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1、FIDIC,CLIENT/CONSULTANT MODEL SERVICES AGREEMENT( “White Book ”)Third Edition, 1998CONTENTSAGREEMENTGENERAL CONDITIONSDEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION1. Definitions2. Interpretation3. Scope of Services4. Normal, Additional and Exceptional Services5. Duty of Care and Exercise of Authority6. Clients Pro

2、perty7. Information8. Decisions9. Assistance10. Equipment and Facilities11. Clients Personnel12. Services of OthersPERSONNEL13. Supply of Personnel14. Representatives15. Changes in PersonnelLIABILITY AND INSURANCE16. Liability between the Parties16.1Liability of the Consultant16.2Liability of the Cl

3、ient16.3Compensation17. Duration of Liability18. Limit of Compensation and Indemnity18.1Limit of Compensation18.2Indemnity18.3Exceptions19. Insurance for Liability and Indemnity20. Insurance of Clients PropertyCOMMENCEMENT, COMPLETION, ALTERATION ANDTERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT21. Agreement Effectiv

4、e22. Commencement and Completion23. Variation24. Further Proposals25. Delays26. Changed Circumstances27. Abandonment, Suspension or Termination28. Exceptional Services29. Rights and Liabilities of PartiesPAYMENT30. Payment to the Consultant31. Time for Payment32. Currency of Payment33. Third Party C

5、harges on the Consultant34. Disputed Invoices35. Independent Audit36. Languages and Law37. Changes in Legislation38. Assignment and Sub-Contracts39. Copyright40. Conflict of Interest/Corruption and Fraud41. Notices42. Publication43. Amicable Dispute Resolution43.1Attempt to Resolve43.2Referral to Me

6、diator43.3Appointment of Mediator43.4Agreement of Program43.5Written Agreement to be Binding43.6Non-binding Opinion43.7Costs of Mediation43.8Failure of Mediation44. ArbitrationPARTICULAR CONDITIONSA. References from Clauses in the General ConditionsB. Additional ClausesA. Scope of ServicesB. Personn

7、el, Equipment, Facilities and Services of Others to be Provided by the ClientC. Remuneration and PaymentAGREEMENTThis Agreement made the _ day of _, _between_of _(hereinafter called the Client) of the one partand _of _(hereinafter called the Consultant) of the other part.WHEREAS the Client desires t

8、hat certain Services should be performed by the Consultant, namely_and has accepted a proposal by the Consultant for the performance of such Services.NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them i

9、n the Conditions of the Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement hereinafter referred to.2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement, namely:(a) The Letter of Acceptance;(b) The Conditions of the Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement

10、(General Conditions and Particular Conditions)(c) The Appendices, namely:Appendix A -Scope of ServicesAppendix B -Personnel, Equipment, Facilities and Services ofOthers to be Provided by the ClientAppendix C -Remuneration and Payment3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Client to the

11、 Consultant as hereinafter mentioned the Consultant hereby agreeswith the Client to perform the Services in conformity with the provisions of the Agreement.4. The Client hereby agrees to pay the Consultant in consideration of the performance of the Services such amounts as may become payable under the provisions of the Agreement at the times and in the



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