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1、中考英语复习之非谓语动词一、定义:在句子中充当除谓语以外的句子成分的动词形式叫做非谓语动词(它不受人称和数的限制),涉及不定式、动名词和分词(目前分词和过去分词)二、动词不定式(一).不定式的基本形式:o+V原,不定式的否认形式:notto+V原(二)不定式的句法功能(不定式在句中能作主语、表语、宾语、定语、宾补、状语).不定式作主语 动词不定式作主语时,常用t作形式主语,真正的主语不定式置于句末:aIe+名词+to o sth.It take s. soetme to d thc.Itbe+形容词+o fr sb+to osth当形容词表达人的品质时,用o不用for. (carele,cev

2、er,od,olis,hoest,id,lazy,nic,right,sil,supid,wise,cl)2不定式作宾语常与不定式做宾语连用的动词有:dlke,ant,hope, wsh,lke,decde,plan,lern,rn, refu,.在fid,ik后跟不定式作宾语时,常用it替代,而将真正的宾语放在句末。I in i easy t read Englsh every ay.常用的某些不带的动词不定式的用法:wy ot do sh?whydont yudo sth? hd bettr (not)d sth,woul ather do st,cold/wld yu please(nt

3、)do sth?3.不定式作表语 Her b olen the hl4.不定式作宾语补足语 want, ish,ask, el,help, advise,each, alow, wait or, vit,woud lie,encoure后跟动词不定式作宾补;使役动词和感官动词常用省略的不定式作宾补,但变为被动语态时,必须加上o.(一感二听三让四看五协助)fel,h,litn to,let,make,hav,ok at,e,wac,notic,help.不定式作定语 动词不定式作定语,应放在名词之后;不定式为不及物动词时,且与所修饰的词之间有动宾关系,要在不定式后加上合适的介词。H foun a

4、good ose to lve in不定式常与疑问词wat,whch,wh,wher,how连用,相称于一种宾语从句。He ddnt ko hre to go.= didn knw whre esould g.只能接不定式动词的口诀:决定想做筹划需要批准能做被用来做的事,迫不及待下决心做过去常常未能做的事dieo do st.决定做某事,antwul lieo dost.想做某事,plno dosth.筹划做某某事,ai tdo未能做某事ed to sh.需要做某事,agree to o h.批准做某事,afford to d能做某事,e used to 被用来做,can ait to d迫不

5、及待地要做某事,make p oes mndtodo下决心做某事,used o o过去常常做某事sk b. to dsth.祈求某人做某事,tell sb. to dosh命令某人做某事,want sb. do st.想要某人做某事ivite sb todo th邀请某人做某事,t sb. to do th.期待某人做某事,encoug . todo h鼓励某人做某事adviesb. to oth.建议某人做某事,romise s d答应某人做某事,all .t dsth.容许某人做某事remidsb.to do sth. 提示某人做某事,hs.(o) d sh.协助某人做某事三、动名词(一)

6、、动名词的构成:动词原形-ing(二)、动名词的句法功能(动名词在句中可作主语、宾语、表语和定语)ating o muh i b f your elt.Ilike playing bsketbll ver uch.Stamps ar usedrsding letters.His hobys colletg stampshe is thereadin m.(三)、常用接动名词作宾语的动词:喜欢、考虑不可免,停止、放弃大冒险,介意想象莫推延,规定完毕是渴望,建议继续勤练,不禁原谅要坚持,继续注意使成功。(eny,cnsier,void,stop,v up,i,ind,imaine,ut ff, e

7、ir,fiish,lookrad t,sugs,go on,practce, hel,ecus,inss on,eep on,py atntion to,ucceein)enoy doi sh.喜欢做某事,spend.ongst.耗费做某事,be bsy ding st忙于做 imagie sb.oin th.想象做某事,cant help ding sh.忍不住做某事,fel like dong s.想要做某事finishdin st.完毕做某事,pratic oig sh. 练习做某事,is doig h错过做某事suges doing th.建议做某事,ke (n) ding sh.保持

8、(继续)做某事,md doig sh.介意做某事b orthdoin sth.值得做某事,cse oin sth.考虑做某事,be god at g th擅长做某事 e inteested in oing th.对做某事感爱好,e used for doing th.被用来做某事thnk s fordoing th.谢谢某人做某be aid o oinsth胆怯做某事,put offdoi推迟做某事,keep/stos.from dig h.制止某人做某事,gve u doingsth.放弃做某事,wihot dig s.没有做某事,thnkaoutoing t.考虑做某事,ht/How ab

9、ot doin 做某事怎么样?look rwar t dongth盼望做某事payatenton to oing th.注意关注做某事be usedt doing h习惯于做某事,prefe doing sth to doi sth.相比做,更喜欢做四、分词(一)分词的构成:目前分词的基本形式由动词+-in构成,过去分词由动词+ed构成。(二)分词的句法构成:分词在句中可作定语、状语、表语和补语D yukno te g stnig und the te? Plse nd iyowitten xercsesThe tdentwnt ou ofh lssroo,taki an ughin. Sen

10、 fo te hill,ourschoolokmre beaful.Thbis too frghtened to ov. Dont kee us wating aongtme.I her hiingg n the classro Hllhave hishair cut afer sch.目前分词作宾补,目前分词与宾语构成积极关系;过去分词作宾补,过去分词与宾语构成被动关系。五、动词不定式与动名词作宾语的区别1rgt o dsth 忘掉去做某事(事未做) oget doist 忘掉做过某事(事已做)2.rember odo t记住去做某事(事未做) remember oingth记得做了某事(事

11、已做3.mea to o sth 打算,想做某事 mendoing sth意味着做了某事4topo do t停下来去做(另一件事) stopdon h 停止做某事.ry oo sth竭力去做某事 y dingsh试着做某事6.go on to oth 接着做(此外一件事) g ndoing sth 继续做某事(前后做的是同一件事)7usdtod th过去常常做某事 b se to doin sth习惯做某事8ee to sth需要去做某事(主语是人,表积极) e dointh需要做某事(主语是物,表被动) 六、如何判断使用谓语动词还是非谓语动词当句子缺少谓语时,该动词就要使用谓语动词形式(体现

12、时态和语态);当句子已有谓语动词且无并列连词时,该动词就用非谓语动词形式。1M. th ldis so e ftball mt becuse f th eam(呼和浩特)A.o to watch to not wah Cnot watching .doestwtc2.Sara,you etr drink mo trfter forsu a ong time.(广州)Arn B.run C.to rn .running3Myprent didnalw to te rt. (天津)go to C. e .went4.-It oo odtodayuld o in th window? -rtainly not.Go ahed.(安顺) A.o clos B.clsing C.lse D.losed5.Why ot your friends fo help hen oureroule (安顺)Aak .toas .aks .asin6-So beutifulfower! I cant ecie fo my mo.-For Mohes D,it cnbebette ae se crton(康乃馨).(福州)


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