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1、2022年考博英语-中国人民大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The ( )emphasis on examinations is by far the worst form of competition in schools.问题1选项A.negligentB.edibleC.fabulousD.disproportionate【答案】D【解析】形容词词义辨析。negligent疏忽的;edible可食用的;fabulous极好的;disproportionate不成比例的。句意:过分强调考试是学校里最糟糕的竞争形式。选项D符合句意。2. 单选题Tom and Alic

2、e( ) having a new car to replace their old one for years.问题1选项A.has been dreaming ofB.have been dreaming ofC.has dreamedD.will have dreamed【答案】B【解析】根据句意可知谓语应该用复数,首先排除选项A和C,再根据“for years”可知,应用现在完成时,所以选项B正确。3. 单选题International sport should create goodwill between the nations, but in the present organi

3、zation of the Olympics somehow encourages( ) patriotism.问题1选项A.obsoleteB.aggressiveC.harmoniousD.amiable【答案】B【解析】形容词词义辨析。根据关键词“but”可知前后表达的意思应该相反,由此可推断填空处应该与“goodwill”意思相反,选项B更符合原文语境。4. 单选题He told a story about his sister who was in a sad( ) when she was ill and had no money.问题1选项A.plightB.polarizati

4、onC.plagueD.pigment【答案】A【解析】plight困境;polarization两极分化;plague瘟疫,灾祸;pigment颜料,色素。in a sad plight指处于困境。选项A符合句意。5. 单选题Financial statement is a financial report or record( ) usually on a quarterly and annually basis which provides an individuals, an organizations, or bussinesss financial states.问题1选项A.co

5、mpletedB.compiledC.collatedD.contested【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。complete完成 compiled编译的 collate核对,校对 contest竞赛,争夺。句意:财务报表是一种编译好的财务报告或记录。通常以季度或年度为单位,给个人,企业单位或商户提供财务报告。空格处所填单词为形容词做后置定语修饰report or record。答案B。6. 单选题Some of my classmates in the same dorm established a chatting group on the Net when broadband was av

6、ailable on campus. Then everyone faced their own laptops and talked to each other by sending messages in the chatting group in the same room. Their dorm was silent the whole night. The only sound came from tapping the keyboard. Before they went to bed that night, all of them sighed and said, “thats

7、ridiculous.”Information Technology brings about revolutionary changes to human communication. The Internet makes theworld global village; that is to say, we can get in touch with each other swiftly regardless of ones location. However, does the convenience in communication mean that we are actually

8、getting closer? I dont think so. As the anecdote above shows, access to broadband made my fellow classmates fall in silence. The Cambridge International Dictionary defines “communication” as “various methods of sending information between people and places.” while it defines “communicate” as “to be

9、able to understand each other and have a satisfactory relationship.” Therefore. The booming of IT in modern society is only the booming of communication. Exchanging ideas and mutual understanding between people do not base on such booming. On the contrary, due to the revolutionary changes, were gett

10、ing farther from each other to some extent.Mutual understanding is based on expression. However, expression doesnt necessarily lead to soul touching communication and understanding. When we waffle with a mere acquaintance ,we normally conceal our true feelings. Thus, we dont establish communication

11、with him, because we do not need him to understand us. The era of cyberspace further demonstrates such separation of form and content.The Internet gives us nearly absolute freedom to speak and express ourselves. With the prosperity of blog, there are, according to recent statistics, about 400,000 bl

12、oggers in China today. Bloggers express themselves on the Net at their will, while others read their blog and give comments once for a while. It seems that blog can make us touch upon the bloggers inside world, and make us know them better. However, things are not always that perfect.Many netizens a

13、re abusing their right of free expression. Once you open the Explorer and browse a website, trash information about sex and violence hits our eyes. People scold and flirt in the chat room and Bulletin Board System (BBS). When blog comes into being, netizens even transfer such vulgarity into their pe

14、rsonal spaces, and show it to the public.In the era of the Information Technology boom, the farthest distance on earth is no longer the polar distance. The negative impacts brought about by cyberspace have imposed an unfilled gulf between souls. Since we cannot communicate to each other like before,

15、 the distance between peoples hearts has become the farthest distance on earth.1.The most ridiculous part of the anecdote is that( ) .2.According to the author, Information Technology( ) .3.The author believes that the booming of IT in modern society( ) .4.The prosperity of blog does not help us to touch each other because( ) .5.The author believes that in the era of the Information Technology boom the distance between peoples hearts has become the farthest distance on earth because( ) .问题1选项A.there was a dead silence in the dorm ro


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