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1、信息与计算专业专业培养方案Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Information and Computer Science专业负责人:杨学南 主管院长:周自刚 院学术委员会主任:彭煜Director of Specialty: Yang Xue-Nan Executive Dean: Zhou Zi-Gang Academic Committee Director: Peng Yu一、修业年限及授予学位名称学制四年。最低毕业学分170,允许学习年限3-6年。授予理学学士学位。.Length of Schooling and DegreeDurati

2、on: 4 yearsDegrees Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering二、培养目标本专业培养满足社会主义现代化建设需要,德、智、体、美全面发展,以信息处理、科学与工程计算为背景,以掌握软件开发技术和科学计算基础为培养目标的理科专业人才;培养具有良好的数学基础和数学思维能力,掌握信息与计算科学基本理论、方法与技能,具备数学建模、数据分析与处理、科技创新、科学研究等方面的实践能力,能熟练运用计算机等现代手段从事应用软件开发、科学与工程计算、数据分析与处理的应用型专门人才。毕业生主要到 IT 行业从事软件开发和大数据分析与处理工作;也可到科研单位、学校、证券、金融

3、等部门从事管理、应用开发、教学、科学计算等工作;或继续攻读本专业和相关学科研究生学位。目标1:具备信息与计算科学领域所需的数学基础、科学计算及工程应用等知识;目标2:能从事算法分析与程序设计、科学与工程计算、数据分析与处理等工作;目标3:具备团队合作能力、沟通表达能力和工程管理能力;目标4:具有创新精神,具备自主学习和持续发展的能力。.Educational Objectives This major aims to cultivate science professionals with skills in software developing and scientific computi

4、ng, who have background in information processing and scientific and engineering computing, and to ensure the students overall development in moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic aspects to meet the needs of socialist modernization construction. Cultivate application-oriented professionals sk

5、ills in mathematical thinking and help them establish a solid foundation for mathematics and to acquire some basic theories, approaches and skills in information and computer science. Train students applied skills in mathematical modeling, data analysis and processing, scientific research, science a

6、nd technology innovation, etc. Eensure students proficiency in modern computer skills in software developing, science and engineering computing, data analysis and process. Graduates of this major will be able to undertake jobs as software developing and big data analysis and processing, management,

7、Apps developing, teaching, scientific computing, etc. in research institutes, schools, stocks exchanges, financial fields, or they can continue to pursue their major or other majors in graduate school.Goal 1: Acquire knowledge and skills that Information and computer science needs fundamental mathem

8、atics, scientific computing, applied engineering, etc. ;Goal 2: Be competent in jobs as algorithm design and analysis, software developing ,statistical analysis, numerical calculation, and so on;Goal 3:Have skills in team work, communication and engineering management. Goal 4:Have capabilities of in

9、novation, self-learning and sustainable development. 三、培养规格及要求系统学习数学专业基础知识,具有良好的数学基础和数学素养,掌握信息科学、科学与工程计算、软件开发与大数据分析与处理的相关专业知识,熟练使用科学与工程计算、数据处理等常用软件,接受数学建模、软件开发与程序设计、科学与工程计算、大数据分析与处理等方面的实践训练,培养具有本学科及跨学科的科学研究与开发能力的复合型高级人才。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识、能力和素质:知识要求(K1- K6):K1:具备扎实的数理基础知识;K2:具有一定的人文、艺术、法律、经济、管理等学基础知识;K3

10、:掌握扎实的计算机程序语言基础;K4:掌握算法分析与程序设计的基本理论,大数据处理和分析的基本知识;K5:掌握信息科学与科学工程计算的基本理论知识;K6:具备通过现代信息技术手段及时了解本专业领域的理论前沿和发展动态的相关知识。能力要求(A1- A8):A1:具有良好的数学思维能力、数学表达能力;A2:能熟练使用本专业相关(包括常用计算机语言、工具和一些专用软件),具有基本的科学计算算法分析能力,较强的编程与软件开发能力和初步网络编程能力。A3:能运用专业的理论方法和技能,特别是运用数学建模能力分析和解决工程、科研和生产中的实际问题; A4:具备文献检索、资料查询和撰写科学论文的能力;A5:具

11、备较强的沟通交流能力和团队协作意识以及创业能力;A6:对信息科学或计算科学理论和技术的前沿、发展动态具有一定的敏感性和理解力;A7:具有一定的创造性思维能力、创新实践能力及管理能力;A8:具备熟练地掌握一门外语,能阅读本专业外文资料,并具备一定的听、读、说、写的能力。素质要求(Q1- Q5):Q1:坚定共产主义信念,具备健全的人格;Q2:健康的体魄、良好的心理素质和人文修养;Q3:社会责任感和勇于担当;Q4:良好的数学素养和职业道德操守;Q5:较强的创新精神和团队协作素养。.Skills ProfileStudents in this major will systematically lea

12、rn the modern mathematical knowledge like algebra,geometry and data analysis,and have a good foundation and quality for should learn and apply other related knowledge like information science,scientific and engineering computation,software development and large data analysis and processing as should

13、 be trained in mathematical model, software development and programming scientific and engineering computation, large data analysis and processing,and so on. Students in this major should be professional in academic research and technological development.K1: Students must have a good understanding o

14、f math.K2: Student should have a basic knowledge of humanity, art, law, and economy. K3: Students should have a solid foundation of knowledge for computer programming language.K4: Students should know basic theoretical knowledge of data analysis, programming, large data analysis and processing.K5: S

15、tudents should have a basic theoretical knowledge of information science and scientific engineering computation.K6: Students should be able to know the forefront of the professional theories and professional development by means of modern information technology.Requirements for ability:R1: Students

16、should have mathematical thinking and expression skills.R2: Students should be able to apply the related professional knowledge (involved common computer languages ,query tools and specialized software),and do well in the analysis of scientific computation,programming and software development,and primary network programming.R3: Students should apply p



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