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1、构成规则原形过去式读音一般在动词原形末尾加edlookplaywatchlookedplayedwatched清辅音后面读/t/以e结尾的动词加dlivehopeuselivedhopedused浊辅音、元音后读/d/重读闭音节的动词,先双写最后一个辅音字母,再加edstopplanshopstoppedplannedshopped/t/、/d/后面读作/id/辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先变y为i,再加edstudycarryworrystudiedcarriedworried一般过去时态动词过去式的构成一般过去时态the simple past tense(1)表示过去某个时间存在的状态,常与

2、表示过去的时间状语连用(bewere/was)1. He was busy yesterday.2. Lily was a student last year.3. I was in the library just now.4. We were at home last night.5. My mother was ill in hospital last week.6. They were on vacation on May Day.(2)表示过去某个时间发生的动作(常用动词的过去式)1. I got up late yesterday.2. He went to school on f

3、oot last year.3. Kate did her homework yesterday evening.4. They studied hard last term.5. Jenny played the piano last night.6. My brother wrote a letter two days ago.7. Jim put his book on the desk just now.8. I lived in Shanghai last week.9. The boys played soccer after school yesterday.含有be动词的过去时

4、态were和was的一般疑问句(把was/were提到句首,I was和 We were 改为Were you,my改为your)和否定句(在was/were后面加not,缩写成wasnt/werent)1. I was late for school yesterday. Were you late for school yesterday? (一般疑问句) I was not late for school yesterday. (否定句)2. He was in the park last Sunday. Was he in the park last Sunday? (一般疑问句) H

5、e was not in the park last Sunday. (否定句)3. We were in danger just now. Were you in danger just now? (一般疑问句) We were not in danger just now. (否定句)含有实意动词过去式的一般疑问句(用did 提问动词过去式还原)和否定句(用didnt否定动词过去式还原, didnt =did not)1. I did my homework yesterday.Did you do your homework yesterday? (一般疑问句)I didnt do my

6、 homework yesterday. (否定句)2. Tom played soccer.Did Tom play soccer? (一般疑问句)Tom didnt play soccer. (否定句)3. The students went to the beach.Did the students go to the beach? (一般疑问句)The students didnt go to the beach. (否定句)特殊疑问句(划线提问):特殊疑问词+一般疑问句1. Lucy played tennis last week. (划线提问)What did Lucy do la

7、st week?2. Bob went to the movies yesterday. (划线提问)When did Bob go to the movies?3. I cleaned the classroom with my classmates. (划线提问)Who did you clean the classroom with?4. My parents visited the museum last year. (划线提问)Where did your parents visit last year?5. My brother was at home. (划线提问)Where w

8、as your brother?6. His weekends were interesting. (划线提问)How were his weekends?目前所学的动词的过去式的变化1.looklooked thankthanked callcalled playplayed soundsoundedhelphelped wantwanted affordafforded learnlearned joinjoinedpaintpainted showshowed workworked brushbrushed listenlistened startstarted talktalked a

9、skasked turnturned enjoyenjoyed visitvisited passpassed relaxrelaxed starstared cleancleanedwaitwaited rainrained cookcooked snowsnowed watchwatchedorderordered rememberremembered2. likeliked dancedanced loveloved livelived dislikedislikedarrivearrived hopehoped describedescribed improveimproved pra

10、ctice-practiced3. shopshopped stopstopped4. studystudied carrycarried crycried worryworried try-tried不规则动词的过去式is/amwas arewere meetmet do/doesdid spellspelt knowknew bringbrought taketook have/hashad loselost letlet eatate runran spendspent sit-satcomecame gowent seesaw sellsold find-found swim-swam

11、 singsang speakspoke drawdrew writewrotepaypaid telltold sleepslept givegave getgot wearwore teachtaught readread lie-lay say-said seesaw makemade thinkthought putput fightfought八年级上册动词变化表不规则变化keepkept havehad getgot hearheard sendsent leaveleft forgetforgot taketook beatbeat beginbegan cutcut hangh

12、ung winwon drivedrove growgrew holdheld buildbuilt sweepswept foldfolded feedfed forbid-forbad babysitbabysat becomebecame规则变化1.surfsurfed staystayed rentrented finishfinished dependdepended peelpeeled pourpoured mixmixed boilboiled addadded checkchecked rollrolled callcalled tourtoured majormajored actacted borrowborrowed 2 exerciseexercised believebelieved useused sneezesneezed skateskated move-moved savesaved retireretired


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