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1、摘 要随着我国城镇化加快,农村劳动力向城镇转移,非农就业人口逐渐增多,农户兼业化经营成为我国农业生产的新常态。农户兼业经营扩大了收入来源,近年来,兼业农户中非农收入所占比重越来越大,改善了农民的生活质量,缓解了农民的资金压力。但与此同时,农户兼业化经营会引起农村劳动力外移,进而造成农村务农劳动力数量不足,出现空心村,青壮年劳动力外出,留下老人、妇女和儿童在家,农村地区用于农业生产的劳动力严重不足,给粮食生产带来负面影响。然而,农户兼业化经营的收入效应又可以支撑农户在农业生产中投入更多的资金,农户可以利用非农收入购买种子、化肥等提高粮食产量,购买农机、农具等来弥补劳动力的不足。农户兼业会增加农户




5、金优势以改善耕作管理水平创造条件的同时,应警惕兼业经营程度进一步加深后,农户耕作管理粗放化、技术效率损失加剧给农业生产带来的不利影响;从提高农业生产稳定性角度看,提供自然灾害预警服务、增强农户减灾应灾能力、减轻兼业经营户的劳动力约束,是保障农业产出稳定的关键。 关键词:农户兼业;生产资金投入;劳动力资本投入 IIAbstractWith the acceleration of Chinas urbanization, the transfer of rural labor force to urban areas and the gradual increase of non-agricult

6、ural employment, the co-employment of rural households has become the new normal of Chinas agricultural production. In recent years, the proportion of non-agricultural income among the part-time farmers has increased, which has greatly improved the quality of life of farmers and alleviated their fin

7、ancial pressure. But at the same time, farmers delelopment operation will cause the outward flow of rural labor force, resulting in rural farming labor shortage, our country appear a large number of hollow village, young adults go out, leaving the elderly, women and children at home, a serious short

8、age of labor force for agricultural production, rural areas as a threat of grain production in China. However, the income effect of farmers part-time operation allows them to invest more money in agricultural production. Farmers can use their non-agricultural income to buy seeds and fertilizers to i

9、ncrease production, and buy agricultural machinery and tools instead of manual labor to make up for the shortage of labor force. Therefore, the part-time employment of rural households will increase the income of rural households and reduce the agricultural labor force, thereby affecting the input a

10、nd output of agriculture. However, there is still a big controversy about the impact and whether it will lead to the reduction of agricultural production. In this paper, it is engaged in agricultural production the delelopment of farmers as the research object, from two aspects of capital investment

11、 and human capital investment to study the effect of concurrent-business farmers to invest in agricultural production, help us from the perspective of a more detailed, more comprehensive understanding of the relationships between concurrent-business farmers and food production, for the correct respo

12、nse to Chinas farmers delelopment permanent basis, to provide the reference to protect the safety of food in our country. Concurrent-business behavior evaluation, this paper from the farmers delelopment of peasant household behavior motivation, influencing factors of concurrent-business farmers and

13、the agricultural production investment from several aspects of research are discussed, based on this, for concurrent-business farmers for agricultural production, investment, capital investment and human capital investment from production two aspects is proposed in this paper, the research hypothesi

14、s, mainly include: farmers delelopment promotes farming ageing labor force; Rural households concurrently working will increase the proportion of women in the agricultural labor force; It will reduce the education level of the agricultural labor force. Farmers part-time employment will improve the t

15、raining level of agricultural labor force; Rural households concurrently working will increase capital input in agricultural production. Then, this paper constructs a regression model, analyzes the impact of farmers co-employment on agricultural production investment with the method of empirical ana

16、lysis, and deals with the endogenous problem of variables with the method of instrumental variables. After analysis, the conclusion is as follows: 1) the number of agricultural production labor force decreases, the aging degree increases, the proportion of women increases, and the education level decreases. 2) the increase of rural households investment in agricultural production is promoted by their co-employment; 3) the improvement of agricultural production



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