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1、摘要在天线设计中使用微带贴片天线代替传统类型天线的思想源于探究微带天线所能提 供的种种优点和特性。然而,微带天线主要的局限性在于自身的共振导致其固有的 窄带性能。第三代(3G)移动通信技术引入的新型无线通信系统要求采用宽带天线来支持大量的用户及更高的比特率。而且,既能支持传统的无线通信标准也能支持 新标准(3G IMT一200和UMS标准)的多带天线h于N在不同无线应用中支持多种 频带而广为流行。本文主要考虑几种宽带微带贴片天线的分析与设计。这些天线运用多种宽带技术来增强带宽。这些设计方法包括从简单的阻抗匹配技术(使用一系 列蚀刻电容器和共面寄生耦台技术)到相对复杂的开槽耦合,加载缝隙与微带馈

2、电 缝隙技术.研究表明86的带宽增强范围可通过采用上述设计方法在新、旧无 线通信标准中实现。同时分析和设计了多种多频带微带贴片天线。天线的结构包括: 带3条短触针的微带贴片天线,一系列位于非辐射贴片沿的开槽的矩形微带贴片天 线,矩形加载短截线微带贴片天线,和带单或双馈电的单贴片矩形微带贴片天线。多频带的实现可通过在1 Hz Hz频率范围内的设计获得,这一频率范围基本上包括了很多无线通信频带如DCS-100,PCS190,SM,Blutooth,UMTS和 IM一200。本文的计算机仿真和设计使用基于矩量法(M)的软件工具包(IE), 以及时域有限差分方法(FDTD)代码实现.本文对各种天线的数

3、学分析结果基于回 波损耗、增益、带宽和辐射样式参数。 / bracth inratioo using mosrp tch antenn teadof cnventioalypes of antennas,in the antenna eigns,ioexlorethmany advntage andeture offed by irstip.Hwever,te maorlimitation oftese antena itheir inherey arrwbandwidt erorma due o isreonnt naureNew reles communicationsytems,ntrd

4、ue byhe hir genratin (3G)techoy,qire wied antena to suport arge nber uers dhigert rateMorover,multind atennas thacn suport thol standars and ne tar(IMp2000 ad MS fo 3)of wieecomuncatiosaegineoularitbcauseothmuliplefrequn)+ bands sedfr dfferent wiless ptin。This thesis ismainly conernd t th esgn andan

5、als of severalnds ofroadnd microsrip atchnnnasTheseantenna emloyevealbrdbnding ehniqus toenance the bdwdthhesedesis rane fromsmple mtch impedance chq that uss a eries tcedaioradcolanarpariticptch,toeltivelycmpicedaprurecopld, sloadeandmcrostrfedsottehniqus。Itsownhtbadwidhenhnceets rn fromt 86ca be e

6、ahed by tsedesgns aking thecaableto ev n te od an ne standarof wireescomunicato,Tework is alsoconcernd th th designand anaysiso sevea multiband icrosti ahantenas。Thse strucures iclude:mcrotip patch t hreshrting is,rectagularmrostippat havn umber f sloarrangedat ner both o its nrdtig eges,rectangular

7、 stuloaded mirosrip pat,adicrostri single.pachwih siglor dua fedtis sown ht mli-nd a can be acithesesignsing rquencefrm 17 GHt 58 Gz、wch basically iclud may ireless1Ucocaionbds ieDCS180,C1900,SM,lutoth,MS andM寸2000.ComDuersmulaion an desi were erformed on the bsis of heethod o mmens(MoM) byin otwa p

8、acage(IED), ad Fte.DiffereneTimeDoan(FTD)code。Te nmercl reslts preset。dor aros antenn8 designs n thshesis erevala based onthe returnlosses,gais,bidts,n raditionpaternWAckwledgmns1 ol like o eess most sicere thanks t y prvior, rossor iu uana,fo the encurageen,guidance and scaly oevabl uggtisduri thed

9、eelpmt ofts workHiassistanc ndfrendship r greatlyaprecated。I gvs e a grea easure exes my sncereapeciaionto the fcia f the Frign ffairs ffic ieijig Universit of Pot nd elcmmuctin(BUPT)forteir asistaneandakinutmost are dring my etire ty at BUPtI a so gatefuto Poessor Lu Yinghua,who taug me CopuatalEle

10、ctroagnetis,fori helpful mmentslso may thnks t hs dctoral studt,M.agHongxin,ho geneousy gaeme lot ofh valuable tmswoud like to xpss my aty thkfl to myfriends,M.Yesar and hiwf,rtheirel nd kidesThy md e fellie 1aith my amily owe mco thtudes ie ab for all te uselcmments,allh interesting discussins,andh

11、ertwile help roghthis wok。 wouldlkto givespecial thanks t myfriends Mr。HuHei,M。Heju,M。ihangg,nd r。Fn Yigpengh sudd or h。D.de in inghaivrsyLastbt h least,dep hears eelingad areciatns reomyfmilyinIrq,forthipayers,continuouenouraget,ndendless piee.V1ChaerItoductin. receMicrosrip ntnn tchnology has been

12、 rapidly deoping in e ecent yersI hsfond many apicatons in wd vay of miht andcommrial aplications dueto any advatgelk ow r, sple a iexpensive t farcate uing drn prted circut boardtechnogy,omptiblewith mirowae illtr。wave integrted cicuit(MMC),ad hae he alityto confr t panaran nn.plaar sufcesInddto,oce te sape adoperatin mode ofh path e lcted,deigns eco vy satilen ermso peatgfrequency,polarition,patterns, and impeaceTh varietyin design thatspsible wth microtripantennas



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