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1、2022年外研版六年级英语下册专项填空题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 填空题。1Mon.It will_on Monday. Lingling is going to_.2Sat.It will_on Saturday. Im going to_.3Tue.It will_on Tuesday. Im going to_.4A: Are you going to get a haircut?B: No, Im going to_.5Sam will_(become) a teacher in the future.2. 用动词的正确形式填空。1What are you_(do)?I_(watch)

2、TV.2Its 9:00 p.m. My parents_(read) newspapers.3Look! The boy_(throw) rubbish on the floor.4Tom and his sister_(wait) for their parents at the moment.5Where is Miss Zhang?She_(talk) with the pupils.3. 根据中文提示,在横线上填上恰当的单词。1We_(骑)horsesthis morning.2Lilywashappybecauseherfather_(买)heranewbag.3Johnis37k

3、ilograms. Tomis35kilograms. SoJohnis_(重)thanTom.4Whichis_(更快的),thesnakeorthesnail?5Ireceived(收到)many_(礼物)onmyholiday.4. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1Do you have_(some) water?2_(do) you have fun yesterday?3Li Ming is_(hit) the ball to Danny.4Lets_(go) to the library to read books.5“Who is the first?” the teacher_(a

4、sk).5. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1My uncle is a famous_(art).2The music room is on the_(two) floor.3Its_(sun) in Beijing.4My sister is good at_(sing).5I_(arrive)in Toronto yesterday morning.6. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1We can use water_(wash) clothes.2Lucy_(try) on the shoes. They fit well.3Whats wrong with_(she)?She has a c

5、ough.4We should_(brush) our teeth every day.5There_(be) not much coal and oil on Earth.6We Chinese welcome_(visit) from all over the world.7. 根据提示完成单词或词组。1Where did you go_(上周日)?2John_(读书)yesterday.3I_(感冒)yesterday.4John cleaned his room_(前天).5Im happy you_(感觉好多了)now.8. 根据中文提示,首字母或图片写出单词。1This is a_

6、egg.2I l_swimming.3_(哪里) do you want to go this summer vacation?4Its time for_class.5Please open the_(门).9. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Look, Tom_(eat) a hamburger.2He laughs_. (happy)3Mike_(catch) a bird with her father in the park last week.4I often have dinner at my_(grandparent) home.5Lily is a_student. She d

7、oes everything_. (careful)6What about_(wear)red clothes?10. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1She_(go) swimming yesterday.2Did you like it? Yes, it_(be) so warm.3He didnt_(see) a film the day before yesterday.4John often_(do) his homework in the morning.11. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Li Lei and Lin Tao_(be)good friends.2Are there_(s

8、ome)plates on the table?3This is_(Helen)toy doll.4What do you like?I like_(tiger).5I like_(play) table tennis very much.6I can_(make)the bed at home.7You should_(wash)your hands before dinner.8My cousin is from_(Japanese).9What can the monkey_(do)?10He can_(sweep )the floor.12. 用下列单词的适当形式补全句子。1He us

9、ually_(finish) his homework late.2My grandpa is walking_(slow) in the park.3The_(happy) dog danced_(happy).4The boy is singing_(bad)5He always listens to his teacher at school and he also does_(well)at home.6Sometimes Sam and Tina_(clean) the classroom together.7He sometimes feels_(sleep) in the mor

10、ning.8Yang Ling always does_(good) at home.9Sam sings_(bad). I cant stay here.10I sometimes get_(late) on Sundays.13. 用词的适当形式填空。1What sports do you need_(play)?2Do you want_(have) any pingpong balls?3Can you_(show) me the ball?4Why do you like to_(play)basketball?5Do you like these T-shirts_(or /and

11、)those?14. 根据要求写词。1happy(副词)2will not(缩略形式)3wake(过去式)4paint(现在分词)5study(第三人称单数形式)15. 根据句子意思用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,使句子完整。1How_(be) your last weekend?2My brother_(stay) at home and watched TV.3My brother often_(take) pictures on Saturdays.4Look! Mike is_(wear) a pink T-shirt.5I_(do) not like winter before.6Its time_(leave) our school.7His schoolbag is_(big) than mine.8Lets go_(shop) together.9My parents didnt_(buy) a new gift for me .10Amy_(sweep) the floor tomorrow.16. 写出下列形容词的副词形式。1quick 2fast3early


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