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1、英文文献综述样本(标题 Times New Roman三号加粗)The Literature ReviewofThe M ystery of AntonioSadnessin The Merchant of Venice(正文用 Times New Roman小四,倍行距,各段首行空4个字符,书名用斜体加粗)Written sometime between 1596 and 1598,The Merchant of Veniceisclassified as both an early Shakespearean comedy (more specifically, asa Christian

2、comedy) and as one of theBardsproblem plays;itis a workin which good triumphs over evil,but seriousthemes are examined and someissues remain unresolved.InThe Merchant of Venice , Shakespeare wove togethertwo ancientfolktales,one involving avengeful,greedy creditortryingtoexact a poundof flesh, the o

3、ther involving a marriage suitors choice among threechestsand thereby winning his(or her)mate. Shakespearestreatment ofthe first standard plot scheme centers around the villain of Merchant,the Jewish moneylender Shylock, who seeks a literal pound of flesh fromhis Christian opposite, the generous, fa

4、ithful Antonio. Shakespearesversionof the chest-choosingdevicerevolvesaround the playsChristianheroine Portia, who steers her lover Bassanio toward the correct humblecasketandthensuccessfullydefendshisbosom friendAntoniofromShylockshorridlegalsuit.Antonio,as thetitlecharacter,issad fromthe beginning

5、 to the end of the play but never names the cause of hismelancholy even when his friends ask him. Antonio plays the role as anoutcast in the play. Shakespeare uses Antonios sadness simply as thedevicetoset thetragictonein thecomedy or make Antoniobe one ofhis1melancholic characters in his works Or A

6、ntonio is the representative ofthe complicated human nature Antonios unexplained melancholy is a significant element in understanding the play.1. Studies onThe Merchant of Venice( Times New Roman +四号 + 首缩进 4 字符,下同)Karl Marx once cited that Shakespeare is the greatest playwright inthe world. Shakespe

7、ares comedyThe Merchant of Venice is one of the mostinfluentialcomedies inhis works.Shylock has mostly been thecenterofthe research on the play.The Merchant of Venice was firstprintedin 1600in quarto, of whichnineteen copiessurvive. This was followed by a 1619printing,and lateran inclusionintheFirst

8、Folioin 1623.The playwaswritten shortly after Christopher Marlowes imme nsely popularJew ofMalta (1589), aplaywhereinaJewnamed Barabasplaysagreatlyexaggerated villain.The portrayalof Shakespeares Jew was and remainedcomic until the late 1700s at which time he was first played as a truevillain.In 181

9、4 Shylock srolewas depictedas a characterto be pitied,and in 1879 he was first portrayed as a tragic character. Subsequentinterpretations have varied greatly over the years, but since World WarII he has most often been conceived of as tragic.The Merchant of Venicehas been described as a great commen

10、tary on the nature of racial andreligious interactions.2.Deficiencies ofPreviousStudieson the MysteryofAntonio s Sadness inThe Merchant of VeniceThe titlecharacter,Antonio,begins the play intriguingly:In sooth,I know not why I am so sad; / It wearies me Much ink has been spilledwith conjecturesabout

11、 Antoniosmelancholy:thathes simply melancholicof temperament, that hisdevotionto Bassanio ishomoeroticand the newsthat this friend seeks to marry has depressed him (Antonio is a name2Shakespeare uses also inTwelfth Nightfor a character with an intensedevotion to another male), or that he has an omin

12、ous foreboding abouttheeventsthat willtranspireinthecourseof thisplay.Althoughthosepioneers aroused peopletothink muchofThe Merchant of Veniceand leftus invaluable and systematic reference, and made many achievements indescription and explanation of the cause of Antonios sadness, thereremain many de

13、ficiencies.First,The Merchant of Venice,which is considered to be one ofShakespeares fourgreatcomedies,actuallyfunctions as Shakespearesfarewelltocomedy.AntonioisoneofShakespearesmelancholiccharacters.Shakespeare inThe Merchant of Veniceisunderminingallthatpasses for comic entertainment.Shakespeare uses Antonios sadness asa device to set the tragic tone in the comic atmosphere.Second, a lotofissuesthatare arguedaboutregardingThe Merchantof Venicecan be considerably clarified if we know something about theaudience it was written for.In the modern, post-Holocaust read



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