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1、河北联合大学轻工学院QINGGONG COLLEGE, HEBEI UNITED UNIVERSITY毕业设计说明书设计(论文)题目:选矿厂矿石破碎S7-300PLC控制系统监控软件设计学生姓名:* 学 号:2*专业班级:0*班 学 部:*指导教师:* 教授 2012年05月18日摘要我国钢铁产量位居世界前位,选矿工业是传统的基础工业,虽然已具备相当规模,从业人员众多,但除少数大型选厂有一些自动化装备外,大多数选厂还是人工操作,在旧的管理方式下运作。突出问题是能耗高、效率低、自动化水平低、劳动强度大,选矿技术经济指标低,而且随矿石性质及操作条件的变化很不稳定。解决这些问题的重要方法就是开发研究


3、、控制软件梯形图设计、组态监控软件设计三个部分。本文根据选矿生产的特点和要求,详细介绍了S7-300PLC控制系统组态监控软件的设计。首先,简单介绍选矿自动化系统的总体设计,然后详细介绍了如何使用Win CC系统设计组态监控,最后结合程序进行调试、检验。选矿自动化集中控制系统的应用能够明显提高生产效率,节约能源,提高产品质量,在选矿行业中有非常广泛的应用价值。关键词: S7-300;选矿综合自动化系统;组在软件;Win CC;调试AbstractChinas steel output ranks first in the world. Mineral processing industry i

4、s the traditional basic industries, it has large-scale, employing many, but a small number of large-scale processing plant in addition to a number of automated equipment, the majority of plant selection or manual operation, in the old mode of operation of the management.Problems is high energy consu

5、mption, low efficiency, low level of automation, labor-intensive, processing technology of low economic indicators, but also with the nature and operation of mineral changes in very unstable conditions. To solve these problems is an important research and development process of beneficiation of indu

6、strial production of key technologies, equipment, instrumentation, mineral processing to achieve the automation of industrial processes. Dressing for the realization of automated industrial processes and energy consumption can significantly reduce raw material consumption, reduce labor intensity, im

7、prove product quality and stability.Problems is high energy consumption, low efficiency, low level of automation, labor-intensive, processing technology of low economic indicators, but also with the nature and operation of mineral changes in very unstable conditions. To solve these problems is an im

8、portant research and development process of beneficiation of industrial production of key technologies, equipment, instrumentation, mineral processing to achieve the automation of industrial processes. Dressing for the realization of automated industrial processes and energy consumption can signific

9、antly reduce raw material consumption, reduce labor intensity, improve product quality and stability. This article introduces the application of SIEMENS S7 300 Programable Logic Controller in automation of mineral processing control system. The design of automation of mineral processing composite co

10、mcontrol system include hadware design,STEP 7 software control program and configuration interface software design.Text below particularly introduces the S7-300 Programable Logic Controller onfiguration interface software design.First of all,a simple introduction of totally designing method will be

11、given, then we will talking about the detailed programming in Win CC language with state method,at last there will be the testing and debugging. However,the application of the automation of mineral processing control system will raise the producting efficiency remarkablely,save energy resources and

12、improve the product qualities.its obvious that the automation of mineral processing control system can be widespreading use in mineral industry.Keywords: S7-300;Automation of mineral processing;Win CC language;test目 录摘要Abstract0引 言11 绪论21.1 磁铁矿选矿介绍21.2 选矿工艺及设备介绍22 选矿厂自动化系统总体设计方案42.1 系统总体设计思想42.2 系统的

13、基本功能42.3 系统的组成环节42.4 现场控制与远程控制63 可编程控制器和软件系统概述73.1 可编程控制器(PLC)概述73.2 STEP 7概述93.3 状态法编程概述114 破碎环节及其梯形图程序设计134.1 破碎环节控制流程144.1.1 远程控制154.1.2 现场控制154.1.3 系统启停顺序164.2 破碎阶段I/O端子的地址以及PLC内部地址(M)的分配164.3 破碎环节PLC硬件系统组态和模块选型244.4 破碎环节梯形图程序264.5 破碎PLC程序结构及各程序块功能275 Win CC组态监控软件设计285.1 WinCC 6.0组态监控软件简介285.2 W

14、inCC 6.0 组态监控软件设计流程285.2.1 新建项目285.2.2 画面组态355.2.3 变量组态405.2.4报警组态496仿真调试506.1 S7-PLCSIM仿真软件简介506.2系统模拟运行507结 论56参考文献57谢 辞580引 言选矿是根据矿石中不同矿物的物理、化学性质,把矿石破碎磨细以后,采用重选法、浮选法、磁选法、电选法等,将有用矿物与脉石矿物分开,并使各种共生的有用矿物尽可能相互分离,除去或降低有害杂质,以获得冶炼或其他工业所需原料的过程。选矿使有用组分富集,减少冶炼或其他加工过程中的燃料、运输等的消耗,使低品位的贫矿石能得到经济利用。国内的一些选矿厂设备单一、

15、陈旧,选矿技术落后,采用粗放的发展模式,生产力十分有限。随着计算机技术,自动控制技术,检测技术,等科学技术的发展,对选矿中的的破碎、磨碎、分级、选别、过滤脱水、精矿出厂和尾矿处理等过程进行的自动控制。实现选矿生产过程自动化,可以大大提高劳动生产率,提高选矿回收率和精矿品位,改善劳动条件,降低药剂和电能的消耗。使选矿生产更加经济合理。选矿综合自动化系统的投入可以大大提高企业的经济效益和社会效益,提高企业的装备技术水平,提高企业的管理水平。通过选矿综合自动化系统的实施,可以提高产品产量、质量以及合格率,降低能源消耗,减少设备维护费用,缩短设备检修时间,提高设备运转率,提高劳动生产率,减少岗位人员的数量,降低环境污染等。1 绪论1.1 磁铁矿选矿介绍磁铁矿在我国铁矿物的储量中占了很大的比例。找出合理的选矿工艺及选矿设备来处理磁铁矿物对于我们国家矿山的发展及整个钢铁业的发展都有着极为重要的意义。近年来我国的选矿工作者经过了不懈的努力使磁铁矿选矿工艺及设备有了很大的发展,铁精矿品位有了很大的提高。个别选矿厂已经达到了70,全国平均提高了l以上;而且杂质含量明显下降,有的选矿厂应用单一磁选法把二氧化硅含量降到了2以下。 但选矿行业仍存在以下问题:铁矿产品细度不尽合理; 铁矿设



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