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1、伦理道德类文章 1.社会公德问题 th oss of publc moality(小悦悦,郭美美,最美妈妈)auses: om he mar pin of iw, wit th rapid deveopmentf conmy, peopls vlueare experincin oneralechnge. Qute a few peole ten o ncetatmore time a ergy ont pursu of eonmicnit n atisfio f ril whil oerok t siificane scial mrality. Fom t mcrpintoviw, oe w

2、orr hat theirkind and arm-hetedeaviors may invit ncesary troubl, this toughhaltspeoles intention to hepeople.(68 or )补充:(It s ccesively epretha evealwarm-heated lpgies wre flely idented as offnders and sentenced to ayecoomic copensation )How: Ine firt lace, a large-aeeduction mpaign houde aunched to

3、informhe pbic th sifcane of socialmoaliy (/ oinhat a soi atmspher of Helping eacotheandoving each her ca incras peoplsiig ulit ) I he scod plae,relevant aws and reulations shold emade n mplemented opoec th bnfts o those who provid lp Ony nthiswcan we be sureht, n the one han, thse who are ieed can e

4、ceietimel aidad,onth thr hand,warm-heatd eopleevr uffer frlos. .啃老族 pongr (社会公德,社会现象类) ee are yogpeople wh livef thir antin ther onries ,but the probl Concrningdpendenyouth is pecially acute i China.online suveypoig 5 ppl show that 73. pecent ofterespondents admittethhy need heir rent to do houseork

5、 ad provide ficialsupport an162 percntevn to if granted that theirprethae he rsonsibili to d so. Low income and nomus lving pressur ar th getobsaces fo curren on generationto ful their dy, young pop shoulnt use the to facors su for ver-dependece on thiarent.In sead, they sould evo to earn ett living

6、 a sum therespnsbilit to ense thir parnsa cofortab n relxedlie(3words )幼儿教育|幼升小 一年级|二年级三年级|四年级|五年级六年级小升初初一初二|中考|高一|高二|高考 托福|雅思|GRE|GMAT|SA|SSAT|LSAT|ACT|AP|PTE|U-Exl|LEP|A-leel|Oleel|申请|游学|异域|维权|BBC留学听力口语|语法|词汇| 写作|翻译|职场新概念|剑桥四六级|专四专八托业英语|公共英语|职称英语英语学习|BBC英语教学德语|法语|日语|韩语|西班牙语|俄语|意大利语|葡萄牙语 自考成考|考研专升本

7、|MBA考试|EMB考试 公务员|职业资格|财会|计算机 教育文化类1就业难umloym (关注大学生现状 ) Cuses: Foroe hig,Collegraduates lack practicl eprne.Qite few ollegesudens v qurd rich proessionalkowledgebut faid o appl tinto patie. Franother,they a oo h. ll they atregood jos whiccod ofe dect alries, comfortabe wking codition and hiscial sta

8、t. th, ost colee student woul rar stay at hm doing nothing but watng fr heiridaljos.hirl, noh reaso is tt manycoleges and iveritieil to adapt thr mr to t apevlopmenand growing eman f socety.So companes dthtstuent are usally not f for teir psonHow: irstly, ollee tudnts soud aie eir o defectad further

9、imrove thmselves to kee teir competitive edgein soety. Mrve,colleges or niversties huldpoide mre trningadintenship potnties bfr etunteerocty. Only throh hese was can thecollg studentsind a sisfactor andideaobndhavea righerfute. 2.老式文化流失 (raditinl utur mssing )Causs: o tat wit,itea fw eple hold tat C

10、inse taina cuturi o little us in modrnsocietnd it hs aied to meee needsof sitys depment. What re ,hin traitoal uur isfcin n unreceentd challng.Rich and corfl culturfrom freign ountries ha israte peoles atteio, fewpeopl rsis h emptti offoreign culture. (64 wors)w: rsly, ae-scle eucationmpn, cbned wih

11、 ariou terest tradtioal andculurl ctvities, shud belaucedtoiformtheublc o th mporaceo the otton of Chinee raditnalclture. dditionally, Chines trditionalculure need , adjust to the rapi dloment an th growing emandof sociey . Ony ntsa cwe pentthe lssf tadinuure and nd wn te trationalcultur heritages f

12、r genraon to geeraio. (ods)心理健康问题 menl healh (关注现代青年)Case adexamle:Fo nethn,teacher, arets as well asudents temeles hve atacd too uch igifinc t acaemi perfrmance wloverlooedthe mpotnce omental helh.For nth,prese frm al des,iudng peer,parentsd socity, have alscuse sever mealhath problem. The bsneof menal eah willigger iratonl behaviors.Oe trem examle sMaJiajue, a snior at YunnanUniversit,wo killed four o hisomes just ause of some cnflict causedy trivial atts. (


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