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1、教学课题Unit 1 Wheres Kitty?课型新授本课题教时数: 5 本教时为第 1 教时 备课日期: 月 日教学目标: 认知目标:能听懂、会说、会读词汇sofa, vase, basket, on, under, behind, in, wheres 能力目标:能初步听懂、会读、会说句型Wheres.?; Its on/under/behind/in.情感目标:了解家居环境中的物品位置 教学重点、难点:重点:能听懂、会说、会读词汇sofa, vase, basket, on, under, behind, in, wheres;能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:Wheres.?; Its o

2、n/under/behind/in. 难点:词汇sofa, vase, basket, under, behind, wheres的读音;句型Wheres.?的用法。教学方法与手段:谈话法,演示法,表演法;多媒体课件,图片 教学过程: 教师活动学生活动 设计意图Step 1 Warm up1. GreetingsT: Class begins.T: Good morning, boys and girls. Welcome back to school.T: Nice to see you.T: Sit down, please.2. Free talkT: Hello, Im Miss xx

3、x. Whats your name?T: Nice to see you.T: Hi, xxx. How are you?T: Im fine too.Step 2 Presentation and practice1. Listen and guess(Play the sound of dog, pig, cow, cat., ask students to say out the name quickly)E.g. T: Oink! Oink! Whats this?T: Moo! Moo! Whats this?T: Miaow! Miaow! Whats this?2. Lets

4、introduce(根据上一活动中猫咪的叫声,引出课文中的角色-猫咪Kitty。教师可以拿着猫咪手偶,与学生打招呼)E.g.T:(展示猫咪手偶)Look! This is a cat. Its name is Kitty!(扮演Kitty与学生打招呼)Hello! Im Kitty.3. Enjoy a rhymeKitty, Kitty, where are you?Kitty, Kitty, I see you.Kitty, Kitty, where are you?Kitty, Kitty, I see you. T:(引出课题)Unit 1 Wheres Kitty? (初步感知whe

5、res.) 4. Lets review(教师引导学生向Kitty介绍身边的物品,复习之前学过的物品类词汇)T: Look, Kitty! This is a chair.5. Look and learn1)(呈现沙发的局部图片)T: Whats this?T: No.(呈现沙发的完整图片)Its a sofa. (Teach: sofa)T:(同法教授)vase, basket2) T:(将猫咪Kitty图贴在沙发上)Look at Kitty. Its on the sofa. (Teach: on)T:(将猫咪Kitty图贴在花瓶后面)Look! Kitty is behind the

6、 vase. (Teach: behind)T: (同法教授)in, underStep 3 Consoliation1. Quick picturessofa, vase, basket, on, under, behind, in2. Look and findWheres Kitty?Step 4 Assignment听录音,读熟Story time部分单词。Blackboard design:Unit 1 Wheres Kitty? on under behind insofa vase basketSs: Stand up.Ss: Good morning, Miss xxx.Ss:

7、 Nice to see you too.S1: Hello, my name is xxx.S1: Nice to see you too.S2: Hi, Miss xxx. Im fine, thank you. And you?Ss: Its a pig.Ss: Its a cow.Ss: Its a cat.Ss: Hello, Kitty.Ss: Enjoy the rhymeSs: Wheres Kitty?S1: This is a desk.S2: This is a book.S1: Is this a chair.Ss: sofa, vase, basket sofa, s

8、ofa, s-o-f-a, sofavase, vase, v-a-s-e, vasebasket, basket, b-a-s-k-e-t, basketSs: on, on, o-n, onbehind, behind, b-e-h-i-n-d, behindin, in, i-n, inunder, under, u-n-d-e-r, under通过互致问候来活跃课堂气氛,拉近师生间的距离,也可以帮助学生缓解开学的紧张感。自由交谈环节,通过询问姓名来进行师生互动,让老师更快的认识和了解学生。通过教师播放或模仿动物的叫声,来帮助学生回顾旧知:dog, pig, cow, cat,为接下来的

9、Story time的教学做铺垫。以猫咪Kitty为主线来引导学生复习之前学过的物品类词汇,为本单元目标词汇的学习做准备。教师利用多媒体呈现沙发、花瓶和篮子的局部图片,请学生猜测是什么物品,然后呈现完整图片。通过这样显露局部的方式,教授本单元的物品类词汇。教师将猫咪Kitty的小图贴在大图中的不同位置,教授介词on, under, behind和in。借助不同图片的位置关系,帮助学生充分理解这四个介词的意思。授后小记: 授课日期: 月 日教学课题Unit 1 Wheres Kitty?课型新授本课题教时数: 5 本教时为第 2 教时 备课日期: 月 日教学目标: 认知目标:能听懂、会说、会读词

10、汇sofa, vase, basket, on, under, behind, in, wheres能力目标:能听懂、会说、会读句型Is it on/in/under/behind .? ; Yes/No.Its .情感目标:能正确的描述宠物在家居环境中的位置,感知方位的不同。 教学重点、难点:重点:单词sofa, vase, basket的读音 难点:句型Is it on/in/under/behind .? ; Yes/No.Its .的运用。教学方法与手段:演示法,表演法;多媒体课件,图片教学过程: 教师活动学生活动 设计意图Step 1 Warm up1. GreetingsT: Cl

11、ass begins.T: Good morning, boys and girls. T: Sit down, please.2. Free talkT: Whats your name?T: Hello, xxx. Nice to see you.T: Hi, xxx. How are you?T: Im fine too.3. Ask and answerT: Whats her name?(拿出手偶猫咪Kitty)T: Now, wheres Kitty? Its .(呈现不同物品类图片)4.Pair workWheres .? Its in/ on/ under/ behind.St

12、ep 2 Presentation and practiceT:(将手偶放在一张椅子下面)Wheres Kitty?T: (将手偶放在讲台的上面)Is Kitty in the desk?T: Youre right. It isnt in the desk. (Teach: It isnt.)So wheres Kitty?.Step 3 Story time1. Enjoy the story2. Watch and answerQ: Who are they in the story?3. Listen and answerQ: Wheres Kitty?T: Is it in the

13、desk?T: Is it under the chair?T: Is it under the basket?4. Read the story1) Read after the tape2) Read after T3) Read together4) Read in groups5) Read in rolesStep 3 Consoliation1. Little trainWheres .? Its (not) in/ on/ under/ behind.Is it in/ on/ under/ behind.? Yes/ No. Its.2. Role playStep 4 Assignment1. 听录音,朗读Story time部分对话,尝试和家长进行角色对话。2. 鼓励学生运用所学词汇、句型进行日常交流问话。Blackboard design:Unit 1 Wheres Kitty?Wheres.? Its on . in under behind Is it .? Yes/ No. Its .Ss: Stand up.Ss: Good morning, Miss xxx.S1: My name is xxx.S1: Hello, Miss xxx. Nice to see you too.S2: Im fine, thank you. And you?


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