young可知此处应当选择D项。38.D39.B40.B点拨:当鲨鱼正在寻找食物的时候,人们是不应当”在海洋中游泳的。七、A41.B点拨:由第一段的最后一句可知。42.C点拨:由第二段的第 句可知有一只象。43.D44.D点拨:用两条后腿站立,抬起两条前腿要食物。45.CB4650 (CADCA八、51.They go out to look for food.52 你们和我们一样,

8、我们是兄弟。53. C 54.But 55.They are near the hill.九、56.giraffes 57.animals 58.cute59. smart 60.sleep 十、61 65 DEGCA 十、66.Why do67. Why do you like tigers?68. does nt come 69.Does; like70. What animal十二、One possible version :My favorite animalThere are many ani mals in the world.But whats my_ favorite anim

9、al._do二 you_ _know ? Many people like her very much. I also like her. She is from China. She looks kind of lazy but very cute . She is our friend. She likes to eat bamboos. She is veryfriendly to people. She is black and white. She has two black ears and eyes. And she alsohas black legs and arms . Now do you know what the ani mal is? Yes, she is a pan da. I like her because she is a symbol of friendship( 友谊).And I tell my classmates that my favorite ani mal is a clever and very beautiful pan da.点评:处设置悬念,吸引了读者的注意力。处灵活运用了本单元的词汇来描述动物, 做到了活学活用。处对动物的描写细致到位。处用设问方式给出答案,增强了句式的表达力度。


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