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1、武汉市 2014 高考英语阅读理解训练题(20)附答案LONDON( Reuters ) - Britain needs to spend up to onebillion poundsa year to protecteasily destroyed English wildlife habitats from climate change, intensive(集约)farming and population growth, a government-backed report said on Friday.Iturged the government to transformconse

2、rvationpolicyin the next40 years to avoida devastating loss of the countryside that supports thousands of important plants,trees and animals.BritishecologistJohn Lawton,who ledthe year-longstudy,saidEnglandswildlifehabitats are too small and isolated to protect many species from increased strains in

3、 coming decades.Creating a stronger, better connected network of well-managed habitats will costbetween 600 million pounds and 1.1 billion pounds each year, the report estimated(估计) .Failure to act could lead to the loss of areas rich with diverse species, such as meadows, wiids and rivers, the repo

4、rt said. Centuries of human activity have helpedto shape these habitats and they will need ongoing management if they are to survive, it said.The United Nations called on world leaders this week to take bold action to preserve animal and plant species. It says the world is facing the worst losses si

5、nce the dinosaurs vanished 65 million years ago.England has at least55,000 species,includingsignificantlevelsof bats,bumblebees,wildfowl and mature oak trees.The pace and scale of environmental change over the last 50 years was worrying and is likely to get worse, the report said.Future threats incl

6、ude extreme weather, droughts(干旱) , rising sea levels and thelossofareas likewet grasslandstofarmingto feed a growingpopulation,the reportsaid.Itsauthorsmade 24 recommendationsto createstrongerhabitats.The measures include- 1 -bettermanagement ofhabitats,settingup new ecologicalrestorationimproved w

7、ater quality and flood protection17 According to the passage, which of the following is not the cause of the lossof wildlife habitats?AClimate changeB Population growthCIntensive farmingD Decreasing habitats18 The underlined word“ meadows” in Paragraph 7 probably means.Aa species of animalsB mountai

8、nsCpieces of grasslandD forests19 What can we infer from the text?ASome wet grasslands were lost probably because of extreme weather.BEngland has at least 55,000 endangered species.C Better management of habitats will probably lead to stronger habitats forwildlife.DEngland has taken measures to prot

9、ect its wildlife habitats.20 What is the main idea of the text?AThe British government will transform conservation policies in the next 40years.BBritain must act now to save wildlife habitats.CThe experts called on the world leaders to protect wildlife habitats.DSome British ecologists made a study

10、of wildlife.17 20、 DCCB*结束河北省高考英语二轮复习专题训练:阅读理解(43)zonesand- 2 -Once I saw a sign hanging in a classroom that read,“Your Mother Doesn t WorkHere- Clean Up Your OwnMess.” There must be a re ason why such a signwas everycreated.Your child is never too young for housework.From thetimeyourchildcan walkan

11、d understandbasiccommandsyou can startteachingthe fine art of putting things away. Put your cup on the table for Mommy. Youngerchildrenare capable ofhelpingfeed the pets,puttingclothesaway and can certainlyfind the toy box to pick up after playing.Other areas younger children may be able to help wit

12、h include bringing their ownlaundry basket into their room and cleaning countertops with paper towels. Youllfind thatchildrenreallywanttohelp. Theyfeelgrown up and specialhelpingmommyand daddy.As the childrenage, youllneed to increasetheirresponsibilities.By thetimetheyare five they should be able t

13、o help quite a bit in the kitchen. They can help mixbaking items;setthe table,clearthe table;and loadand empty dishwasher. Childreneven enjoy dusting. Itsreallya shame thatenthusiasm doesntcarryover intoadultlife!First through fifth graders ought to be able to let pets outside (and back in again)as well as take the pets for a walk. Theyll get excited about the opportunity ofmaking you a meal .It doesnt matter if they leave your car soap streaked from washing it. Theyrelearning and youre teaching. Teach your elementary aged child to fold and hang upthe laundry and youll


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