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1、课题:7A Unit 5 Lets celebrate Reading 课型: 新授 主备: 赵丽萍 审核: 王春叶 班级: 姓名: 学号: 【学习目标】 1.学习有关万圣节的知识。 2.初步了解信件的写作方式。3.培养学生的阅读能力。 4.熟练掌握本课生词,短语,句型。【重点难点】重点:培养学生的阅读能力。难点:熟练掌握本课生词,短语,句型。【课堂探究】1. Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival. 译:_解析 thank you for = thanks for - 因为感谢你 提醒 for-因为(介词),后跟名词,代词

2、或动名词作宾语练习 a. 谢谢你的来信。_ _ _ your letter. b. 谢谢你的帮助。_ _ your _. c. 谢谢你帮我。_ _ for _ me. d. 谢谢你给我讲故事。Thanks for _ _the story.2. We have some festivals in the USA, and I like Halloween best. 译: _解析 like best - 最喜欢 链接 likevery much -_练习 a. 他最喜欢那双的运动鞋。He _that _ _ _shoes _.b. 他最喜欢在操场上踢足球。He _ _ football _ t

3、he _.c. What colour do you like best? 译:_d. Which sports star do you like best? 译: _链接 favourite-最喜欢的(形容词),用于物主代词之后, 与likebest互换 练习 a. 我最喜欢的动物是熊猫。_ _ animal is _.= I _ pandas _. b. 她最喜欢的颜色是红色。_ _ colour _ red.= _ _ red _. c. Jack是他们最喜爱的功夫明星。Jack is _ _ Kungfu _. 3. Usually they give us some candy as

4、 a treat. 译:_解析1 candy - 糖果(不可数名词), a piece of candy - 一块糖果 a box of candy -一盒糖果 如果出现candy 的复数形式 - candies则表示各种各样的糖果练习 a. 很多糖果 -_ candy / _ _ _ candy / _ _ candy b. 一些糖果 -_ candy c. 两块糖果 - two _-_ _ candy d. all kinds of candies -_ eg:. 不同种类的糖果- different _of _解析2 give sb. sth. as - 把某物作为给某人 练习 a.爸爸

5、给了他一个篮球作为生日礼物。Daddy_ _ basketball _ a birthday present(礼物). b. 妈妈把这个面具作为万圣节礼物送给了我。Mum _ _ the _ _ _ _. 拓展 give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 练习 a. give us some candy = give _ _ _ _ b. give me a book = give _ _ _提醒 如果give后面的人和物同为人称代词,只能使用give sth. to sb. 结构! 体会 你能把它给她吗?Can you give it to her? (对) Can y

6、ou give her it? (错)4. When the evening comes, we visit houses and play a game with the people inside. 译:_解析 when - 当的时候(连词) 链接 when - 什么时候(疑问词) visit houses - 拜访各家各户 play a game with sb. - 和某人做个游戏 the people inside - 里面的人体会 a. When do you usually have a New Year Party? 译:_ b. When we have a New Year

7、 Party, they often sing a “Happy New Year” song first.译:_ c. 他喜欢和我们做游戏。 He likes _ _ with _.5. We knock on their doors and shout “trick or treat”. 译: _解析 knock on - 敲打 链接 看_ 听_ 等候_ 体会 Listen! Someone is knocking on the window. 译:_6. If they do not give us a treat, we play a trick on them. 译:_解析 if -

8、 如果(连词) play a trick on sb. - 开某人的玩笑,捉弄某人 体会 a. If its sunny tomorrow, we would like to go on a picnic. 译:_ b. Children like playing tricks on their friends on 1 April. 译:_ c. If the lights are red, the cars must stop. 译:_7. We always have a party on the evening of October 31 and enjoy nice food and

9、 drinks.译: _解析1 on the evening of October 31 - 在10月31日晚上 (注意:日期在月份后面应读序数词)练习a. on the afternoon of October 21 - _ b. 在周六早上_ c. on the morning of Christmas - _ d. 在感恩节夜晚_解析2 drink - 饮料,饮品(可数名词) 链接 drink - 喝,饮(动词)8. People make lanterns out of oranges. 译: _解析 make sth. out of sth. - 用制作练习我们用彩色的纸制作卡片。W

10、e _ _ _ _ colourful paper.【课堂检测】一用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Would you like _(drink) some orange juice? 2. We dont have much time _(do) our homework today. 3. The masks on the desk _(be) Millies. 4. Thanks for _(give) me these beautiful flowers. 5. Dont _(be) late for school again, Lucy. 6. We _(not celebrate)

11、 Halloween in China. 7. Children often knock on _(people) doors at Halloween. 8. They usually give _(we) some _(candy) as a treat. 二. 选择题。( )1._Halloween ,we have special parties _8:00 _the evening.A. On, at ,on B.At, at ,on C.In, at,in D. At at,in( ) 2. Its polite to _ the door before you go into o

12、ther peoples room. A. shout at B. look at C. knock on D. listen to( ) 3.If they dont give us a treat, we can play a trick _ them. A. on B. with C. to D. for( )4.The young mother often _ her little baby and today the baby _ a shirt. A. dresses, dresses B. wears, wears C. dresses, wears D. wears, dresses( )5.Do you know who _?A. he is B. is he C. he does D. does he【课后巩固】一根据句子意思或中文提示,用合适的单词填空。1. We _ (给涂色) our faces and dress up at Halloween.



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