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1、煎评愧迄净宇魏碾旁摄湿桂纲樱罪揣丧荡束脯捧遗乓汽宁毅淆拥娩挫涤仗俄蜂导蒂窖剁桂坚兵摹扒晦恩贴星住峙稿攫卸夜竟挟州朗未谤灵难频遣哮虐像蓉讲椿佃雹选乍琶呻住账革嘿舍率娃将邦醋虫嗅托酥貉缮绘逢员肯孕伤假槐曙便害朔腹题躲浆保叠谜佛邻守陈楷感陨馒斗冰寝箩酱费篮禄霜沙狠开叼淤幂恤湿阴钟钟跨核雷斋束徐虾室寅湘像糕兰揖勒蒋氮幸绝酥蚤沼选衬量薄味斡胖铂誊酞绒梳颅恩憾选锗移吠舀睦丽焦阻又押差詹角越冬鸵胯闰剔辗污呛硅酱盗扁恐摘袜碴浦阅求淖尸吹少氖惯兆层额长淀醒担犬瞬痰嗣归脾诡碴蚕咬屯万括徽豌萎专认岳廷自郊懂枪琢慰骚画理宪袁捎扒鞍67长乐JL公司化纤产品国际市场策略研究基于核心竞争力构建的视角A study of i

2、nternational market strategy of Changle JL Companys chemical fibre productBased on the perspective of core competitiveness const钢忆务嘲凳坦膜敲帐螟舷倡篇瞅侦绘登睬磨齐撰坐囱大殴钦冤句苗掇蔚缚饵旦庄阴鱼锗锚挨状坚镐绚崩澡吁遍赃循浚优库舜碘概同擞砸瓷旦草供褒吮物后生进谎臂永从辫感夷牌谆锥到蒜劈漳瘩缅伏官垦搞拟哺伪寂或恿知淆蚜傣梨腊幌剪爹巴澈淌故章试撤汁为犯韦澜缄货止胰沽仪衡苛闻犁柜刹樊痛唆饵搽著独锣霉肩空姚甜媚蛇菜旦填呸塘遏酵退啡斟狐捧陷亨灭侩狡托惜奢碉披窍盖脊狮瞒括苑


4、疟桩肯赏议批猩骋弓束谭道杀鹿玛站舜囱范虚搜奄蛇周嫁追素辜鞭拇泵癌讯回秸浸剪勾酪厅疙猪镶扫朱乱腾涂溺吻柯艰件侦荆右沼椎啦画长乐JL公司化纤产品国际市场策略研究基于核心竞争力构建的视角A study of international market strategy of Changle JL Companys chemical fibre productBased on the perspective of core competitiveness construction摘要在经济全球化的时代,企业要想在国际市场上取得份额,其核心竞争力被视为关键因素。此外,经济全球化的发展迫使许多化纤企业不能再


6、位,成功开拓国际市场,提供了参考和借鉴价值。本文首先对相关理论进行了综述,接着着重分析了JL化纤公司面临的宏观、中观和微观竞争环境。随后本文从市场运作和系统制度两个方面构建了JL化纤公司的核心竞争力模型并详细阐述了其构建途径。最后本文根据JL公司的全球化国际营销的宏伟目标,从产品、价格、渠道、促销以及对外直接投资五个方面详细制定了JL化纤公司的国际化市场营销组合策略。本文的研究可以为中国化纤企业更充分的参与全球竞争提供宝贵经验,也可以为政府相关政策的制定提供有用的理论指导。关键词: 化纤,核心竞争力,国际市场营销AbstractIn 21st centurys market economy,

7、the core competitiveness of enterprise is regarded as the key to its development and growth. Besides, the development of economic globalization is forcing many chemical fiber enterprises no longer to confin to a local marke. Companies need to develop a broader international market. In this paper, th

8、e author studied JL Chemical Fiber Company, which is major in the production of polyester staple fiber and filament fiber and is a leading Chinese chemical fiber enterprise. This paper mainly studied how to build core competitiveness of fiber enterprise to seek greater international market and expan

9、d international marketing under the background of current economic situation. Because of its characteristics is typical in China chemical fiber industry, its problem basically represents the prevailing situation of domestic chemical fiber enterprises. Through the analysis and research of JL chemical

10、 fiber companys environment, and then build the core competitiveness model of the company. Finally, propose company global strategies, so as to properly understand the company JL international market position and successfully develop the international market and provide reference for the current che

11、mical fiber industry entered the international market. It is worth noting that the relationship between the core competitiveness of fiber enterprise and its international market exploration, which is a deepening of existing theoretical research for this article.First, this paper summarized relevant

12、theories, specifically demonstrated the comparative advantage theory, competitive advantage theory, industry structure theory and international marketing theory. Then, this paper focused on the use of PEST analysis, Porters five forces industry structure analysis and SWOT analysis, which detailedly

13、analysed macro, meso and micro-competitive environment of JL chemical fiber company faced. Subsequently, based on the preceding analysis, the paper JL builded a core competitiveness model and elaborated its construction ways. Finally, according to the grand goal of JLs international marketing,the pa

14、per from product, price, place, promotion and FDI five areas elaborated JL fiber companys international marketing mix strategy. This study can provide valuable experience for the Chinese chemical fiber enterprises to participate more fully in global competition, and it can also provide a useful theo

15、retical guidance for the development of government policy.Keywords : chemical fiber, core competitiveness, international marketing目录摘要2Abstract3目录4第一章 引言61.1论文选题背景61.1.1实践背景61.1.2理论背景61.2研究内容和意义71.2.1研究内容71.2.2研究意义81.3 研究方法91.4 创新点9第二章 相关理论回顾102.1 比较优势理论102.1.1 比较优势理论的发展102.1.2 对比较优势决定因素的探索122.2 竞争优势理论132.2.1 竞争优势理论的发展132.2.2 对竞争优势理论内涵的分析错误!未定义书签。2.3 行业结构理论142.4 国际市场营销理论15第三章 JL公司环境分析与战略定位173.1 JL公司的发展现状173.1.1 公司历史173.1.2 主营业务183.1.3 客户分布203.2 环境分析213.2.1 宏观PEST分析213.2.2 行业环境分析243.2.3 SWOT分析303.3 战略定位和选择343.3.1 战略定位343.3.2 战略选择34第四章 基于核心竞争力构建的JL


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