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1、2023年福建英语专业八级考试考前冲刺卷本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1._ deals with the actual use of language as a social phenomenon and can be approached in ways.APsycholinguistics; twoBSociolinguistics; threeCPsycholinguistics; threeDSociolinguistics; two 2.We can infer f

2、rom the first two paragraphs that the industrialists disregard environmental protection chiefly because _.Athey are unaware of the consequences of what they are doingBthey are reluctant to sacrifice their own economic interestsCtime has not yet come for them to put due emphasis on itDit is difficult

3、 for them to take effective measures 3.According to the text, why destruction of our natural resources and contamination of our food supply continue to occurAinevitable phenomenon of social developingBfew people are aware of itCthe tax exerted on manufacturer is too heavyDdifficulty in affixing lega

4、l responsibility on the people who caused the problem 4.Which of the following, according to the author, should play the leading role in the solution of environmental problemsALegislation and government intervention.BThe industrys understanding and support.CThe efforts of environmental health profes

5、sionals.DThe cooperation of ecologists, environmental activists and conservationists. 5.The word tunnel-versioned (Line 2, Para.4) most probably means _.Anarrow-mindedBblind to the factsCshort-sightedDable to see only one aspect 6.Which of the following statements is trueAThat Negroes were docile wa

6、s denied by the slaveholders.BThat Negroes were docile was not quite true.CThat Negroes were docile was a lie fostered by their masters.DThat Negroes were docile was sheer nonsense. 7.According to the passage what is unknown to many people is that _.Athe drip cup benefited light industry.Bthe truth

7、about carver was twisted or concealed.Csugar-refining owes a lot to a Negro.Da Negro invented the frying pan. 8.The main task now facing ecologists, environmental activists and conservationists is _.Ato prevent pollution by legislation, economic incentives and persuasionBto arouse public awareness o

8、f the importance of environmental protectionCto take radical measures to control environmental pollutionDto improve the quality of life by enforcing environmental standards 9.From the passage we know that Negroes _.Ahave no self-respect.Bhave no history.Cneed to have an interest in history.Dneed to

9、learn what they have done for America. 10.People are surprised to learn that _.ANegroes achievements are not shown in history books.BPhillis Wheatley learned English.CNegroes are good at mathematics.DNegroes have a very long history in America. 11.How were the Negroes treated in the history booksA.

10、They were ignored. B. They were condemned.B. They were belittled. D. They were praised. 12.The Enlightenment thinkers are deeply concerned about _.Awhat kinds of communities people are born intoBthe various traits of races and culturesCwhat makes people so variousDwhat brings people together 13.Whic

11、h statement is not true, according to Enlightenment thinkersAPeople are first a human being, then a social memberBCommon humanity will conflict with the membership of a particular groupCHumanity is above the particularity of race, religion and so onDParticularism and its divisiveness dont belong to

12、todays world 14.The Enlightenment thinkers see persons as citizens of the world. That means _.Athey think people in the world should obey the same rulesBpeople shouldnt have their own religion and livesCpeople dont belong to any particular groupsDpeople should be ruled by the same laws 15.What is th

13、e difference between salad bowls and melting potAThe difference between rationalism and materialismBthe former represents disintegration and the latter represents integrationCthe former emphasizes differences and individual identity, the latter emphasizes common humanityDThe former is for Enlightenm

14、ent and the latter is opposed to Enlightenment 16.What are the authors present feelings about his or her childrenATheir behavior is improving.BThey are approaching a difficult age.CThey dont spend enough time at home.DThey are choosing strange friends. 17.Young people often feel that the age of eighteen is the _.Aright age to get marriedBgateway to happinessChardest part of lifeDbest time of life 18.Which of the following is TRUEAA pain can only be caused by physical harm.BSome people are complaining of a pain which does not exist.


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