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1、Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shakeSection A(2a2d)学习目标1) 能掌握以下单词:yogurt, honey, watermelon, spoon, pot, add, finally, salt2)能掌握以下句型:How many bananas do we need? We need three bananas. How much yogurt do we need?We need one cup of yogurt. 课时重点1.能对可数名词及不可数名词的数量进行提问;能运用量词来表达不可数名词的数量2.能通过对话的形式来获取

2、或介绍制作一种食物所需的原料。预习导学一填一填1.酸奶_ 2.蜂蜜 _3.西瓜 _勺;调羹锅增加;添加最后;最终食盐二译一译.另外十分钟还有一件事我们需要多少根香蕉?我们需要多少杯酸奶?我们需要一杯酸奶。我想为星期六的聚会做俄罗斯汤。三想一想.how much 和how many 的用法区别。2.分别用how much 和how many写一个问句。_合作探究活动一1.大声朗读教材上2a图片中的单词并两人一组互相背诵单词。2.听教材上2a的录音,在每种材料的下面写出所需的数量,集体核对答案,完成2b.3.再听一遍录音,并跟读以整体感知对话内容。4.根据教材上2b中的听力信息,两人一组练习怎样制

3、作水果沙拉的对话,并邀请几组同学展示对话内容。活动二1.认真阅读教材上2d的对话,然后回答下列问题。Does Ann have a party on Saturday?How many ingredients do we need if we make Russian soup?How long does it take to make Russian soup?When do we add the salt when making Russian soup?2.学生自读2d的对话,然后练习对话,并邀请几组同学展示对话内容。知识超市 How many bananas do we need? H

4、ow much yogurt do we need?我们需要多少香蕉?我们需要多少酸奶? How many 和how much 都有“多少”的意思,但用法不同。How many后接复数名词,即“How many+复数名词+?”例如:How many students are there in your class? 而how much 可以单独使用,表示询问价格,也可在后面接不可数名词。即“how much+不可数名词+?”例如:How much is the meat?【做一做】单项选择( )1._ is the sugar(糖)? Eight yuan a kilo. A.what B.H

5、ow many C.How much D.Where( )2. I want to make a banana milk shake.Please tell me, _ milk do I need,and _ bananas do I need? A. how much, how many B. how many; how many C.how much; how much D.how many; how much名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有单复数之分,其复数形式的构成规则如下:1.一般情况下直接加-s.2.以s,x.sh,ch等结尾的词,在后面加-es.3.以辅音字母加y结尾的

6、词,先变y为i,再加-es.4.以o结尾的词,加-s或-es.5.部分以f(e)结尾的词,变f(e)为ves.6.还有一些是不规则的变化,需要特别记忆。特别注意:不可数名词要加表示容器或体积大小的名词与of构成短语才能表示数量。例如:a piece of paper, two teaspoons of honey, a cup of yogurt,a bag of chocolate.【做一做】单项选择( )1.He wants two _ salt and twenty _. A.bags; eggs B. bags of; eggs C.bags of; egg D.bags; egg(

7、)2.How much _ do you want? A.bananas B. yogurt C. moneys D.shoes( ) 3.P lease bring me _. A.two cup of coffee B.two cup of coffee C.two cups of coffees D. two cups of coffee导学测评一、用how many 或how much填空1._ yogurt do we need?2. _ apples do we need?3._ water does he need?4._salt does she want?5._waterme

8、lons do they have?二、对划线部分提问6.We need two spoons of honey._ _ spoons of honey do we need?7.We need two spoons of honey. _ _ honey do we need?三、单项选择( )8._ do we need?A. How many yogurt B. How much cup of yogurtC. How many yogurts D. How many cups of yogurt( )9. How many _ do you want?A. spoon of salt

9、B. spoons of saltC. spoons of salts D. spoon of salts( )10.We walked a long way,_ we got there.A. first B. next C. then D. finally( ) 11.Please _ the ingredients to the noodles.A. add B. make C. cut D. pour( ) 12. Today is Jims tenth birthday. There are eight candles, so we still need _?A. two anoth

10、er candles B. more two candlesC. two more candles D. another two candle四、阅读理解 Mr. Jackson is seventy-seven. He likes eating ice-cream. One day on his way home, he bought one and began to eat it. Great! No one saw that he could eat it now. Suddenly, he saw Mrs. Smith come here with her dog, Bill. Mr.

11、 Jachson didnt want her to see him eating ice-cream in the street. So he put it behind his back, and said hello to her. Mrs. Smith was happy and she talked a lot about her family for a long time. But M r. Jackson was worried about his ice-cream very much, because the dog behind him and wanted to eat the ice-cream.根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F).( )13.Mr. Jackson is a boy.( )14.On his way home, Mr. Jackson was eating ice-cream.( )15.Mrs.Smith saw him and his ice-cream.( )16. Bill found the ice-cream.( )17.A t last Mr. Jackson couldnt eat his ice-cream.


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