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1、欧洲麻疹疫情欧洲的麻疹疫情? 欧洲的麻疹疫情截至2022年4月18日,欧洲33个国家已报告6500多例麻疹病例。流行病学调查和基因型分型均已确认在这一区域多个国家和美洲有麻疹病毒传播。与2022年全年报告的40例病例相比,比利时_至今已报告100例病例。与2022年和2022年的24000病例相比,保加利亚_今年已报告131例。与2022年全年报告的5090例病例相比,法国_从2022年1月至3月已报告4937例病例。塞尔维亚_,东南部的莱斯科瓦茨已报告了将近300例病例。自2022年10月以来,西班牙_已报告了两起目前仍在进展中的麻疹病例疫情,安达卢西亚已报告600多名病例。在首次疫情中,塞


3、病毒,而于并常见于东南亚如马来西亚和印度尼西亚的D9型被确认是引起2022年1月土耳其伊斯坦布尔麻疹疫情的病毒类型另外,德国_、荷兰_、挪威_、罗马尼亚_、俄罗斯联邦_、瑞士_和英国_今年也都报告了疫情和病例数字的不断增长。旅行会进步麻疹病毒暴露风险,假如未能及时接种,还会进一步传播给易感人群。为预防进一步传播,世卫组织鼓励卫活力构做出宣传,使人们在旅行前获得免疫接种,并根据现有国家免疫接种方案,通过卫生系统的免疫接种效劳提供免疫。世卫组织建议为全部儿童注射两剂麻疹疫苗,青少年和成人在不确定其免疫状态的情况下应在国际旅行前至少接种一剂疫苗。Measles outbreaks in Europe

4、As of 18 April 2022, 33 countries in Europe have reported more than 6 500 measles cases.Epidemiological investigations and genotyping have confirmed transmission of measles virus among several countries in the Region and to the Americas.Belgium_has reported 100 cases to date, pared to 40 cases in al

5、l of 2022.Bulgaria_has reported 131 cases this year, pared to 24 000 cases in 2022-10.France_reported 4 937 cases from January to March 2022, pared to 5 090 cases reported in all of 2022.In Serbia_, nearly 300 cases have been reported from Leskovac in the southeastern part of the country.Spain_has r

6、eported two ongoing measles outbreaks since October 2022, with more than 600 cases reported in Andalusia.In the first outbreak, the most affected areas are Sevilla and surrounding municipalities, where more than 350 measles cases have been reported since January 2022.Cases of measles are reported am

7、ong healthcare workers as well.The second outbreak was reported in the province of Granada, where about 250 cases have been reported since October 2022.Since the beginning of a measles outbreak in September 2022, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia_has reported 636 cases as of the first week o

8、f April 2022, with more than 400 cases diagnosed in 2022.The national capital, Skopje, has been most affected by the outbreak.Turkey_reported an outbreak in Istanbul with more than 80 cases in January 2022.In all the outbreaks e_cept for the second outbreak in Spain and the outbreak in Turkey, the D

9、4 genotype of measles virus has been confirmed.The B3 genotype of measles virus was isolated from cases in the second measles outbreak in Spain, while the D9 genotype, originating from and mon in south-east Asia (e.g.Malaysia and Indonesia) was confirmed to have caused the outbreak in Istanbul, Turk

10、ey in January 2022.In addition, this year, there have been outbreaks and an increase in the number of cases reported in Germany_, the herlands_, Norway_, Romania_, Russian Federation_, Switzerland_and the United Kingdom_.Travel increases the risk for e_posure to measles virus and its further spread

11、into susceptible populations if not vaccinated.To prevent further spread, WHO encourages health authorities to advocate for immunization before travel and to provide immunizations through health systems immunization services according to e_isting national immunization schedules.WHO remends two doses of measles vaccine for all children and at least one dose prior to international travel for adolescents and adults who are unsure about their immunity status._Source: EUVAC (/graphics/euvac/inde_) _Source: CISID (/cisid/) 第 页 共 页



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