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1、2022年考博英语-西安建筑科技大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题To absorb a younger workforce, many companies offered retirement plans as incentives for older workers to retire and make way for the younger ones who earned lower salaries.问题1选项A.rewardsB.opportunitiesC.motivesD.stimuli【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。incentive“激励;奖励;诱因”;A选项r

2、eward“奖励;奖赏”;B选项opportunity(其复数形式为 opportunities)“时机,机会”;C选项motive“动机,目的”;D选项stimuli(其为stimulus的复数形式)“激励;刺激;促进因素”。句意:为了吸收更年轻的劳动力,许多公司推出了退休计划,以激励年龄较大的员工退休,为工资较低的年轻员工让路。根据句中“retirement plans退休计划”可知incentive在这里的意思应为“激励”,因此D选项正确。2. 单选题One of the responsibilities of the local troops is to make sure that

3、all ships obediently follow traffics rules in busy harbors.问题1选项A.currentlyB.intricatelyC.dutifullyD.distinctly【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。横线单词obediently意为“顺从地;服从地;忠顺地”;A选项“currently”意为“当前;一般地”;B选项“intricately”意为“杂乱地;复杂地”;C选项“dutifully”意为“忠实地;尽责地,忠诚地”;D选项“distinctly”意为“明显地;无疑地,确实地”。句意:当地军队的责任之一是确保所有船只在繁忙的港口顺从地遵

4、守交通规则。由题干可知,follow traffics rules(遵守交通规则),所以军队应该是确保船只忠实、顺从地遵循交通规则,以免出现混乱。由此可知,obediently在此处最可能是“顺从地”的意思,四个选项中dutifully具有“忠实地”的意思,与此相近。因此C选项符合题意。3. 不定项选择题The first reaction one has to the question of viable approaches to the control of chemical and biological weapons is that there are no such approac

5、hes. And it is most difficult to dispense with this first reaction. The reasons are that the nations, including some of the smaller ones, are already downstream too far. The larger stores of weapons for CB warfare may be restricted to the major powers, but there is little doubt that an increasing ca

6、pability is proliferating to some of the smaller and developing countries. What used to be largely a picture of research has turned to development, and development has turned to manufacturing and stockpiling. The subject is shrouded in secrecy and it is the secrecy which seems to provide a nonstop m

7、omentum to realize the full potential of these types of weapons. No one really knows what someone else may have ready for employment in a military situation. The large and expensive programs in the United States and Russia are attributed to each others “large and expensive programs”. Knowledge and c

8、apability required for detection and defense are tied to knowledge and capability for retaliation. The “no first use” policy of the United States and other major nations implies that this retaliation be in kind, and this requires that weapons of the CB class be available.A philosophy of mutual deter

9、rence (制约) is developing in CB warfare comparable to that in nuclear warfare. In fact, much of the literature on the subject repeats that the stalemate in the latter opens up the need for capability in the former. As an arms race, CBW does not present the spiraling costs of the ICBM-ABM systems, hen

10、ce a movement to CB weapons (especially chemical) among some smaller nations. So far as the major powers are concerned, the elements in CBW which are in common with the nuclear arms race include the now-accepted approach to that race. Thus in discussing control of CB warfare, an editorial in the Bri

11、tish journal, Nature, concluded: “The balance of terror between the great power blocs may not be to everybodys taste, but it is probably still the best way of avoiding War.”1. It can be inferred that the control of chemical and biological warfare( ).2. Which of the following is NOT given as a cause

12、for the continued development of CB weapons?3. The writer in the British journal might feel that the research and development of CB systems should be( ).4. The justification for the United States participation in CB warfare programs is mainly due to the( ).5. The main purpose of this article is to(

13、).问题1选项A.is less costly than controlling other systems of warfareB.may not be possible or necessarily desirableC.is in the hands of the United States and RussiaD.should become a matter of prime importance问题2选项A.The hostilities between the nations involved.B.The need to be able to detect a CB attack.

14、C.Other weapons programs are more costly than the development of a CB system.D.The countries involved are unaware of what the others are doing.问题3选项A.encouraged and expandedB.conducted only by the major powersC.immediately haltedD.maintained as it is now问题4选项A.need for undetectable weaponryB.costlin

15、ess of the nuclear programsC.Russias having such a programD.ability of modern research to develop them问题5选项A.show the indifference in stopping CB warfare programsB.explain the cost of CB warfareC.discuss alternatives to CB warfareD.make the reader aware of the dangers of CB warfare【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:B第4题:C第5题:C【解析】第1题:判断推理题。由the control of chemical and biological warfare定位到文章第一段“The first reaction one has to the question of viable approaches to the control of chemical and biological weapons is that there are no such approaches”,即人们对控制化学和生物武器的可行办法问题


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