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1、商业风险概览数据来源Delcredere | Ducroire is the Belgian public credit insurer. Delcredere | Ducroire insures companies and banks against political and commercial risks relating to international commercial transactions, mainly regarding capital goods and industrial projects, as well as contracted works and se

2、rvices. For these risks, Delcredere | Ducroire can also work alongside banks through risk sharing schemes. Delcredere | Ducroire also insures against political risks relating to foreign direct investments and directly finances commercial transactions of limited proportion.The model used for the asse

3、ssment of these risks is composed of three types of indicators:(1) economic and financial indicators affecting all companies in a country due to their impact on corporate results and balance sheets (e.g.: devaluation, real interest rate, GDP growth rate, inflation rate, .);(2) indicators reflecting

4、the countrys payment experience for commercial risk;(3) indicators characterisingthe institutional context in which local companies operate (e.g.: corruption index, transition economy, .).全球商业风险总览tjpori I r53cnc5ur_-5c- iri/esrnenlApply Risk Filter Shnrt I arm Ctg eftMedium Long tarn CrednsrranEacti

5、cns CzTnsrcisChoose a counlrPlease MJszt a country to view risk de&nisExport Tronsonctions;Diroot investmentsApply Risk FilterRiskRisk erf expropriation and government actianTransfer ruskRisk Range护抑甘High1.Our in sura nee possibilities & termsCover can be gran ted on ope n aeeo unt terms, i.e. witho

6、ut a bank guara ntee being required, and without further particular conditions.Delcredere | Ducroires ceili ngs for this cou ntry have bee n set at:2250mn EUR2250mn EURAvailabilities un der theseceil ings to cover new tra nsacti onsNormalNormalare:In conformity with the OECDArrangement the maximum r

7、eimbursement period formedium- and Iong-term transactions with this country has been set at 5 years (8.5 years ona case-by-case basis). Con cessi onal financing is excluded.Risk asseBsineTlAustraliapcimciH riskto TShori Term1 MeenjnfiLmg Termi卫- i?GommerGial Risk (A toC)Dhact invgslnwm 淳17wa- Ri-KRi

8、sk of enpropn-aiiion and gcvernnent action7Tramfer rsk2.CubaOur in sura nee possibilities & termsFor export tran sacti ons of Belgia n goods and finan ced by short-term credits cover is subject to the obta inment of an irrevocable letter of credit (ILC) of the Banco Naci onal de Cuba or the Banco Ex

9、terior de Cuba. Cover possibilities are exam ined con tract by con tract. Preferably no cover of USD transactions. For export transactions financed by medium/l on g-term credits cover cannot be gran ted for non-payme nt risk and non-tran sfer risk.Delcredere | Ducroires ceili ngs for this cou ntry h

10、ave bee n set at:0 mn EUR230 mn EURAvailabilities un der theseceil ings to cover new tra nsacti onsNoneNormalare:In conformity with the OECDArrangement the maximum reimbursement period for medium- and Iong-term transactions with this country has been set at 10 years. Con cessi onal financing is excl

11、uded.Delcredere | Ducroire insures investments in this country against 1) war risk and 2) the risk of expropriati on and gover nment acti on, but is relucta nt to in sure the tran sfer risk regard ing payme nt of divide nds or repatriati on of capital. Each applicati on is n evertheless decided case

12、 by case on the basis of a detailed an alysis.Risk aifMgnHiirtCubaEM 朗 TrauflWnaPolitical Rtk 1 to /Short TermMeaiumwg renSpec.ia TranwctionsCornmrcUI Risk (A to Ci&1曲血t迪awls昭怡乃3.CanadaIn conformity with the OECDArrangement the maximum reimbursement period formedium- and Iong-term transactions with

13、this country has been set at 5 years (8.5 years ona case-by-case basis). Con cessi onal financing is excluded.Delcredere | Ducroires ceili ngs for this cou ntry have bee n set at:2250 mn EUR2250 mn EURAvailabilities un der theseceil ings to cover new tra nsacti onsNormalNormalare:Rik.Canada1*1小口 a旳c

14、umPoiraeal Rusk ri H Tsron Tf fmhd dir Lcrg TernT-SfJCCial Trarirsattit*risC&rTvnrcil Rik (/ Lj C;Dlr&cl invosrm&nfs(1 roT)*Risk of ekpropf atton and guverwnent acton- Jr jTe- risk4.Delcredere | Ducroire can cover export transactions financed by both short-term credits and medium/long-term credits a

15、gainst political and commercial risks on open account terms, i.e. without a bank guarantee being required.Delcredere | Ducroires ceilings for this country have bee n set at:2250 mn EUR2250 mn EURAvailabilities un der theseceili ngs to cover newtran sacti ons are:NormalNormalIn con formity with the OECDArra ngeme nt, the maximum reimburseme nt period for medium- and Iong-term transactions with this country has been set at 10 years.Con cessi onal financing is excluded.DlguIrwQsInio



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