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1、oadays th prlms bout enironmetecoeme an moe serosThear omny pollutnsand naturaldisatersin the wrld,nd they al hvete prdite effct. More noeatries fcin,ollow t lo ave somewaer polluins, ar pollutis. As frthpecia aircan mae holein he oelyer, estroy e atmospers well Foo,desert, dry,such the dsaters lke

2、toe pobalywillehappe nxttiTherer n that tim ashard ase can save the earth t most imorantting o d.A Compstiono otet Our Evironmnt- aking goodcareo o enviroment s ey imorant.Werevryu live,u ado someting arunorighburhood.it ur dut o ep oueirnent lean tidy.You mgh ask yursel,ave pickd smerubbish and thr

3、on itinto a dusbn?Hav evcolectd aste ppeor ble forreyclig?aveIvepantdany tees r lwersin rnear myneihbouho? -Ifeveon as a ontrbution o proecntheeninent,he word will becme umoe batiful二Ermnpobems arebecoming mor and ore serious allove he orlWth eelopmt of indutry ad agricultu, casmagrea noisesad gie f

4、f oisono gas. Tees ote hils hve ee ut dow,an waste er isbeingoued contuoslintorivr.urthermore,wherevr o tday,e can fin rubih carelesslyissed. Tewol ecocalanc of he rti chngig Masive dructionofnviomt ha broght abou negai efct an een ose agrea theat omansexistence. romOOZOE_OM mutface thesittio at exi

5、t nd take actons to sove ur envionmen prols For nstae, w a us beased t place tric cotrl oe indutria poltion, te pub!i musecive thducation aboutthe hazardof pollutionand so on. Weope hatall tse es il be fective ad rngbacka ealtful environn.Envronmeal oble ar becmin moreandmoreserou al vr terd. Forexa

6、l, cars hve madee airuhealthy for eopl brathe a pisoas i offbyfactoris.Trees o the hils haeen cutownandwateatr s beingpoud cotinosl io vr.Furthermoe, where we gotoay,wecn fdrbbih arelesdispos. Poution , nfact, reaning our esece Th erth o home n we hve they totakcare f it for orselves an foor lter ge

7、neaon. Fortunely, re anmr ppl have realizedthese pobems.Meauresav n taken o cop wih thee rblems by th overnet. Lawhve e pass o so pllution. I oe he polemwil bsolved n the nar fuure nd r home will eme ber nd btt三Recently,ourclas have ha dicusn abu n Eco-trvel Soe of y clasaes are in favor of goig to

8、Red Rivr Villghy say thy oud swimtere a go boatig on i. They also ay thy couldlarn bou te birds by the river.has ore,by stying t hotes n Rd River Viage,ty c helpthevilaesmake mney sothat ey cantak car of e river d br. Hweve,thr tudentsrainst the ide,hey prer Sow Muntin,syin that the could go hikin ad long atote animls here.T sugest plntng tree on the outans. y also a y oing there,tey coul hlp te pope kep themotain clan to take care on the bids on the mouni


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