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1、可行性分析與系統建議書可行性分析與系統建議書Alex Lai可行性分析可行性 (feasibility) 可行性是一種評量,用來評可行性是一種評量,用來評估資訊發展系統將對組織有何利益。估資訊發展系統將對組織有何利益。可行性分析 (feasibility analysis) 是評量可行性是評量可行性的一個過程。的一個過程。可行性的漸進式約束法(creeping commitment)表示可行性應該在整個生命週表示可行性應該在整個生命週期中評估。期中評估。可行性的四種測試l操作可行性是一個解決方案在組織中運作時,是一個解決方案在組織中運作時,令人滿意程度的評量。它同時也是人們對此系令人滿意程度的

2、評量。它同時也是人們對此系統統專案感想的評量。專案感想的評量。l技術可行性是一個特定技術解決方案的實用性,是一個特定技術解決方案的實用性,以及技術上的資源與專業知識的可利用性之評以及技術上的資源與專業知識的可利用性之評量。量。l時程可行性是專案的時間表合理程度的評量。是專案的時間表合理程度的評量。l經濟可行性是專案或解決方案的成本效益之評是專案或解決方案的成本效益之評量。量。建議的系統方案之成本備選系統表備選系統表(candidate systems matrix)說明備選系統的相似與相異說明備選系統的相似與相異之處;但是,它不提供分析。之處;但是,它不提供分析。備選系統表範例Characte

3、risticsPortion of System ComputerizedBrief description of that portion of the system that would be computerized in this candidate.BenefitsBrief description of the business benefits that would be realized for this candidate.Servers and WorkstationsA description of the servers and workstations needed

4、to support this candidate.Software Tools NeededSoftware tools needed to design and build the candidate (e.g., database management system, emulators, operating systems, languages, etc.). Not generally applicable if applications software packages are to be purchased.Candidate 1COTS package Platinum Pl

5、us from Entertainment Software Solutions would be purchased and customized to satisfy Member Services required functionality.This solution can be implemented quickly because its a purchased solution.Technically architecture dictates Pentium III, MS Windows 2000 class servers and workstations (client

6、s).MS Visual C+ and MS Access for customization of package to provide report writing and integration.Candidate 2Member Services and warehouse operations in relation to order fulfillment.Fully supports user required business processes for SoundStage Inc. Plus more efficient interaction with member ac

7、counts.Same as candidate 1.MS Visual Basic 5.0System Architect 2001Internet ExplorerCandidate 3Same as candidate 2.Same as candidate 2.Same as candidate 1.MS Visual Basic 5.0System Architect 2001Internet Explorer(Continued)備選系統表範例 (續)CharacteristicsApplication SoftwareA description of the software t

8、o be purchased, built, accessed, or some combination of these techniques.Method of Data ProcessingGenerally some combination of: on-line, batch, deferred batch, remote batch, and real-time.Output Devices and ImplicationsA description of output devices that would be used, special output requirements,

9、 (e.g., network, preprinted forms, etc.), and output considerations (e.g., timing constratints)Candidate 1Package solutionClient/Server(2) HP4MV department laser printers(2) HP5SI LAN laser printersCandidate 2Custom solutionSame as candidate 1.(2) HP4MV department laser printers.(2) HP5SI LAN laser

10、printers(1) PRINTRONIX bar-code printer (includes software & drivers)Web pages must be designed to VGA resolution. All internal screens will be designed for SVGA resolution.Candidate 3Same as candidate 2.Same as candidate 1.Same as candidate 2.(Continued)備選系統表範例 (續)CharacteristicsInput devices and I

11、mplicationsA description of input methods to be used, input devices (e.g., keyboard, mouse, etc.), special input requirements (e.g., new or revised forms from which data would be input), and input considerations (e.g., timing of actual inputs).Storage Devices and ImplicationsBrief description of wha

12、t data would be stored, what data would be accessed from existing stores, what storage media would be used, how much storage capacity would be needed, and how data would be organized.Candidate 1Keyboard & mouse.MS SQL Server DBMS with 1000GB arrayed capability.Candidate 2Apple “Quick Take” digital c

13、amera and software(15) PSC Quickscan laser bar-code scanners(1) HP Scanjet 4C Flatbed ScannerKeyboard and mouseSame as candidate 1.Candidate 3Same as candidate 2.Same as candidate 1.可行性分析表可行性分析表 (feasibility analysis matrix)。用備選系統的分析和評等來補。用備選系統的分析和評等來補充說明備選系統。充說明備選系統。可行性分析表範例Feasibility CriteriaOper

14、ational FeasibilityFunctionality. A description of to what degree the candidate would benefit the organization and how well the system would work.Political. A description of how well received this solution would be from both user management, user, and organization perspective.Technical FeaasibilityT

15、echnology. An assessment of the maturity, availability (or ability to acquire), and desirability of the computer technology needed to support this candidate.Expertise. An assessment of the technical expertise needed to develop, operate, and maintain the candidate system.Economic FeasibilityCost to d

16、evelop:Payback period (discounted):Net present value:Detailed calculations:Schedule FeasibilityAn assessment of how long the solution will take to design and implement.RankingCandidate 1Only supports Member Services requirements and current business processes would have to be modified to take advant

17、age of software functionality.Score: 60Current production release of Platinum Plus package is version 1.0 and has only been on the market for 6 weeks. Maturity of product is a risk and company charges an additional monthly fee for technical support.Required to hire or train C+ expertise to perform m

18、odifications for integration requirements.Score: 50Approximately $350,000.Approximately 4.5 years.Approximately $210,000.See Attachment A.Score: 60Less than 3 months.Score: 9560.5Candidate 2Fully supports user required functionality.Score: 100Although current technical staff has only Powerbuilder ex

19、perience, the senior analysts who saw the MS Visual Basic demonstration and presentation have agreed the transition will be simple and finding experienced VB programmers will be easier than finding Powerbuilder programmers and at a much cheaper cost.MS Visual Basic is a mature technology based on ve

20、rsion number.Score: 95Approximately $418,040.Approximately 3.5 years.Approximately $306,748.See Attachment A.Score: 859-12 months.Score: 8092Candidate 3Same as candidate 2.Score: 100Although current technical staff is comfortable with Powerbuilder, management is concerned with recent acquisition of

21、Powerbuilder by Sybase Inc.MS SQL Server is a current company standard and competes with SYBASE in the client/server DBMS market. Because of this we have no guarantee future versions of Powerbuilder will “play well” with out current SQL Server.Score: 60Approximately $400.000.Approximately 3.3 years.

22、Approximately $325,500.See Attachment A.Score: 909-12 months.Score: 8585Wt.30%30%30%10%100%書面報告的格式事實格式事實格式管理格式管理格式I.簡介I.簡介II方法和程序II結論和建議III事實和細節III事實和細節的討論與分析IV.事實和細節的摘要與討論IV.方法和程序V.建議V.最後結論VI.結論VI.事實和細節的附錄書面報告的次要元件送交信函封面目錄圖片、圖表和表格目錄摘要或執行性摘記(主要元件報告的主體,以事實格式或管理格式撰寫主要元件報告的主體,以事實格式或管理格式撰寫出現在報告的這一部分出現在報告的這一部分)。附錄The End



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