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1、课时作业13People.课标单词写作词汇明其义1predict vt.预言,预测2upset adj.不安的,不快的3accuse vt.控告,谴责4deserve vt.应得,值得5desire n渴望,欲望6gain vt.获得;增加7glare vi.怒视,瞪8confirm v证实9glance vi.瞥一眼10fault n错误;缺点11gifted adj.有天赋的12mistaken adj.错误的13thus adv.因此,如此14sharp adj.敏锐的,锋利的,尖的阅读词汇悉其用1clerk n. 职员 2.phrase n. 短语,词组3previous adj. 以

2、前的,过去的 4.chain n. 链条,一连串的事物5pray vt. & vi. 祈祷,祷告_ 6.assessment n. 评估7characteristic n. 特点,特性 8.emergency n. 紧急情况9harvest n. 收获 10.biology n. 生物学11aboard prep. 在(上)船(飞机、火车、公共汽车)上12astronomy n. 天文学 13.guilty adj. 不安的,有罪的14grateful adj. 感激的,感谢的 15.allergic adj. 过敏的16revision n. 复习 17.section n. 部分18lit

3、erary adj. 喜爱文学的 19.sigh vi. 叹息20wrinkle n. 皱纹 21.block n. 大厦,街区22companion n. 同伴,伴侣 23.yoghurt n. 酸乳酪,酸奶24shelter vi. 躲避 25.bleed vi. 流血26tutor n. 家庭教师,导师 27.embassy n. 大使馆拓展词汇通其变1expression n表情;词语express v表达2concentrate vi.集中(思想、注意力等)concentration n专心;集中concentrated adj.集中的,全力以赴的3associate vt.联想,联

4、系association n联想,联系,协会,社团associated adj.相关联的4lawyer n律师law n法律5physicist n物理学家physical adj.物理的physics n物理6strength n长处,优势strengthen v增强,加强strong adj.坚强的,强有力的weakness(反义词)n.弱点,缺陷7description n描述,形容describe vt.描述8failure n失败fail vt. & vi.失败,没有做到9independent adj.独立的independence n独立10appropriately adv.适

5、当地appropriate adj.适当的11account vt.认为是;说明 n说明;(银行)账户;报告accountant n会计12relief n减轻,宽慰relieve v解除,减轻,缓和13satisfaction n满意,满足satisfy vt.使满意;使满足satisfied adj.感到满意的;满足的satisfying adj.令人满意的14devote vt.专心致志于;献身于devotion n奉献devoted adj.忠诚的,挚爱的,专心的15possibility n可能性possible adj.可能的possibly adv.可能;或许16disabili

6、ty n残疾;无能力disable vt.使残疾,使丧失能力disabled adj.有残疾的17anxiety n忧虑,担心anxious adj.焦急的;渴望的18accurately adv.精确地;准确地accurate adj.精确的accuracy n准确19judge vt.评判 n裁判,法官judgement n看法,评判20passive adj.被动的,消极的active(反义词)adj.积极的,主动的21positive adj.积极的negative (反义词)adj.否定的;消极的22mental adj.内心的,精神病的physical adj.身体的,物质的23s

7、enior adj.高级的,年长的junior adj.初级的语境活用(用所给单词的适当形式填空)1According to the latest survey, more and more graduates are anxious about their future jobs. The increasing anxiety may lead to diseases.(anxious)2This girl described what she had seen and heard, giving a vivid description of the event as if she had

8、attended it herself. So she was a good describer.(describe)3The judge said,“Judging from the mans behavior,our judgement is practical.”(judge)4My brother strengthens himself by taking outdoor exercise every day; now he is so strong that I dare not measure strength against him.(strength)5To predict t

9、he weather accurately and give us more accurate information, the observers try their best to guarantee the accuracy of their observation.(accurate)6Some scientists associate smoking with cancer, because smoking has a close association with lung cancer.(associate)7The old scientist is devoted to stud

10、ying space, and the spirit of devotion deserves learning from. He said he would go on devoting himself to the science field.(devote)8To the mothers satisfaction,_her son achieved satisfying results in study, which satisfied the whole family.(satisfaction)9As a predictor,_though he tried his best to

11、predict everything, the majority of predictions he made were often wrong.(predict)10I am lacking in words and expressions (express) to express how grateful I feel.课标短语短语速记1draw_up 起草2deal_with 处理,应对3in_terms_of就某事来说,从某个角度来看4be_willing_to_do_sth. 愿意做某事5be/get_involved_in 卷入6react_to 对做出反应或评价7tell_sb.

12、_off 数落(某人)8the_last_straw (一系列烦恼、打击之外)最后使人受不了的事9on_the_other_hand 另一方面10sth._come(s)_to_mind 想到11.end up. 最终成为;最后处于12concentrate on 集中于;专心于13talk sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事14cant help doing sth. 禁不住要做某事15to be honest 说实话16be popular with 受欢迎17devote.to. 奉献,致力于18pick up 拾起;去接(某人);收到;偶然学会或获得;恢复19exc

13、ept for 除了20come up with 提出,想出语境活用(选用上面的短语填空)1In_terms_of working ability, you are no worse than the others. It is just you dont put your heart into your work.2If Maggie is late, Im going to tell_her_off.3How did you come_up_with the good idea that we could escape being punished?4If he carries on dr

14、iving like that, hell end_up dead.5The meeting will deal_with these problems, which will benefit those children under 8 a lot.6To_be_honest,_I dont like chatting with her at all.7Seeing these photos, I cant_help thinking of my happy childhood.8With so much noise outside, I cant concentrate_on my work which must be finished before 5 oclock this afternoon.9If you want to make rapid progress, draw_up your own study plan and put it into practice.10How do you react_to this modern artists paintings?.重点句型教材还原1It_is_generally_beli



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