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1、寿阳县英语学科集体备课导学案学校_年级_班级_ 学生姓名_课 题Unit9 What does he look like? Section A 1a 2d学习目标学会对人物外表特征的提问及回答一、 回顾反馈 预习提纲.课前预习:1. 根据单元标题和图片等,预测新课内容;2. 根据音标拼读新单词并牢记; 3. 自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。二、自主学习 合作探究I 1、看图学习短语,结合句型Whatdoeshelooklike?熟读新词并掌握准确发音. 2、Matchthewordswiththepeopleinthepicture.3、Makeconversationslikethis:-Wha

2、tdoesyourfriendlooklike-Sheisofmediumheight,andshehaslongstraighthair.II.阅读训练1、Readthedescriptionofthefourclassmates.Matchthemwiththepictures.2.对话训练(谈论一下你新交的朋友或最好的朋友的相貌衣着吧!)3,熟读并分角色表演2d对话.(分小组表演)III 1、描述班上的同学,其他的同学猜出所描述的人物2、总结归纳本课学的描述人外貌的词汇。Looks: _三、展示提炼 拓展延伸 1、【解析】look like -(常用来询问某人的外貌)2. medium

3、【解析1】medium height 中等身材【解析2】表示某人中等身材或中等个头时,其构成为“sb be of medium build/height”。3、【解析】表示“某人长着或留着发”时,则只能用has/have, 其构成为“主语 have/has hair”。4、【解析】medium height/build 中等高度身体build作名词意为“体格,体型”。 有两种表达方法:He is of medium build=He has a medium build.。My father is of medium height.= my father has a medium height

4、. 某人中等个儿:sb is of medium build. 某人中等身材:sb is of medium height. 一个体格健壮的人 a man of strong build 5、Yes , but I may be a little late. 是的, 但我或许要晚点。【解析】 a little = a bit = a little bit 表示“有点”,后接adj./adv。 Its a little hot today.四、达标测试 效果反馈 1. What _ your friend _ (look) like ? 2. She is of medium _ (high).

5、 3. She_(be) of medium build. 4. There _ (be) a little bit time. 5. What _ (be) your father _ (do) now?5.选择is或has 1). Lily _ short and _ curly hair.2) Tim _ tall, and his sister _ of medium height.3) Lucy _ beautiful long black hair. 4) Bettys mother _ of medium build.5) Mike _ curly black hair and

6、he_ very thin.学习笔记学习收获或困惑寿阳县英语学科集体备课导学案学校_年级_班级_ 学生姓名_课 题Unt9 What does he look like? Section A Grammar Focus-3d 学习目标学会表达自己的观点或好恶,能抓住人物的主要特征来描述人物的外貌,能和合作伙伴互相交流,充分交换信息,进行合作学习.一、 回顾反馈 预习提纲.:1.课前预习:演员_戴眼镜_人_medium height_ handsome_actress_2.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1),My favorite a _is Zhou Xun.2),Does he want t

7、o be an a_ 3),The man is not tall,bur he is really h_.4),-Do you know the p_?-Yes. Hes Jims uncle3根据Grammar Focus,归纳Section A部分知识重点;二、自主学习 合作探究 1、自学课文,试着完成3a,3b,3c,的练习。2、Group work:总结归纳Section A知识重点。1.描述某人外貌词2.询问某人外貌句子3、Play a guessing game. to finish 3d三、展示提炼 拓展延伸 1、【探究】hair【用法】n. (做“几根头发”讲时,是可数名词;

8、做“头发”讲时,是不可数名词。)【拓展】straight hair_ curly hair_【举例】_露西留着短直发。2、【探究】thin【用法】adj._ 【拓展】反义词:_【举例】The ice on the river is thin._.他是个瘦男孩_3、【探究】heavy 【用法】adj._【拓展】反义词:_ 副词:_另,heavy还可以表示雨,雪“大”,风“大”一般用strong wind. 【举例】How heavy are you ?_ _?They didnt go to school because of the heavy snow._.4、【探究】height【用法】n

9、._【拓展】它的adj.为tall与high tall指人,树,建筑物等的“高”,但不指山“高”。 a tall man_ tall 指“树,建筑物”的高时,与high可以互换。 a tall tree = a high tree . high用于不与地面接触的人或事物的高度,还可用于抽象的高,如物价,速度,温度,评价等方面。high的反义词_tall的反义词:_ 【举例】We are both the same height._。 这是一座高山_四、达标测试 效果反馈、最佳选择 be & have1、My father _of medium build and _a beard . 2、Da

10、vid _short. But his sister _ tall.3、I _ of medium height and _ short straight black hair.4、Toms hair _ short. But his eyes _ big.5、My new friend _ thin and tall. 6、Linda _ curly hair.II补全对话A: Do you know I have a new friend in Class Six?B: What _ she look like?A: She _ long hair and big eyes. B: _ s

11、he tall?A: No, she _ .She is of medium _.B: I think I _ her. She always wears a pair of _ on her nose.A: Yes, thats her. Her_ is Anna.学习笔记学习收获或困惑寿阳县英语学科集体备课导学案学校_年级_班级_ 学生姓名_课 题Unit 9 What does he look like? Section B(1a1e)学习目标学生熟练运用描述人物相貌的句型正确表述人物的相貌,并设计自己的样子一、回顾反馈 预习提纲 1、Review the Grammar Focus i

12、n Section A2、词汇:金色的_ 眼镜_ 圆的_ 歌手_词组:金色的头发_长的卷曲的头发_ 戴着眼镜_ 电影明星_ 二、自主学习 合作探究1,完成1a, 把单词与相应的图片搭配起来.2,完成1b,就著名的音乐家或演员造句,然后填空1)_ has a round face2) _ has black hair 3) _ wears glasses 4)_ has blonde hair.3.完成1c.三、展示提炼 拓展延伸 1.让学生读对话后,完成表格。2.写出一个著名的演员,音乐家或者运动员的名字,然后描述他Eg: My favorite actor is Leonardo DiCap

13、rio. He is tall and he has brown hair.拓展提升,My favorite singer is John Jackson. Hes tall and thin,. He has short curly brown hair.short curly brown hair 短的卷曲的头发The lovely boy has beautiful short curly brown hair.多个形容词同时形容一个名词时,需遵循一定的规则:限定词(包括冠词物主代词、序数词、基数词)- 描述性形容词(beautiful)- 大小-形状颜色年龄或新旧- 材料或种类来源名词四、达标测试 效果反馈 (一) 用is、 has、 with 填空1.She_of medium build, and she long hair 2.He is tall and he _curly brown hair.3



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