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1、2022年考博英语-沈阳药科大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Many people, if not most, _ literary taste as an elegant accomplishment, by acquiring which they will complete themselves, and make themselves finally fit as members of a correct society.问题1选项A.look onB.look downC.look inD.look into【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析与上下文语义。A选项look

2、 on“观看;看待”;B选项look down“俯视;瞧不起”;C选项look in“往里看;(on顺道拜访)”;D选项look into“调查;窥视”。句意:许多人,即使不是大多数,_把文学品味作为一种高雅的修养根据句意,此处表达的是把文学品味看作一种高雅的修养,A选项最符合句意。因此,本题最佳选项为A。2. 单选题Arriving anywhere with these possessions, he might just as easily put up for a month or a year as for a single day.问题1选项A.lastB.stayC.arrang

3、eD.manage【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. last 持续 B. stay 暂住C. arrange 安排 D. manage 管理【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】前文提到“他带着这些东西到任何地方去(Arriving anywhere)”,后文提到“_一个月或者一年和_一天一样简单”,根据句意,应该是指到某个地方去并且待一段时间,原文put up“( somewhere)留宿”,因此,B选项stay“暂住”符合句意,且与原文接近。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不符合原文语义。【句意】他带着这些东西到任何地方去,住上一个月或一年就像住一天一样简单。3. 单选题With an eighty

4、-hour week and little enjoyment, life must have been very _ for the nineteenth-century factory workers.问题1选项A.hostileB.anxiousC.tediousD.obscure【答案】C【解析】考查上下文语义。A选项hostile“敌对的;怀有敌意的”;B选项anxious“焦虑的;急切的”;C选项tedious“沉闷的,无聊的”;D选项obscure“模糊的,不清楚的”。句意:对于19世纪工厂的工人来说,每周工作80个小时,没有什么乐趣,这种生活一定很_。从没有little enj

5、oyment“没什么乐趣”可以看出,这种生活很无聊,C选项最符合句意。因此,本题最佳选项为C。4. 单选题Low interest rates created easy credit conditions, fueling a housing construction boom and encouraging consumption.问题1选项A.contaminatingB.extinguishingC.stimulatingD.transporting【答案】C【解析】考查句间逻辑的并列关系。A选项contaminating“污染,弄脏”;B选项extinguishing“偿清(债务);取

6、消(权利、义务)”;C选项stimulating“刺激;激励”;D选项transporting“运输;使产生身临其境的感觉;流放”。句意:低利率创造了宽松的信贷条件,_了住房建设热潮并鼓励了消费。原文and并列的是fueling a housing construction boom和encouraging consumption“鼓励消费”,那么划线词应与encouraging“鼓励”语义方向一致,C选项stimulating“刺激;激励”符合语境。因此,本题最佳选项为C。5. 翻译题各学科的发展日新月异,令人称奇,但衡量知识、能力的方法却依然如故,非常原始。迄今为止,教育工作还没有找到比考

7、试更有效、更可靠的方法,着实有点离奇。尽管有不少人认定,考试能衡量出一个人的知识水平,但实际情况恰恰相反,这是有目共睹的。要想考察一个人死记硬背的本事和在极大压力下快速答题的技巧,考试或许是个不错的方法。然而,要想了解一个人的禀赋资质和实际能力如何,考试是考不出名堂的。【答案】Various Disciplines evolve with astonishing speed, but the methods of measuring knowledge and competence remain as primitive as ever. It is a little weird that n

8、o more effective and reliable method than examinations has been found in education so far. Although many people believe that examinations can measure ones level of knowledge, it is obvious to all that the opposite is true. An examination might be a good way to test ones ability of rote memorization

9、and skills of answering quickly under extreme pressure. However, it cannot tell you ones aptitude and practical capabilities.6. 单选题Technology is a two-edged sword. Rarely is this as clear as it is in the realm of health care. Technology allows doctors to test their patients for genetic defectsand th

10、en to turn around and spread the results throughout the world via the Internet. For someone in need of treatment, thats good news. But for someone in search of a job or an insurance policy, the tidings can be all bad.Last week President Bill Clinton proposed a corollary to the patients bill of right

11、s now before Congress: a right to medical privacy. Beginning in 2002, under rules set to become law in February, patients would be able to stipulate the conditions under which their personal medical data could be divulged. Then would be able to examine their records and make corrections. They could

12、learn who else had seen the information. Improper use of records by a caregiver or insurer could result in both civil and criminal penalties. The plan was, said Clinton, “an unprecedented step toward putting Americans back in control of their own medical records.”While the administration billed the

13、rules as an attempt to strike a balance between the needs of consumers and those of the health-care industry, neither doctors nor insurance companies were happy. The doctors said the rules could actually erode privacy, pointing to a provision allowing managed-care plans to use personal information w

14、ithout consent if the purpose was “health-care operations.” That, physicians said, was a loophole through which HMOs and other insurers could pry into the doctor-patient relationship, in the name of assessing the quality of care. Meanwhile, the insurers protested that the rules would make them vulne

15、rable to lawsuits. They were especially disturbed by a provision holding them liable for privacy breaches by “business partners such as lawyers and accountants. Both groups agreed that privacy protections would drive up the cost of health care by at least an additional $3.8 billion, and maybe much more, over the next five years. They also complained about the increased level of federal scrutiny required by the new rules enforcement provisions.One aim of the rules is to reassure patients about confidentiality, thereby encouraging them to be


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