北师大版 选修7 U20 New frontiers知识点归纳

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1、北师大版选修7 Unit 20 New frontiers知识点归纳知识点一:重点词语1. in advance预先 ,提前11. science fictions科幻小说2. give away泄露秘密12. downloads下载文件3. take over接收接管13. update computers更新电脑4. in the 19th century 在19世纪14. mass - production 大量生产5. carry out执行15. by mistake错误的 ,无意的6. in the summer of 1905在1905年的夏天16. be grateful (t

2、o sb) for sth.感谢7. 100 feet long 100英尺长17. in case以防 ,万一8. manned flight载人飞船18. end with 以结束9. important inventions重要的创造19. in the initial stage在开始阶段10. be associated with有联系的20. drop off下降知识点二:核心单词1. electronic adj.电子的This dictionary is available in electronic version.这部词典有电子版。 辨析:electric为“电的 ,用电的

3、 ,带电的 ,指任何电动的或发电的装置 ,被修饰的物体本身可带电。electrical 为“电的 ,与电有关的 ,指与电有关的事物 ,被修饰的词本身并本能带电。(1) Please connect the two electric wires.(2) He buried himself in an electrical book.(3) I love electronic music.2. conflict n. 冲突;矛盾 vi.发生冲突There is, in fact, no conflict.其实并不矛盾。The hours of the two meetings conflict.这

4、两个会议时间发生冲突。 拓展:come into conflict 发生冲突 conflict with sb./ sth 与有分歧(1) 中国法律与国际法律之间有分歧吗? Do Chinese laws conflict with any international laws?(2) 这两个室友经常闹矛盾。The two roommates often come into conflict.3. instruction n.使用说明 ,须知常用复数;指令 ,教育 ,教学I read the instruction on the bottle.我读了瓶子上的用法说明。Instruction k

5、nows no class distinction.教育无贵贱之分。有教无类辨析:explanation n.解释 description n.描述 拓展:give instructions to sb./ sth.给某人发出指令(1) The beauty of the sunrise is beyond description描述.(2) Before taking the medicine, you ought to study the instruction使用说明or follow the doctors advice.(3) Reasonable as his explanatio

6、n解释for his his absence sounded, I wouldnt accept it.4. wonder vi & vt. 感到惊异;好奇 ,想知道n.惊异 ,惊叹不可数;奇迹 ,奇观可数用法:作不及物动词时 ,wonder后面常接介词about和at;作及物动词时 ,wonder后面可以接“疑问词+不定式或者宾语从句。Do you often wonder about the future of the world?你是否经常想知道未来世界会是什么样子?All the other passengers died in the accident. I wonder at th

7、e fact that he survived.所有其他的乘客都在事故中死了。他存活下来了 ,我感到很奇怪。I was wondering how to get there quickly. 我想知道怎么去那里最快。I wonder when we will set off.我想知道我们什么时候出发。 搭配:(1) wonder about sth. 对感到好奇 ,想知道(2) wonder at sth.对感到惊讶/奇怪(3) It is no wonder (that) = No wonder (that).缺乏为奇 ,难怪。 The children looked up in wonde

8、r at the big elephant.孩子们惊异地抬头看那只大象。 Television is one of the wonders of modern science.电视是现代科学奇迹之一。 Her child was missing, it is no wonder she is upset.她孩子不见了 ,难怪她很伤心。 I wonder if you can finish the job on your own.我想知道你是否可以独立完成这项工作。 I wonder at his carelessness.对他的粗心我感到惊讶。5. split v. 劈开 ,使裂开 ,分担 ,

9、分享 n. 分裂 Some kinds of wood split easily.有些木材容易劈开。 Well split the cost of the petrol.我们平摊了邮费。 拓展:(1) split up with断绝关系 ,别离(2) split into分成我们分成两组搜索了树林。We split into two and searched the forest.我决定同他绝交。I decide to split up with him.6. cure v. 治愈 ,治疗 n.治愈 ,疗法 The only way to cure backache is to rest.治愈

10、悲哀的唯一方法是休息。 When I left the hospital I was completely cured.出院时 ,我已经完全痊愈了。 There is still no cure for the common cold.目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。提示:cure表示治病的良药=medicine时 ,后面接介词for。辨析:treat意为“治疗 ,不一定治愈;cure那么指“治愈 ,且与treat搭配不同;heal意为“治愈 ,但其多用于指治愈外伤wound, injury, cut, burn etc. 搭配:(1) treat sb. for a disease治疗某人的疾病(

11、2) cure sb.of sb.治好某人的疾病 The only way to cure headache is to rest.治疗头疼的唯一方法就是休息。 The doctor cured his father of cancer.医生治好了他父亲的癌症。7. shortly adv.不久 ,很快=soon 搭配:(1) shortly before.在前不久(2) short after.在后不久I shall be in touch with you again shortly.我很快再和你联系。The temple was rebuilt shortly after war战争后不

12、久 ,寺庙就被重建了。8. declare vt. 宣布 ,公告 vi.声明 ,表示 She declared that he knew nothing about the accident.她声称她对这起交通事故一无所知。 Jones was declared the winner.琼斯倍宣布为冠军。 We declared for their proposal.我们声明赞成他们的建议。 说明:可接that从句 ,也可接形容词或名词作补语。 搭配:declare for 声明赞成declare against声明反对 ,表态反对运用:用declare翻译以下句子。(1) 他声称自己是无罪的。

13、He declared that he was innocent / himself innocent / himself to be innocent.(2) 人民生命反对这场战争。The people declare against the war.(3) 我现在宣布会议开幕。I now declare this meeting open. 拓展:(1) declaration n.宣布;公布(2) the Declaration of Independence独立宣言(3) announce (vt.) announcement (n.)通知;布告9. donate v.捐献(1) 她吧

14、自己的书捐赠给图书馆。She donated her boos to the library.2献血是我们的义务。Donating blood is our responsibility. 派生:donation n.捐献 联想:collect / raise money for sb./ sth. 为某人/某事募捐10. correspond v. 通信 ,符合 ,相当 搭配:(1) correspond with sb. 和某人通信=communicate with sb.(2) corresponded with sth. 与相符合(3) correspond to sth.相当于运用:

15、(1) 他所说的跟他所做的相符合言行一致。What he said corresponds to what he did.(2) 美国的国会相当于英国的议会。The American Congress corresponded with the British Parliament.(3) 我已多年没跟我的老朋友通信了。I havent correspond with my old friend for years.11. worn adj. 破烂的 ,损坏的;精疲力竭的 说明:worn是wear的过去分词。 拓展:worn out破旧的 ,精疲力竭的运用:(1) 由于她照顾年迈的母亲 ,她疲惫不堪。She was worn out from looking after her elderly mother.(2) 客厅里有四把破旧的扶手椅。There four worn-out armchairs in the living roo


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