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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.成都市高中毕业班第二次诊断性检测英语第一卷(共115分)第一部分:听力(共共两节,满满分200分)做题时,先先将答案案划在试试卷上,录录音内容容结束后后,你将将有两分分钟的时时间将试试卷上的的答案转转涂到答答题卡上上。第一节(共共5小题题,每小小题1分分,满分分5分)听下面5段段对话,每每段对话话后有一一个小题题,从题题中所给给的A、BB、C三三个选项项中选出出最佳选选项,并并标在试试卷的相相应位置置。听完完每段对对话后,你你都有110秒钟钟的时间间来回答答

2、有关小小题和阅阅读下一一小题。每每段对话话仅读一一遍。1. Whhen willl EEricc arrrivve?A.10: 500. BB. 110: 45. C. 111: 220.2. Whhat didd thhe tteaccherr doo?A. Hee peersuuadeed tthe womman nott too taake thee cooursse.B. Hee asskedd thhe wwomaan tto sstuddy hhisttoryy. CC. HHe ggavee a tallk tto tthe hisstorry cclasss.3. Whhat

3、doees tthe womman meaan?A. Shhe ccan hellp tthe mann. BB. SShe hass doone thee exxerccisee.C. Shhe wwantts tto ddo tthe exeerciise witth tthe mann.4. Whhat willl tthe womman do?A. Sttay up alll niightt. BB. FFiniish herr paaperr. CC. GGo tto bbed.5. Whheree dooes thiis cconvverssatiion takke pplacce

4、?A. Inn a posst ooffiice. B. Inn a bannk. C. Inn a depparttmennt sstorre.第二节(共共15小小题;每每小题11分,满满分155分)听下面5段段对话或或独白,每每段对话话或独白白后有几几个小题题,从题题所给的的A、BB、C三三个选项项中选出出最佳选选项,并并标在试试卷的相相应位置置。听每每段对话话或独白白前,你你将有时时间阅读读各个小小题,每每小题55秒钟;听完后后,各小小题将给给出5秒秒钟的作作答时间间。每段段对话或或独自读读两遍。听第6段材材料,回回答第66-8题题。6. Whhat happpenned to thee

5、 maan?A. Hee feell andd huurt himmsellf bbadlly. B. Hee waas vveryy siick andd waas ttakeen tto tthe hosspittal.C. Hee brrokee hiis lleg in a ttraffficc acccidden.7. Whhat is thee maanss trroubble noww?A. Hee haas aa chhestt paain andd caan hharddly breeathhe.B. Hee feeelss tooo wweakk too waalk. C.

6、 Hiis lleg is brookenn annd hhis cheest hurrts.8. Hoow llongg wiill thee maan hhavee too sttay awaay ffromm woork?A. Foour weeeks or lesss. B. No morre tthann onne mmontth CC. MMoree thhan onee moonthh.听第7段材材料,回回答9-11题题。9. Whhy ddid Marry ccalll?A. Too seee hhow herr paarennts werre. B. To telll hhe

7、r fattherr soome goood nnewss.C. Too innvitte hher parrentts tto hher homme.10. WWhatt doo yoou kknoww abboutt Toom?A. Hees Marryss soon. B. He gott a risse iin ppay. C. Hee iss Mrr. DDaviis goood ffrieend.11. HHow manny cchilldreen ddoess Maary havve?A. Onne sson andd onne ddaugghteer. B. Twoo soon

8、s andd onne ddaugghteer. C. Twoo soons.听第8段材材料,回回答122-144题。12. WWhatt arre ttheyy taalkiing aboout?A. A fillm. B. A bbookk. CC. AAn aactoor.13. WWhatt doo thhe sspeaakerrs tthinnk oof iit?A. Itt atttraactss onnly youung peooplee. BB. IIt mmakees ggrowwn-uups youungeer.C. Itt iss poopullar witth bbot

9、hh chhilddrenn annd aadullts.14. WWhatt dooes thee woomann suuggeest?A. Thhinkkingg affterr reeadiing it. BB. SSeeiing thee fiilm. CC. RReaddingg thhe bbookk.听第9段材材料,回回答155-177题。15. WWhatt arre tthe twoo sppeakkerss?A. A teaacheer aand a sstuddentt. BB. TTwo colllegge sstuddentts. C. Twoo coolleege

10、teaacheers.16. WWhatt abbiliity is tesstedd inn Coompooundd Diictaatioon?A. Reeadiing abiilitty. B. Traansllatiing abiilitty. C. Lisstenningg abbiliity.17. WWhatt wiill thee woomann prrobaablyy doo?A. Shhe wwilll fiind a ggoodd joob. B. Shhe wwilll taake thee exxam. CC. SShe willl aask thee maan tto

11、 hhelpp heer.听第10段段材料,回回答188-200题。18. WWhenn diid CChinna mmakee a forrmall aggreeemennt wwithh itts mmajoor ttraddingg paartnnerss?A. Onn Deec, 11. B. Onn Seep, 17. C. Onn Moondaay.19. WWhatt dooes thee 2nnd ppiecce nnew telll yyou?A. Foourtteenn wiinneers recceivved peaace priize.B. Foortyy peeopl

12、le rreceeiveed ttheiir aawarrds forr thhe ssamee reeasoon.C. Foourtteenn wiinneers in diffferrentt fiieldds wwon thee Noobell prrizees.20. WWhatt diid yyou knoow ffromm thhe 33rd pieece of newws?A. Thhe DDeadd Seea hhas stooppeed ssinkkingg. BB. TThe Deaad SSea is lowwer thaan bbefoore.C. Thhe DDead

13、d Seea hhas sunnk6.35 cenntimmetrres.第二部分:英语知知识运用用(共两两节,满满分455分)第一节:单单项填空空(共115小题题,每小小题1分分;满分分15分分)21. Didd yoou ssee anyyonee coominng iintoo thhe bbuilldinng?No, I ddidnnt. _ ?Therre iis nno ddoubbt aabouut iit.A. OKK B. Suure C. Reaallyy D. Iss thhat so22. TThe docctorrs aare tryyingg too reeducc

14、e tthe pattiennts s feaar _ he wouuld diee off thhe ddiseeasee.A. whhichh B. whhen C. thaat DD. iif23. TThe mannageer hhas hadd soome proobleems _ wwhettherr thhey shoouldd boorroow tthe monney froom tthe bannkerr.A. too deecidde B. deccidiing C. deecidded D. haavinng ddeciidedd24. TThe fanns iin CChiccagoo addmirre MMichhaell Joordaan _ he is no lonngerr fiighttingg foor tthe Chiicaggo BBullls.A. siincee B. evven if C. hoowevver DD. wwhenn25. HHe ttrieed



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