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1、20112012学年度第二学期 开学知识检测六年级英语 总分:_笔试部分(50%)一、英汉翻译。A. 把下列单词、词组或短语翻译成英语:(10%)1a healthy body_ 2.exercise very often_3. the natural world_ 4.一百米跨栏_5.最大的行星_ 6.著名的故事 _7.every 45 minutes_ 8.gold medals_9.Splendid China_ 10.更快,更高,更强_B.把下列句子译成英语:(5%)1 .这是哪个国家的国旗?Which_ has this flag?2.Whats _ _ _ in China(最高的

2、城市)?3.山姆是所有人物中最令人害怕的一个。 Sam was one of the _ frightening _.3.他们努力地工作,快乐地生活。They worked _ and lived _ .4.猎豹比人和马跑得快多了。Cheetahs run _ _ than horses and people.5.上周我们学校举行了运动会。There _ a Sports Day in our school _week.二、选择填空:(10%)( )1-_ sit-ups can you do? -Thirteen. A. How B. How much C. How many D. How

3、long( )2.The giraffe is_ the zebra. A. shorter then B. taller than C. taller then D. shorter than ( )3. Elephants are the_ animals on land . A. tallest B. heaviest C. strongest D. loudest ( )4.I eat rice and vegetables _ lunch everyday. A. at B. for C. to D in( )5. David isnt smart _ brave _ he is v

4、ery hardworking. A. and; so B. and; but C. or; so D. or; but( )6.How long is the marathon? _. A.42.195km B.42.195m C.42.195cm D.42.195mm( )7.Teddy Bear is interesting .But Snoopy is _ than it. A. most interesting B. interest C. more interesting D. interested( )8.Ann won the _ medals and she was in t

5、he_ place . A. many, third B. more, second C. most, first D. first, first( )9.Miss Wang is a good teacher. Shes very kind _ the students. A. with B. towards C. / D. to( )10.Mr Lin is good at_ . He_ dinner for us yesterday. A. cook; cooked B. cooking; cooks C. cooking; cooked D. cooks; cooking三、用所给词的

6、适当形式填空:(5%)1. Many people love pasta but Italians love it the_ .(much)2.John usually_(drive) to work last year.3. Peter is _ (good) runner than other pupils in his class.4. I think Monkey King is the _(funny) character.5.Bob _(do) three pull-ups last Saturday. 四、补全对话。从所给A、B、C、D、E 5个选项中选出合适的句子完成对话,并将

7、所选答案的字母编号填写在横线上。(5%)A. Ok, lets go there. B. Hmmm I like spicy food.C. I need to buy some vegetables and salt. D. I also like beef.E. Whats your favourite food, Bob?Tim: My mum gave this list. _Bob: Lets eat first. Wow! There are lots of restaurants here. Which one is the best?Tim: Well, theyre all

8、good. _Bob:_.Tim: Then you can try “Thai Flower”. It has good spicy food.Bob:_.Tim: Well, that restaurant has the best hamburgers.Bob: _五、完型填空:(5%)Li Ming 1 800m last year. He was very 2 this year but he was third. Chen Hong and Tang Kai were 3 4 this year. Chen Hong was 5 . Tang Kai was 6 runner. H

9、e 7 the race 8 2 9 and 3.4 seconds. This is a new school record. Tang Kai also won 10 medals today. He won three. ( )1. A .was B. wins C.winned D.won( )2. A.bed B. best C.good D.better( )3.A.good B. better C.well D.the well( )4.A.runners B. runers C.runner D.runer( )5A.first B. second C.third D.four

10、th( )6.A.better B. best C.worst D.the best( )7.A. finish B. did C.finished D.do( )8.A.on B. at C.for D.in( )9A.minute B. minutes C.hours D.hour( )10.A.more B.most C.the most D.many六.阅读理解。(5%)阅读短文,选择正确答案。(5%) Clark and Luise like sports very much. In summer they swim and in winter they skate .They ar

11、e going skating this weekend, but they dont know how the weather will be .Its 7:35 now, they are watching TV. They are listening to the weather report for the weekend :Friday is going to be cold and cloudy, but it isn t going to rain.The temperature is going to be below zero. Its going to snow on Fr

12、iday evening. Saturday and Sunday will be cold and sunny.( )1. Clark and Luise like _ very much. A.listening to the weather report B.watching TV C.playing D.sports( )2.They are going _ this Saturday and Sunday.A.swimming in the river B.skatingC.have a party in the classroom D.skiing( )3.They want to know about _ .A.the rain B.the food C.the weather D.the radio( )4.It_ this weekend.A.will rain heavily B.will be snowy C.will be hot and cloudy D.will be cold and sunny( )5.They are happy after they listen to the weather report, because _.A.they want


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