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1、 Overview of Basic Education Development in Hubei Province 湖北省基础教育湖北省基础教育 发展概况发展概况 二二0一一年四月一一年四月 April 2011 湖北省概况湖北省概况Hubei ProvinceHubei Province湖北教育概况湖北教育概况Hubei educationHubei education湖北基础教育概况湖北基础教育概况The Elementary Education of HubeiThe Elementary Education of Hubei 基础教育改革和发展的主要措施基础教育改革和发展的主要措施T

2、he Elementary Education Reform and The Elementary Education Reform and Main ResortMain Resort一、湖北省概况一、湖北省概况 Hubei ProvinceHubei Province全省人口:全省人口:61006100万人万人Hubei province with 61million populationHubei province with 61million population 国土面积:国土面积:18.618.6万平方公里万平方公里land area over 180,000sq.kmland a

3、rea over 180,000sq.km 包括:包括:1212个省辖市个省辖市 over 12 citiesover 12 cities 1 1个自治州个自治州 1 autonomous prefecture1 autonomous prefecture 3 3个直管市个直管市 1 1个林区个林区 1 forestry zone1 forestry zone 辖辖103103个县(市、区)个县(市、区) 103 counties (county-level cities and districts) 103 counties (county-level cities and district

4、s) 省会:武汉省会:武汉Wuhan city is the capital cityWuhan city is the capital city. 52.84万人万人各类学校各类学校在校生在校生教职工教职工专任教师专任教师1160万人万人72万人万人1.84万所万所二、湖北教育概况二、湖北教育概况 Hubei education18,400 schools of various levels and types 11,6 million students 528,400 teachers 720,000 faculty members 初中入学率初中入学率99.6399.63 the cur

5、rent entry rate of middle school have reached 99.63%高中阶段毛入学率为高中阶段毛入学率为87.287.2 The gross entrance rate of high schoolhave reached 87.2% 高等教育毛入学率高等教育毛入学率32.932.9 The gross entrance rate of higher education have reached 32.9% 终身教育体系终身教育体系 The life-long education system has basically come into shape 小学

6、入学率小学入学率99.9699.96the current entry rate of primary school have reached 99.96% 九年义务教育全面普及九年义务教育全面普及 The 9year compulsory education has been universal The 9year compulsory education has been universal 三、湖北基础教育概况三、湖北基础教育概况 The Elementary EducationThe Elementary Education of Hubeiof Hubei学前教育学前教育Presch

7、ool EducationPreschool Education 义务教育义务教育Compulsory EducationCompulsory Education 高中阶段教育高中阶段教育High School EducationHigh School Education 学前教育学前教育 Preschool Education Preschool Education 政府主导、社会参与、公民办并举政府主导、社会参与、公民办并举政府主导、社会参与、公民办并举政府主导、社会参与、公民办并举 government lead, society participate and state run go

8、vernment lead, society participate and state run government lead, society participate and state run kindergarten and non state run kindergartenkindergarten and non state run kindergartenkindergarten and non state run kindergarten 幼儿园:4395所4395 kindergartens4395 kindergartens在园幼儿111.84万人 1,118,400 pu

9、pils 1,118,400 pupils 三年入园率57%about57% of the kids at the age of threeabout57% of the kids at the age of three 义务教育义务教育 Compulsory Education Compulsory Education小学入学率99.96 The current entry rate of primary school have reached 99.96% 初中入学率99.63 The current entry rate of middle school have reached 99.

10、63% 义务义务义务教育教育教育教育教育教育 Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory EducationEducationEducation 均衡均衡均衡均衡均衡均衡发发发展展展展展展 Balanced Balanced Balanced development development development 高中阶段教育高中阶段教育 High School Education High School Education 毛入学率为87.2 87.287.2 gross entrance rategross entrance rate普通高中教育与中等职业教育谐调发展

11、 high school education and junior vocational educationhigh school education and junior vocational education developing coordinately developing coordinately 享受国家助学金:enjoying the state grantsenjoying the state grants 90以上中职在校学生90% junior vocational school students90% junior vocational school students

12、20%的普通高中在校学生20% high school students20% high school students 各阶段教育情况各阶段教育情况All levels of education conditionAll levels of education condition类 别type校(园)数schools 在校(园)学生数students in school 专任教师数teachers 幼儿园kindergarten 4394111836038494小 学Primaryschool 77493655512196078初 中junior high 21842180937156836

13、普通高中senior high 603123736271126合 计total 149301493081921718192171462534462534四、基础教育改革和发展的主要措施四、基础教育改革和发展的主要措施 四大工程 两项机制 调整、改革基础教育的课程体系、结构、内容。 构建符合素质教育要求的新的基础教育课程体系。 学前教育三年行动计划 公办幼儿园建设工程 新建和改扩建幼儿园1500所 幼儿园园长和教师培训提高工程 学前教育工作奖励计划 推进义务教育均衡发展推进义务教育均衡发展 实施基础教育课程改革实施基础教育课程改革 大力发展学前教育大力发展学前教育 四、基础教育改革和发展的主要措

14、施四、基础教育改革和发展的主要措施 The Elementary Education Reform and Main ResortThe Elementary Education Reform and Main R11、4 educational projects 2、2 tasks 21、the adjustment of basic education curriculum, structure and contents.2、 meet the need of education for all-round development3promote the balanced developm

15、ent of compulsory education Curricula Reform To expand the preschool education program 1、three year plan for the preschooling; 2、construction program for the state run kindergarten ;3、build and rebuild kindergarten 1500;4、kindergarten principals and teachers to promote their professionalism. 5、a novel reward system 谢谢 谢谢 ! Thank you谢谢观赏WPSOfficeMakePresentationmuchmorefunWPS官方微博kingsoftwps



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