【牛津译林版】(江苏专用)2012届高三英语一轮复习精品学案:Module2Unit3 Amazingpeople

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1、Unit 3Amazing people重点单词【1】 curious adj. 好奇的;奇异的I heard a curious noise coming from above.我听到从上面传来的一个奇怪的声音。be curious about 对感到好奇be curious to do sth. 对做某事感到好奇Hes curious to know what she said.他想知道她说了什么。be curious that从句/wh从句(从句谓语可用陈述语气也可用虚拟语气)They are curious how it is/should be made.他们很想知道这是怎么做成的。

2、他们对住在楼上的人很好奇。_那是一种奇特的感觉,我们仿佛在空中漂浮。_她没有告诉任何人,这很反常。_They were very curious about the people who lived upstairs.It was a curious feeling, as though we were floating on air.It was curious that she didnt tell anyone.【2】present n. 赠品,礼物, adj. 出现的,出席的, vt. 呈奉,奉送Were you present when the news was announced?

3、宣布那消息时你在场吗?He presented her with a bunch of flowers.他献给她一束花。presentation n呈现presence n. 出席,到场at present 现在,目前be present at 出席be absent from 缺席He hardly seemed to notice my presence.他似乎没有注意到我在场。多数做父亲的都希望孩子出世时自己在场。_我给他选点什么生日礼物呢?_在他退休之际,同事们赠给他一套高尔夫球杆(golf clubs)。_Most fathers wish to be present at the

4、birth of their child.What can I get him for a birthday present?On his retirement, colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs.【3】辨析disturb, interrupt与trouble(1) disturb和interrupt都是及物动词,但意思不同。前者是“干扰,困扰”,后者是“打断”。She was disturbed to hear you had been injured in the accident.她听到你在事故中受了伤感到不安。Dont

5、interrupt your teacher while he is talking.老师在讲话的时候你不要打断他。(2) disturb还可表示“妨碍;妨害;侵犯(权利);弄乱,打乱(计划等);激荡(水面)”。He put his oars in the water and disturbed the smooth surface of the lake.他把桨放入水中,搅乱了平静的湖面。Dont disturb the paper on my desk.别乱动我桌上的文件。disturbing adj. 令人不安的;使人震惊的(3) trouble指麻烦别人所造成的不便而说的客气话。Cou

6、ld I trouble you to open the window, please?劳驾,请您把窗户打开好吗?The programme was _ for half an hour because of a sudden power failure last night.A. disturbed B. missedC. interrupted D. pausedC本句意思为“昨晚因停电,节目被中断了半个小时。” interrupt中断;disturb打乱,扰乱;miss思念,错过;pause暂停,为不及物动词。 【4】辨析examine, inspect, check这些动词都有“调查,

7、检查”之意。(1)examine是最普通用词,可指粗略地查看,也可指仔细观察或调查以确定事物的性质、功能、特点等。They put a screen around his bed so that the doctor could examine him.他们在他的床的四周放上屏风,以便医生给他做检查。(2)inspect是指根据完美的标准或品质等对被检查的对象进行比较,以检查或视察该事物是否有差异、缺陷。它侧重按一定质量标准检查某物,找出不足或不同之处。He carefully inspected the china for cracks.他仔细检查瓷器看有无裂纹。(3)check指“核对,检

8、查”。He checked his furniture and found his color TV set gone.他核对家具,发现彩色电视机不见了。He _ his belongs very carefully and found his gold watch missing.A. looked B. checkedC. investigated D. scannedBlook表示“一般的看”,为不及物动词; check意为“检查,核对”,看看是有还是无,是对还是错;investigate 指为发现事实真相或了解掌握情况而进行深入细致地现场考察;scan指细看或浏览,根据句意选B。【5】

9、辨析certain,sure一般来说,sure和certain的用法是相同的,但sure的语气比certain听起来弱些,而区别主要体现在搭配上。(1)两者都能用于以下句型中:be sure/certain about/of短语,表示“对(某事)有把握”。主语必须是人。I am sure/certain of his returning.我确信他会回来。be sure/certain to do sth.,表示“一定会做某事”,主语可以是人,也可以是物。Spring is sure/certain to follow winter.冬天过后一定是春天。be sure/certain 从句,表示

10、“确信”,“确定;弄清楚”,主语只能是人,而不能是物。You must be sure/certain when the bus will leave.你必须弄清汽车何时出发。(2)二者的不同点在于:I m sure与I m certain均可译为“我深信(确信)”,但两者的含义却不同。前者表示一种主观上的判断或感觉,事实并不一定如此,后者强调的则是客观事实,意为主语已经知道后面的内容是既定的事实。试比较下面一组句子:I m sure he didnt steal it. He isnt that kind of person.我确信他没偷,他不是那种人。I m certain he didn

11、t break the cup. I broke it myself.我敢肯定他没有打碎那个茶杯,(因为)那个茶杯是我打碎的。如果it作为形式主语代替从句时,则其后的表语用certain,而不能用sure。It isnt certain whether he will give us a report next Monday.下星期一他是否来为我们作报告还不能确定。两者在作定语时含义不同。sure意为“可靠的;无误的”;而certain若修饰可数名词,意为“某一;某些;某种;一些”,若修饰抽象名词,表示程度,意为“有点;有些”。He made a sure answer.他回答得准确无误。A

12、certain person called on me yesterday.昨天有个人来找过我。在祈使句中常用sure,不宜用certain。Be sure and remember what I told you.千万要记住我对你讲的话。口语中,sure常作副词,用在肯定答语中替代surely,这时与of course,certainly意思相当,而certain不可作副词用。 Would you please turn down the radio a little bit?请你把收音机音量调小点,好吗? Sure/Of course/Certainly.当然可以。 Its _ that

13、he said: “I am _ to help you.” Dont take it seriously. He is always playing that trick.A. sure; sureB. certain; certainC. sure; certainD. certainly; surelyBit 作形式主语时只能用certain 作表语。人作主语时,sure和certain都可以用,但是不能用surely。故选B。【6】 compare vt. 比较,对照compare with与做比较(同类相比)My English cannot compare with his.我的英

14、文水平不如他。compare sth./sb. to 将比(喻)作(异类相比)A teachers work is often compared to a candle.教师的工作常被比作蜡烛。compare notes 交换意见;交流体会without/beyond compare 无可比拟comparison n. 比较;对照by comparison 相比之下in comparison with/to 与相比By comparison, expenditure on education increased last year.相比之下,去年教育经费增加了。The tallest buildings in London are small in comparis



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