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1、Should animals be trained to help humans? nowadays,many people try to train animals to work for humans.they try to teach them to do many things such as guide dogs,police dogs ,circus animals and so on。a guide dog is trained to help the people with eye illness to live like other people。a police dog i

2、s trained to help the police 。and circus animals are trained ust for people to have fun。some people think it is ok,but some dont ,like me。 I dont think that animals should be trained to amuse human beings, because animals are our friends. Is there anybody will train their friend to amuse themselves?

3、Of course not. Animals also have minds,feeling just like human beings, so I hope that everyone would treat animals really their friend but not by mouth.people should respect the animals and protect them ,i think。其他人写的of course ,i dont agree with that. the animals are humans friends.we should take ca

4、re of them,but not hurt them.if there is no animal ,the eco-system of the world will be damaged seriously. we should adopt series of practial meansures to improve the current situation. firstly,it is urgent to create nature reserves. Secondly, certain rare wild animals that are going to be extinct s

5、hould be collected, fed and reproduced artificially.Some, known as keystone species, play a role in ecosystems that seems out of proportion to their number, such that even small changes in their abundance may have great impacts on the ecosystems in which they live. last not the least,those who hunte

6、r them must be punished severely.according to the law in our country,in violation of the provisions of this Law, sells or purchases wildlife under special state protection or the products thereof, and if the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime of speculation or smuggling, he shall

7、 be prosecuted for criminal responsibility according to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law. all relevant depatments must strictly abide by the laws. with the joint efforts of the government and the whole community,i believe we can creat a world which humanity and animal get on well with eac

8、h other.I think animals should be trained to help humans.There are many people who are alone and lonly in the world. I think they will be very happy if there is a dog who can help them in their daily life. Many people who are blind and deaf usually have a difficult life. If the dog can be trained to

9、 know some of the simple instructions,such as opening the door, carring the books ect, then those people wont suffer a lot from the life. I once read many stories about the leading dog that help people in the foreign countries. I just think it is necessary to train animals to help people, especially

10、 the dogs. I think the dogs are the kindest animals in the world. They can not only protect you but also give you much help if they are well trained. Though some people think it will be cruel to train animals and we should respect the rights of animals. I still believe animals should be trained to h

11、elp people. And I also believe animals will be happy too if they can do as much as they can to help humans.Should Animals Be Trained to Help Humans?Depends on itWe live in a colorful world. Plants、animals grow up around us. We cant live without them. Long long ago, someone found that we could train

12、animals to help humans. The first one is pig, people fed them for eating. But the most useful animal should be dog.Dog, which called peoples best friend, helps humans much. It can give you fun, plays with you, catch target or protect us. Thanks to the dog, it has been a part of our society.I say tha

13、t isnt means animals should be trained to do things just for us. Its inhuman. Animals have its freedom, the gift sent by god. We cant regard the world as our toys. People just can live harmoniously(和谐地) with natural. Nobody can change it. Who do the stupid things which destroy the balance will be de

14、stroyed too.For us, use something to help humans is ok. But, we should think carefully of the gauge. If we put all the animals in zoos, or trained them to make fun, its unacceptable.I think, for some necessary reasons, like eating, we should trained some animals. But not the all.Should Animals Be Tr

15、ained to Help Humans? Nowadays, animal housekeeper and animal guarder are not news. Animal training has begun almost in every country, but should animals be trained to help humans? In my opinion, the answer is yes. Because we need animals help. In some area, there are many things are beyond humans a

16、bility, but animals are able to do then. Throughout history, humans have relied on animals traits to get certain job done. For example, we make use of dogs sensitive sense of smell to track down odors to help us in finding things which is difficult for humans to do. We also train sea lions to carry video cameras on their backs to record the natural b


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