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1、Don et nlass.Uni 4Dont eatincla.Piod Connt Seco A a, 1b,c;2a,2b, 2c教学目的规定1.可以使用祈使句的否认形式向她人提出规定、发出指令,如:Dont arrie lte in las Dot igh可以运用情态动词an向别人征求许可,如:Can e liten to musiinclas?3可以运用情态动词mus, an,t表述规章制度,如:ou s be time. We ant e intclassro. e caea in th dinig hall.能听懂并且运用表达学校校规的短语,如:listento musc in t

2、husic rom, ea in he dininghall等。5能认读并能工整书写所学单词:le, rrv, allway, inig, all, fit等。能模仿录音对的朗读和表演教材上的对话并能模仿目的语的构造和语调进行初步体现(会话)。如:Ca we litn o music? Weca liento usc in the halasWecan listento tsi.教学过程 活动环节教与学活动目的及其操作教学资源运用复习时间4 m1.复习已学目的语和导入谈论时间的话题t stdents liste toan English sonand ak stets qustons:Do o

3、 lik ths sog?Do ulik ltnng to msc? no yo a le lstenin to music. an youliten to us in th classrom? o, I cant. I cant listen tomusi ite classroo.仿照上述对话,组织air ok复习活动Lts do airwork:Talk abutterules.学生双人活动,教师抽查几对学生导入时间2 m3导入新课话题Wel,weregoing t ler Uni4, Dont e class. 4引入单元标题教师板书或课件显示:Un4 Don eatn css.教师询

4、问几种学生:Wht are th scho rle?1a时间8 m5读图,理解对话情景地点和谈论的话题Frt, look a he icture leasewach and redTe, an: her arethe uds?What are ey talkigabou?You may serither in English or inChinese(Theyre cool.Thyreaingabout thschoo rules)6运用课件的图,激活学生学过的有关校规的短语。No, lkat t ctre and tl what they are di.(点击图中每个学生)Wa s /she

5、 oing? 肯定或“纠正”,即让学生初步接触某些未学的校规的英语体现7理解并辨认有关学校校规的短语和句子。完毕1a。Now, fid out h ruls thes sudents r breakn rie thenumber of therlenxt t hestdet.(在课件3图的旁边给出可供选择的学校校规,以供学生把编号写到图中方框中。教师点击图中右下方男孩,示范1的答案)学生个人活动,复习已知的短语和句型,接触未知的短语和句型。ow,et cck核对1任务的答案,学生进行自我评价(电子书可随机做出评价) 8学习学校校规的体现。Le read hscoorules.1b时间5 m9通

6、过听力导入用祈使句的否认形式向她人提出规定、发出命令的功能项及其答语(目的语) Don ru intehallwas. orry.es o listenin pratice.Donlo a your oks Listen ceully Ten tel e o many choo rles yu hea.教师问:How manyschlrue d youher?10听辨对话,感受目的语ow pen yur oks anok at 1b. Liste again.a ruesarethese sudtsreakig? rite e numbers after he ns. 核对答案11视听会话的动

7、画,并模仿跟读会话, 回忆对话中提到的学校校规。Lo, listed epea时间5 2学生模仿录音,两人一组扮演习习1a中的对话。Nowwork n pai, pratice th cersaionsn 1a13针对目的语进行控制性的实践活动(教师与学生进行会话示范) hat re herules? Well, w canave lae fo class. e must be o tie.K Wok inpr.Student is a ew stent. Sdnt B tls sten A aout thels above.1本活动的检查评价 sk seealais shoter conve

8、rsaion.时间m5复习所学学校校规,导入下一活动1.skne or two studens totll the clswhat t scho rues are. S: We canW cant e ca2.Lts loo t e tabe i 2. Thereeigh actiities. tuns can do soe f thin he lassoom, and so thy cant do. n yu read nd undertndteseactvitie?16在语境中听辨对话所谈及的学校校规Noleslook at he icturenxto theactvytale. The

9、boy is Aan ad thgi is Cny. What arthe ong? (S: Theyre alking) iht. Thee taking t sm shool rules. W iten t their onvesaton. Please listeand checthe ctivitieshy t aout.K What tiviies o ou chc?2b时间4 m1听前活动,理解对话的情景和主题Look atthe icur. Aanandndy ae talg abo soe schoo rul.At shool, thee are ometinsthey an

10、doand te ame time here are als some tings thy ant do. T:For expe, cnheylientomusi inth cassro orhallwa?S: N, tey can. 18听力实践,从对话中获取信息Now s lstenth tpe againThis tie,circca orcatsow which things Ala an Cindcanor cant o ither clssroom.19进一步体验对话内容;跟读对话中的句子Lstenandrepeat.(课件领读,学生模仿朗读会话) 2c时间3 20扮演角色练习对话

11、;拓展性实践ractie thecoversatnbtween Aa adCinyTlk abott ule in 2拓展时间2拓展:教师板书或运用媒体投影呈现若干学生在教室中的常用行为sit on he deska png-pongpla ith hakseat chwig gumsus moipnesrite or drwon tewallrn arounin thclassroomspeak or laugh odly i thclassroomred comic bookso picre books clss oin h clasrm22若有时间,组织小组活动(Gr work)拓展运用

12、,讨论我们尚有必须遵守哪些校规。Let talk abutmore scool rles ronds. F xaml,(显示课件)We cant use the moile ho. We can spek orlah lodlyn the clsroom.小结时间3 m2本活动的检查评价;归纳反馈强化本节课学习目的1.抽查两对学生的会话表演教师在她们会话完毕后询问几种学生: T: Canwefgt /arrivelat f school/ ea n thclassroom? : N, eant. W cat3.W di you larni his cass? (学生总结:We takd abut school rules.)教师在板书上添加:Dtarive a forclas.We can



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