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1、人教版初中英语九年级上 Unit5 Section B 教学课例分析 黄冈市团风县李四光中学 凌则敏【背景介绍】新课标指出要培养学生参与、探究、体验、创新、合作、自主等学习方式,这就要求教师在授课过程中以学生为中心,尽量在课堂上设计丰富的活动和任务,创设情景、鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,寓学于乐,增强趣味性。从而提高学生的学习能力,提高英语的学习效率。高效课堂中的小组合作学习让每个学生都积极参与思考,讨论,成为课堂的主人【教学内容】本节课是人教版初中英语九年级上 Unit5 Section B部分,它讲述了小区钟楼附近发生的一件怪事,不同的人对这件事的不同猜测,复习和巩固这一单元对事物进行推测,

2、预测的句型must be, could be, may be, might be, cant be【课例】Unit5 It must belong to Carla.Section B (3a4)I. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects (1) Key Vocabulary unhappy, extremely, interview, noise, wind, neighbor, footstep, garbage, mystery, director, monkey, escape, (2) Target Language They t

3、hink it might be the wind.There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.2. Ability Objects (1) Train students reading skill. (2) Train students writing skill.(3) Train students integrating skills.3. Moral Object Everyone has had a dream. But dont dream away your time. . Teaching Key

4、 and Difficult Points1.to learn the passage and can make inferences.2.to master the important phrases and language point.Teaching Procedures Step1: Revision Show a cellphone to the students, let them guess whose cellphone is it. Review the usage of “must/ could /may/ might/cant be/ belong to. Step 2

5、: presentation 1. Show the new words, students read them one by one, then read the words follow the tape and check the pronunciation. 2. Before reading 3a,Let students finish task1: look at the picture and answer the questions.(1). What can you see in the picture? (2). How may the person in the pict

6、ure feel? 3. While reading 3a,Let students finish task2: read, think and answer the following questions.(1).Where is the article(文章)from?(2).What is the passage about?(3).What is the strange thing? (4).What do the people think of it? Fill in the blank. Zhou Gus wife thinks _. Zhou Gus friends and Zh

7、ou Gu think _ Zhou Gus parents think _. Qi Hui thought _,but he couldnt see_and he still heard_4. After reading 3a, Let students finish task 3: find out the phrases in 3a . used to these days in our neighborhood be interviewed by have fun call the police next door at first Step 3.Consolidation. 1. L

8、et students explain the usage of some important phrases and sentence structure.(1) sth.+ happen +地点/时间sth.+ happen+to sb.sb.+ happen+ to do sth.(2) called the police, anything strange(3) there must be sb./sth.there be sb./ sth doing sththere must be sb./sth. doing sth.(4) sound, noise 与 voice的区别(5)

9、escape from(6) an ocean of 2. Discuss in groups, and finish 3c and 4. Step4. Practice Do some exercises, then check the answers, let the students explain the exercise that students are easy to make mistakes.Step5.homework Writing, finish 3b, offer the students some help if necessary.课例分析教师在开始上课时,就设计






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