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1、疯狂英语发音口诀表kkIPA例词例句1/i/ipleasePlease speak English with me. 请和我说英语。2/I/IdifficultIts not difficult to speak English. 说英语不难。3/Z/eeverythingEverything is ready. 一切都准备好了。4/A/ApracticePractice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。5/Q/QluckyIm just lucky to win her love. 我只是幸运地赢得了她的芳心。6/togetherAmerica and China should wo

2、rk together. 中美应携手合作。7/ /:perfectHe speaks perfect English.他讲一口流利的英语。8/L/rememberRemember to call your mother.记得给你母亲打电话。9/botherSorry to bother you. 对不起,打搅了。10/R/ : /alwaysAlways say “please” and “thank you”.要常说“请”和“谢谢”。11/J/JbookYou should read as many books as possible. 你应该尽量多读书。12/u/u:foodMy favo

3、rite food is noodles. 我最喜欢吃面条。13/e/eImistakeDont be afraid of making mistakes. 不要怕犯错误。14/aI/aIChinaIs this your first time in China? 这是你第一次来中国吗?15/o/uhopeI hope to see you again soon. 我希望能再次见到你。16aJaJoutstandingYoure an outstanding teacher. 你是一位杰出的老师。17/Br/B:charmingYou have a charming smile. 你的微笑非常

4、迷人。18/Cr/ r importantIts important to practice English every day. 每天操练英文很重要。 19Ir/iE/clearTry to keep your pronunciation clear. 保持发音的清晰很重要。20Zr/ZE/careWe should all care about the environment. 我们都应该爱护环境。21Jr/uE/sureIm sure you will enjoy it. 我相信你会喜欢的。22/p/p/impossibleNothing is impossible. 无事不可能。23/

5、b/b/believeBelieve in yourself. 相信你自己。24/t/t/timeDont waste time. 别浪费时间。25/d/d/decideLet me know what you decide. 告诉我你的决定。26/k/k/keepKeep up the good work. 再接再厉。27/g/g/governmentOur government did a good job. 我们的政府表现很出色。28/f/f/feelI can feel your feeling. 我们可以体会到你的感受。29/v/v/neverIve been never in lo

6、ve before. 我从来没有谈过恋爱。30/s/s/impressI was so impressed with his excellent speech last night .他昨晚出色的演讲给我留下了深刻的印象。31/z/z/presentThis present is a pleasant surprise . 这份礼物真让人惊喜。32/F/F/appreciateI really appreciate your cooperation in the competition.我非常感谢你在比赛中的合作。33/V/V/casualDont make a casual decision

7、 on such an unusual occasion.在这样不寻常的场合,请不要随便作出决定。34/W/W/bathroomI need to use the bathroom. 我要上洗手间。35/T/T/ratherId rather eat southern food than northern food.我宁愿吃南方菜,也不吃北方菜。36/h/h/heartI had a heart-to-heart talk with him. 我和他有一次推心置腹的谈话。37/r/r/terrificYou look terrific today. 你今天看起来棒极了。38/tF/tF/cha

8、ngeChina is changing everyday. 中国每天都在改变。39/dV/dV/jobI enjoy my job as a college teacher. 我很喜欢大学老师这份工作。40/m/m/amazingMy mom is an amazing woman. 我妈妈是一个了不起的女人。41/n/n/dinnerDinner is between seven and nine. 晚餐在七点与九点之间。42/N/N/studyingWe are studying reading and writing. 我们正在学习阅读和写作。43/l/l/learningLearni

9、ng something new everyday. 每天都学点新东西。44/ l /l/helpfulYou have been very helpful lately. 你最近帮了大忙。45/w/w/whereWhere there is a will , there is a way . 有志者事竟成。46/j/j/youngerYou look younger than your age . 你看上去比你的年龄要年轻。47/tr/tr/trustDont trust him hes not telling the truth. 不要相信他,他说的不是真话。48/dr/dr/dreamI will try my best to make my dreams come true! 我会全力以赴实现我的梦想。49/ts/ts/lotsI have lots of friends. 我有很多朋友。50/dz/dz/regardsPlease give my regards to your parents. 请代我向你的父母问好。


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